#study inspiration


2020.07.21 | summer! things that makes me happy; 1) my secondhand copy of wuthering heights 2) coffee at 6 am 3) fish on my grandparents’ backyard.

2020.04.23 | biology notes always end up a little bit philosophical… remote learning stuff! hope everyone’s doing well ✨

2020.03.21 | Long time no see, everyone!

First year of high school has been an amazing 7 months roller coaster and I haven’t been having the time to be here, but it’s term break and I’m finally picking up French to stay productive!

2019.04.06 || I’m SUPER happy with my biology notes I hope you’ve all been doing well!

2019.04.03 || I’m sorry for being away for so long! Exam weeks have been tiring and draining and I’ve just been sitting in my lump studying, and then took a whole week off to sleep. But now I’m back to the productive run! Have some biology notes with p l a n t s ☘️

2019.03.14 | not pretty studying, aka this is what 4 days before national-basis school exam looks like ‍♀️ (i’m v stressed pls send help)

Hello hello language learning friends, I’ve added a pack of 8 productivity pages so you can organise

Hello hello language learning friends, I’ve added a pack of 8 productivity pages so you can organise your studies and reach your language learning goals! ✨

Includes goal planner, 100 days of productivity, study checklist, lesson summaries and more! It’s also available in 6 colours, all included in the download!! Head over to my shop to see the full list of pages included and colours available! ✨

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hey everyone !!

wow, it’s been so long. the last time i posted on here was probably fall 2016–a lot has happened since then. i successfully finished my freshman year at brown university, and i’m about to head back for sophomore year !! (i’m rooming with @chaifuelled – in a frat house of all places)

i wanted to take some time off to make sure i was ready for the transition to college, but i really want to get back into the studyblr game. i’ve been planning posts all summer and i can’t wait to share with you all. 

if you want me to check out your blog, please like this and/or message me with an introduction about yourself! a lot of the blogs i followed are now inactive, so i would love some new material on my dash/new people to follow.

i’m so excited to revamp! i’ll be redesigning my blog and content for the next few days, and throughout the next school year :)

Just Coffee 1 ☕️ | Welp my hiatus was longer than I promised sorry ;–; I’ll try to post at lea

Just Coffee 1 ☕️ | Welp my hiatus was longer than I promised sorry ;–; I’ll try to post at least once a week but no guarantee aslfjskak and my second year starts today so here’s some notes on a coffee class I’m taking this quarter :D

Post link



@studywitharmy ’s #TwoWeekStudyChallenge

day 6: what popular self-care ritual does nothing for you?

hmm well I’ve never really been into aromatherapy (but I’m currently trying it out!) and idk if crystals count but I’ve never tried that either. I love a lot of those self-care rituals so idk haha


I practiced a lot today and wrote these notes on how to practice music more effectively. I’m trying everything I can to push through until my audition!! it’s so hard to keep going over the summer ajdklf

day 1 of @studywitharmy’s 10 day study challenge: what self care did you practice today?

Today I worked on cleaning off my desk and sorting out my pencil case! I also washed my face really well first thing in the morning and let myself sleep in 2 hours later than usual after I stayed up pretty late last night. Sometimes, one has to compensate!! Hope you loves are having a great day :)


— wake up, learn feminist theory, live.


— wake up, learn feminist theory, live.


online pomodoro timer - perfect for days where you have several assignments to complete, this timer automatically tracks how many 25 minute sessions you complete, bringing up the five minute break timer between the first three, then the fifteen minute break timer following the fourth.

freedom for computer -this website blocks all but a list of websites you choose for as long as you need it to. i’ve found it’s great to keep me on task when drafting a longer essay i’ve already done all my research for.

forest for cellphone- i’ve linked to the one on the chrome store, but the best iteration of this app is definitely the one to keep you off your phone. something about having a small, fake tree’s life in your hands is very motivating and also frightening. plus, it’s satisfying to look back at your tiny forest after a long week.

quizlet- if you’re a student in 2021 and haven’t used quizlet what legitimately what you doing. while there isn’t the benefit of handwriting out flashcards and it’s a lot less aesthetic, it’s way more convenient for those of us with messy handwriting or who need to study on buses and the like. you don’t have to worry about dropping cards on the gross bus floor

notion- notion is already madly popular on studyblr, with many people making wildly aesthetic setups, but it doesn’t have to be all that complicated! in my opinion, lists are a very satisfying way to ensure you get everything you want to done, and notion is very nice for that. plus yeah the aesthetic arty fancy options are a bonus. 

friends and family - okay this one is definitely a cop out because it’s not actually a concrete study resource, but i’ve found it works really well to make sure my friends and family are holding me accountable. for friends, this means warning them ahead of time if there’s going to be a few days where they probably shouldn’t try to make plans with me or expect me to be on discord, and for family or roommates this means reminding them to be non-disruptive. don’t be rude to your friends and family though because being a kind person to those you love should definitely should come before academic success.


09.08.21| Aaah the results have been announced and I’m so proud to say that I have passed the math exam!! But now it’s time to study for the other four….

setting up my notion for the school this year!! how do y'all use notion, if at all? i’d highly recommend it, but sometimes crossing off objects on paper is still more satisfying? hoping to create something to track my independent studies if y'all have any ideas. cheers! – august
