


I came across a tumblr post about how Felicia Day said in an interview her least favorite episode to film was the one where she died. She detailed that while filming the scene in the bathroom she kept looking to the window and thought “Charlie could fit through that window.”

She even measured it, but every time she tried to explain the various plot holes and how Charlie definitely could have made it, she was told “No, [Charlie] has to die.”

So, I figured I’d just make a little comic to “fix” this plot hole and give us all a version where Charlie lives at the end.

(Click images for better quality)

Find me elsewhere:  
Twitter: @JessiLeighArt
Instagram: @jessilart

Objectively better.


Today I found this website where you can type in a TV Show and the website tells you how long it would take you to watch the show without breaks.

So first I tried Game of Thrones:


That’s long…

Then I typed in Doctor Who (started at the 9th Doctor):


That’s longer!

And Supernatural:


That’s a lot of time!

Well and then I tried Sherlock…


It’s a hard life being a Sherlockian

So apparently there’s a story going around the news about two guys posing as FBI agents for years and all I can think about is

I bought this chocolate moose from Ikea because of Sam Winchester

According to this email update I got from Poshmark, trench coats are trending right now

#coincidence i think not

Colour me curious

Interested in seeing how they’re going to plot the story with established canon

Why Jensen Ackles Should Remain the Voice of Batman

I love seeing Jensen’s talent being recognized!

I just love seeing Jensen thrive and enjoying himself!

Happy birthday Jensen Ackles!

Throwback to SPN TorCon 2016 - Can’t wait to see him again this year!

Aww! Jensen wishing Dean a Happy Birthday


i ship dean and life. and it still isn’t canon


2x08 Crossroad Blues

stardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Four↳ Favorite Object ⤑ Trenchcoat (with a complete guide bystardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Four↳ Favorite Object ⤑ Trenchcoat (with a complete guide bystardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Four↳ Favorite Object ⤑ Trenchcoat (with a complete guide bystardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Four↳ Favorite Object ⤑ Trenchcoat (with a complete guide by


@spnhiatuscreations | Week Four
↳ Favorite Object ⤑ Trenchcoat (with a complete guide by Castiel)

Post link
stardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Seven↳ Favorite Relashionship ⤑ Dean and Castiel—the ruistardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Seven↳ Favorite Relashionship ⤑ Dean and Castiel—the ruistardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Seven↳ Favorite Relashionship ⤑ Dean and Castiel—the ruistardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Seven↳ Favorite Relashionship ⤑ Dean and Castiel—the ruistardustsam: @spnhiatuscreations | Week Seven↳ Favorite Relashionship ⤑ Dean and Castiel—the rui


@spnhiatuscreations | Week Seven
↳ Favorite Relashionship ⤑ Dean and Castiel


Post link
envydean: Right in front of meTalk some sense to me (I found - Amber Run)


Right in front of me
Talk some sense to me

(I found - Amber Run)

Post link