



Taeyong x Reader

Combined Requested Prompts 1 Mile High Club, 4 “say my name” & 5 “It’s my birthday”


Warnings:Mature Themed (Fingering, bathroom sex, protected sex [y/n on birth control], mirror sex, public sex, finger sucking.)



Prompt List, if you want to send in any requests, they are currently open!

A/N: I was wondering if you guys would be into a tag-list for my page please send me an ask if you are.

Please ignore any grammatical errors.


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pairing:boyfriend!taeyong x birthday girl!reader

summary: it’s your birthday and your boyfriend does everything to make the day extra special

word count: 2,084

warnings: oral sex, fingering, light smut, and some fluff

a/n:just a little bday gift for myself (even if it’s already past midnight) because if you’re not writing for yourself you’re not doing it right, obviously had to do this with my one and only and because this song was number one the day I was born (feeling old yet!?), thanks for reading ❤︎

☽ ・・・・・ ☾

“Bubu… This is beautiful!” The sparkle in your eyes could be seen from a mile away.

“Only the best for the best.” Taeyong kisses your cheek before carrying both your luggage inside.

For your birthday this year your boyfriend decided to rent a cabin in the mountains for a romantic getaway taking advantage that you both managed to get some days off of work to just relax. The place is beautiful, a rustic look with a warm cozy atmosphere, perfect to spend some quality time with your lover and forget about the world. And the view. Only nature displaying traces of the early winter, no cars beeping, people talking and all the other sounds of the city, just the calmness of the mountains.

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