#sex mention tw












Also Aphobes:


this stuff is harrasment/ bullying, if you do this you are breaking the law in quiet a few countries and breaking tumblr rules of service, not only is it uncalled for and disgusting you are commiting a crime/breaking terms and conditions

if you see ANYONE (gay,straight,trans cis,black,white doesn’t matter) telling ANYONE to go die report it Immediately because it is crossing a line


This shit is absolutely disgusting. What sorry excuses of human beings willingly go out of their way to harass people because of their sexuality…….oh wait

And it’s still not over either. Check out some of this new and truly disgusting aphobic bullshit:

Apparently, being against telling ANYONE to go die or kill themselves is being pro-terf… (ughhhhh!!! i’m also against the death penalty, does that make me a super terf then?!?! like honestly, go read a book)

Oh and this:

So, hearing about the corrective rape experiences of aces is “annoying” bc “aces aren’t lgbt” according to the above aphobe, and so we all just need to shut up about it. JOY

Maybe the above is not a death threat or anything like that, but dehumanization like this is the exact type of shit that rationalizes and reinforces all this aphobic violence.

 And of course, here’s more aphobic hell (including racism & more death/suicide baiting):

What “exactly” is it that we have supposedly collectively done to deserve this kind of seething, violent hate?!?!?!???? Read those tags on the last one, it’s the things of nightmares!!

But yeah, no, of course, 

I mean, it’s not as if wishing to deny us aspecs our right to life (often in very violent ways) just because we’re aspec isn’t invalidating in any way…. /s

Aaaaand here’s some new stuff:

damn wtf did aces do to these people?! why so much hate towars em

Existing against their will, I suppose.





this website has got to stop treating sex as something that’s inherently impure, dangerous, and disgusting

Funny, from where I’m sitting, it looks like sex is treated as compulsory, and even if you’re asexual you’re weird if you don’t at least want to read porn.

the thing is, these perspectives aren’t as exclusive as they sound at first

sexual moors are contradictory and impossible all the time. you can have people who are simultaneously aphobic and bigoted towards even the most vanilla of kinks. You have a ton of people who see sex as natural, inevitable - and therefore people who don’t want it as unnatural - but also as something dangerous, something that has to be strictly controlled and something that’s only morally ok in narrowly defined circumstances. that’s the dominant cultural perspective, but shades of it travel into queer spaces all the time, removing some gender barriers but maintaining the same fundamental “you must experience attraction to the people and ideas that we’ve decided are ok”.

It’s the classic “if you don’t want it, you’re a prude; if you want it, you’re a slut” catch-22, with a socially progressive hat. It’s not really a good situation for anybody.

You really nailed this description, thanks.

This goes with how radfem rhetoric is often essentially patriarchal and conservative in nature, due to being a re-skin of the authoritarian cultures its adherents were usually raised in.

Ok but, if sex didn’t involve genitals it’d probably be dope as hell. like, kissing, cuddling, making out with your partner, and feeling good together sound hot but we’re not going all the way lol



Best Friend Bear is here to remind you that you can have a special person in your life even if that special someone isn’t a sexual and/or romantic partner. Sometimes, all you need is a special friend that you can be close to. Being a-spec doesn’t mean you have to be alone, even if you’re a the part of the spectrum that never feels sexual and/or romantic attraction!
