#study hangeul


Fruit Vocabulary


Study with flashcards, games and a test! Beat my score!


1. 두리안 Durian

2. 딸기 Strawberry

3. 라임 Lime

4. 레몬 Lemon

5. 망고 Mango

6. 바나나 Banana

7. 배 Pear

8. 복숭아 Peach

9. 블랙베리 Blackberry

10. 사과 Apple

11. 산딸기 Raspberry

12. 석류 Pomegranate

13. 아보카도 Avocado

14. 여지 Lychee

15. 자몽 Grapefruit

16. 키위 Kiwi

17. 파인애플 Pineapple

18. 포도 Grape

Mythology Vocabulary

Reply with any vocab I might have missed and I can add it on a part 2 of this list!

Studying Mythology Vocabulary on Quizlet:https://quizlet.com/327793859/mythology-vocabulary-flash-cards/?x=1jqU&i=izi4b

Click the link to study these vocabulary words with flashcards, games and a test! Beat my score!

1. 가마솥 Cauldron

2. 거인 Giant (large man)

3. 마녀 Witch

4. 마법 Magic

5. 마법사 Wizard/Magician

6. 마술 Witchcraft

7. 불사조 Phoenix

8. 성 Castle

9. 영원히 행복하게 실았다 Happily Ever After

10. 옛날 옛적에

11. 왕국 kingdom

12. 요술 Spell

13. 요술 지팡이 Magic wand

14. 요술을 걸다 Cast a spell

15. 요정 Fairy/Elf

16. 용 Dragon

17. 유니콘 Unicorn

18. 추방하다 Banish

19. 트롤 Troll

20. 휘두르다 Brandish/Wield (a wand)


Starting a new instagram to, hopefully, be more active! The instagram and this blog will be linked to each other.

My first question is on my story!

Send me a response telling me what Korean song you would like me to translate into English! I will post the vocabulary list and make a video explaining anything that I need to explain!
