



Pairing: sub!Jisung x reader

Genre: Smut & slight fluff

Words: 707 | 865 | 964

Summary: Han Jisung can’t get you out of his head - both the imaginary you and the real you drive him crazy. He’d be lying if he said that he doesn’t love it.

Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3



Pairing: sub!Johnny x reader

Genre: Smut & slight fluff

Words: 1 112

Summary: If there was something Johnny regretted in your relationship, it was how he naively thought he could win whenever you two made a bet. After so many times, he should’ve known better, really.

Read here



Pairing: sub!Hyunjin x reader

Genre: Angst, smut & fluff

Words: 1 170 - 3 250

Summary: Hoping to find a lover whom he could trust and share mutual respect with, Hwang Hyunjin got his fingers burnt. Now, with a great dose of courage and the utter support from his friends, he learns how to accept himself for whom he truly is, not who society wants him to be. In the meantime, he also discovers that perhaps everything he needed was in front of his nose all along.

Part 1 |Part 2 |Part 2.5 |Part 3 



Pairing: sub!Jisung x reader | sub!Hyunjin x reader


Words: 383 | 815

Summary: There is a time to keep silent and a time to speak, they say. Sadly, you don’t appreciate those who only watch from the shadows in silence. Nor does your boyfriend.

Chapter 1|Chapter 2
