#tali zorah

Character Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were theCharacter Master Post(link to all character comics)yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were the

Character Master Post

(link to all character comics)

yeah the Citadel DLC was great but where were the pretty dresses???? chekmaté

set in me1.  went very much out of my comfort zone on all levels with this one

this thing has been on the back burner for three months and that’s way too long for me to look at one project and feel confident with it. ultimately decided to finish it just to feel some sort of accomplishment, hence the rushed shading and overall rendering

Post link
foab30:Hot and Cold Imgur: http://imgur.com/a/OubSI
foab30:Hot and Cold Imgur: http://imgur.com/a/OubSI
foab30:Unmasked Selection A selection of requested unmasked versions of Tali pics Imgur Tali the Sfoab30:Unmasked Selection A selection of requested unmasked versions of Tali pics Imgur Tali the Sfoab30:Unmasked Selection A selection of requested unmasked versions of Tali pics Imgur Tali the Sfoab30:Unmasked Selection A selection of requested unmasked versions of Tali pics Imgur Tali the Sfoab30:Unmasked Selection A selection of requested unmasked versions of Tali pics Imgur Tali the S


Unmasked Selection

A selection of requested unmasked versions of Tali pics

Imgur Tali the Size Queen: http://imgur.com/DrMwiuB

Imgur Piledrivin’: http://imgur.com/tzYAGpr

Imgur Give a Quarian an Antibiotic: http://imgur.com/E2R0Aqr

Imgur GaQaA - Part 2/1: http://imgur.com/tG1IUXB

Imgur GaQaA - Part 2/2: http://imgur.com/gNclZdC

Post link
foab30:The Dark Side Imgur: http://imgur.com/RYTc33T
foab30:Powerballin’ Imgur: http://imgur.com/vvxAQ7B
foab30:Give a Quarian an Antibiotic… Imgur: http://imgur.com/8z9FD8j


Give a Quarian an Antibiotic…

Imgur: http://imgur.com/8z9FD8j

Post link
foab30:Quality Time Imgur: http://imgur.com/8yTJtlz
foab30:In and Out Imgur Creampie: http://imgur.com/VvfDsHl Belly:  http://imgur.com/MKGsVMJ foab30:In and Out Imgur Creampie: http://imgur.com/VvfDsHl Belly:  http://imgur.com/MKGsVMJ
foab30:The Outer Rim Imgur: http://imgur.com/HFRy2xv
foab30:Immunity Test Imgur: http://imgur.com/LL09sbJ
foab30:Fingers in the Pie Imgur: http://imgur.com/ctJ96Bf


Fingers in the Pie

Imgur: http://imgur.com/ctJ96Bf

Post link


Some personal takes on Tali'Zorah … way too much of her fanart doesn’t account the fact that she is, in reality, a massive gremlin.

Tali: Hey, I’m going to the store. Anyone want anything?

Thane, sighing: I want my wife back.

Tali: …I have like 12 credits.

Shepard: does anyone know how to curse a REAL sword?

Tali: urrghhh… a real sword?


Tali: a real, like… with an edge, and metal, and what-all.

Shepard: yeah. just your typical, real sword!

Tali: just like a real… curse like, a nerf sword? did you wanna curse a nerf sword?

Shepard: no, just like a real fightin’ sword.

Tali: a real sword, urghh…

Shepard: do you know how to curse a nerf sword?

Tali: urgh, gosh, a real sword? ughh.. had to be real, didn’t it?


Garrus: couldn’t you just take your nerf sword curse and just use it on the sword?

Tali: which sword?

Garrus: the real sword.

Tali: a real sword? URRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH… ugh, ah gosh, aw crap…

Shepard, walking into the room: What’s wrong with you guys? You all usually can’t keep your mouths closed.

Tali: *passes Shepard a note that reads “five way jinx”*

Shepard: Five way jinx? Really?

Garrus: *passes Shepard a note that reads “yes, really!”*

Shepard: Alright, fine. Zaeed, Tali, Joker, Garrus, Jack.

Everyone, shouting at once:Unjinxed!

Jack: *gasps for air*

Zaeed: You don’t have to hold your breath when you’re jinxed, Jack.

Jack: I play prison rules.

Joker: They play jinx in prison?



Some Mass Effect Valentines for your sprog. Feel free to use.

And more, for the cultured among us.


Some Mass Effect Valentines for your sprog. Feel free to use.

And more, for the cultured among us.

Bioware stans, do this:
