#teen wolf movie


If they dont bring back Kira & Isaac for the movie I will go more psycho than (season 1) Peter.

They’re shooting the #teenwolfmovie, but without Dylan O'brien I
don’t want to see it. but I drew a #fanart of my favorite pack.
Mini quiz: where is Liam?

I’m back! Send me your requests!


Gemini : Stiles Stilinski

Cancer: Theo Raeken

Leo: Scott Mcall

Virgo and Aries: Jackson Whittemore

Libra: Jordan Parrish

Scorpio: Young Derek Hale

Sagittarius and Taurus: Isaac Lahey

Capricorn: Peter Hale joven

Aquarius: Liam Dunbar

Pisces:  Brett Talbot


If Derek or Stiles not in the

Teen wolf movie

I don’t want it!!

Chapter 8

Episode Nine

SUMMARY: Y/N has to deal with the consequences of her actions.


TW: sexual language and cursing

A/N: sorry for posting so late. a friend of mine was in need of some comforting. BUT HERE IS THE NEW CHAPTER!!

You sighed, looking down at your phone for what seemed like the millionth time to see the same text from your boyfriend.

3:30 AMStiles: Oh thank god. I’m glad to hear he’s okay. I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to ignore or blow you off. I just need some time to process everything that happened today.

3:33 AMY/N: No, it’s cool. Take your time

“How you feeling?” You heard Derek ask from behind you.

“A lot better than I was feeling a few hours ago,” Scott chuckled.

“Look, I know you two have a lot to talk about. I’ll give you a few minutes but we should really get out of here before the Argents find us. I’ll wait in the car. Don’t take too long,” Derek nodded, turning to walk out of the room. You heard the door’s bells jingle before it closed behind him.

Jesus, you scared the shit out of me,” You sighed, looking up at Scott. His concerned gaze was already set on your own. “I felt your life slipping out of me. I tried to heal you with my blood but it didn’t work so I really thought… Don’t ever do that again.”

“I won’t. I promise,” He blinked, looking down at your hand to see that it was wrapped in gauze. He could tell by the way that the medical tape was neatly folded at the end that Deaton has wrapped it up for you. “Wait.. why didn’t it work?”

You looked down at your hand, playing with the edges of the gauze, pondering how to word what you’d done earlier that night.

“Y/N? Why did Derek say we have a lot to talk about?” He questioned softly. 

“I, uh.. Derek and I got trapped outside of the Mountain Ash barrier when we heard your cry for help,” You finally admitted.

“You didn’t,” He muttered, feeling his stomach drop at the way your guilty eyes darted to the floor. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you did not just break that barrier because of me.”

Your eyes filled with tears at his shaky voice. You tried to blink them away before looking up and pursing your lips.

“Oh, Y/N,” He whispered before he stepped forward to wrap his arms around you. He held you tightly, not quite being able to wrap his mind around the fact that this could very well be the last night he would be able to do so.

“I, uh.. I lost my magic. I was talking to Doc and he said that it isn’t a good sign. A Sorcières Verte’s powers would be enhanced by now, not gone. There’s a chance I won’t lose my mind, but if the black mist comes back then…”

“We’re not there yet. So let’s not freak out, alright? You’re still sane. Nothing’s wrong right now besides losing your magic, right?” He pulled away to look you in the eyes. You nodded. “Your heart skipped a beat.”

“It’s not my magic. It’s just.. Stiles,“ You shook your head, trying to contain the storm of anxiety that hid behind your now emotionless mask. "He made me swear beforehand that I wouldn’t break it under any circumstances, but I had no other option. Not when I felt your life slipping away. I don’t even know where we stand or how he feels or why he isn’t here-”

“Y/N, listen to me,” Scott grabbed your shoulders. “I’m sure it’s nothing. I mean, you know how he is. He probably just needs some space to think this all through so he can talk to you with his head and not his feelings.”

You nodded your head again but you knew this time was different. You saw the look in his eyes. Before you fully lost your magic, you felt the bond you shared begin to break. You’d be ignorant to ignore that there was a very real possibility that your relationship would soon come to an end. “We should probably go. Derek’s waiting on us.”

“Are you sure you want to come? I mean after everything that happened-“

“It’s a hell of a lot better than being alone,” You interrupted. Scott’s lips pursed before he nodded, leading the way.


“We need a new plan because next time, one of us is gonna be too hurt to heal,” Derek huffed as he walked into his abandoned subway spot. He froze when he realized that you were right behind Scott. His face fell slightly before going to speak again. “I didn’t mean-“

“No, you’re good. You’re right,” You brushed it off, smiling halfheartedly in hopes of showing him that he didn’t strike a nerve. “We can’t save Jackson.”

“We can’t seem to kill him either,” He muttered. “I’ve seen a lot of things. I’ve never seen anything like this. God, and every new moon is just gonna make him stronger.”

“Then how do we stop him?” Scott asked.

“I don’t know,” Derek said after a moment. I don’t even know if we can.”

“Yeah, maybe we should just let the Argents handle it,” Scott offered. Your eyes widened at the name. You’d forgotten to tell him that they knew what you were. You’d used your powers on Mrs. Argent in effort to save the men in front of you. Scott had barely taken his eyes off of you since you’d told him what you did. He noticed the look on your face but Derek spoke up before he got the chance to.

“I’m the one who turned him,” Derek blinked. “It’s my fault.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t turn him into this,” You objected.

“Yeah, I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?” Scott added.

“That’s a legend in a book. It’s not that simple,” Derek explained with frustration.

“What do you mean? What are you not telling me?” Scott questioned.

“Why do you think I’m always keeping something from you?” Derek narrowed his eyes.

“Because you always are keeping something from me!”

“Well, maybe I do it to protect you.”

“Doesn’t being part of your pack mean no more secrets?” Scott asked gently.

“Go home, Scott,” Derek shook his head, looking down at his hands. “Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe. Because the full moon’s coming. And with the way things are going, I’ve got a feeling it’s gonna be a rough one.


You both stood in Scott’s driveway, watching as the familiar black Camera drove off. You heard Scott sigh and looked over at him.

“Would you please stop looking at me like a pet that’s about to be put down?” You rolled your eyes.

“Wha- I was not looking at you like that!”

“Oh yeah?” You chuckled. “Because that’s the exactly how you looked at your hamster in the fourth grade when-“

“Youswore you’d never talk about Fluffy again!” He interrupted, making you laugh. After a moment, your giggles and the conversation came to a lull. You sat in silence before he spoke up again. “I know I should probably go inside but.. I don’t know, dude. It’s like I don’t wanna leave your side just in case something happens.“

“Yeah, I feel the same way,” You looked up at him. “God, I feel this sense of overwhelming anticipation in my chest and it’s killing me. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to sleep knowing what could happen.”

“You wanna stay the night?” Scott asked. “I know it’s been a while but we can watch a shitty movie together until we fall asleep. Just like old times. That way, just in case something does happen, I can be there to make sure no one gets hurt.”

“That sounds like a really good idea actually,” You smiled. He grinned, leading you into his house. You both quickly picked up his room and made his bed, a sleepover ritual you had since you could remember, before climbing into bed and putting on some cheesy old movie.

He almost didn’t realize you’d fallen asleep until you lazily threw your arm and leg on top of him and mumbled some sleepy mumble jumbo about not fitting into a skirt. He smiled and looked down at you resting your head on his chest, taking in the sight of his best friend in such a peaceful state.

Truth be told, he was scared beyond words too. The idea of losing you was unbearable, unfathomable, and simply heart wrenching. But as he held you in his arms, he couldn’t help but to feel as if it was the final silence before the storm, and it made him feel more grievance than he thought was possible. His gut twisted as you subconsciously scrunched your nose. How was he supposed to bid his soulmate farewell? You were supposed to be by his side for the next few decades; enduring the losses of your parents, standing by each other’s side as the other got married, and watching each other grow grey and wrinkled. How was he supposed to know when he was out of line without you there to scold and correct him? How was he supposed to survive the lows of his life without you there to soften the blow? He’d always seen you as part of him. Everything he was; his heart, soul, mind, morals- it was all because of you.

He could feel every plan he had for the future melt the longer he looked down at you sleeping peacefully on his chest. Though he’d witnessed the sight millions of times before, his heart sunk knowing this might be the last memory of you ingrained into his brain.

He didn’t want to lose you. But to see you slip through his fingers as you slowly lost yourself to a black misted and twisted mind was soul-shattering. 

Though Scott had no clue how to endure this potential loss, he was determined to see it to the end. If this was truly the last of you, he’d make sure to soak up every moment because in this world, there was not a single thing he loved and relied on more than you. His best friend. His twin flame. 

It wasn’t until you stirred in your sleep that he noticed his tear-soaked cheeks had leaked onto the top of your head. He held in his shaky breath in hopes of not waking you. He laid his head on top of yours before laying in silence for the next hour, holding you tightly as if it would put off the inevitable.


“Why are you so obsessed with this case?” Mr Stilinski questioned his son, sighing when his only response was to flip through the yearbook again. “Hey. Hey! You don’t have to solve this for me.”

“No, I have to do something,” Stiles sighed, making his father’s heart sink. He no longer could stomach telling him to stop his search. He knew it was the only thing to ease the anxious boy’s mind.

“How come you’re doing this alone? Where’s your partner in crime?” Noah smiled.

“Scott’s busy with-“

“I’m not talking about Scott.”

“Oh..” Stiles paused, sitting back in his chair and sighing. “Yeah, uh.. I don’t know where she is. We’re not exactly in speaking terms at the moment.”

“Oh god,” Noah groaned. “What did you do?”

“What didIdo? Why do you always assume I’m the one that did something?” Stiles scoffed dramatically.

“Because 9 times out of 10, son, you are the one who did something,” His father chuckled. It was only when he noticed his son’s distant eyes that he realized this subject held a lot more weight than he anticipated.

“Well, for once, it wasn’t me,” He muttered, lightly biting his lip.

“You wanna talk about it?” Mr. Stilinski asked gently.

“Not really, no,” Stiles shook his head, looking down at the yearbook again. He went to flip the page before his father’s hand caught his own. “Dad, I said I don’t wanna talk-“

“No, stop. Look at the swim team,” Noah’s tone changed dramatically, catching Stiles’ full attention. He looked down to see exactly what he was talking about. Every single victim was on the team.

“Dad, the coach…” He said, pointing at Coach Lahey. “It’s Isaac’s dad.”


“You coming?” Your best friend asked, noticing how you hesitated to keep walking after seeing Lydia’s house. “Hey, you feeling alright?”

“What? Oh, yeah. No, I’m fine. It’s just..” Your voice trailed off as you looked to the left to see the familiar 1980 robin’s egg blue Jeep sat in the driveway. 

“Oh,” Scott followed your gaze. “You wanna go home?”

“No, no. You go ahead. I think I just need a moment to myself if that’s cool,” You smiled halfheartedly. He nodded, grabbing your shoulder reassuringly before heading inside. You watched as his silhouette disappeared into the house before letting out the shaky breath you’d been holding.

For the first time in your life, you didn’t want to see him. You dreaded seeing the look he’d give you. Your stomach twisted at the thought of the conversation he’d force you to have; the one you weren’t ready to have, the one that ended in tear-stained cheeks and runny makeup, the one that ended in the end of an era for the two of you. 

For the first time in your life, seeing that Jeep had a new meaning. It was no longer just the vehicle you’d shared countless of kisses and flirtatious encounters in. The one that would bring an overwhleming excitement when you heard pull into your driveway, knowing that i meant you’d bein his arms within moments of it grinding to halt.

Now it felt more like the a shell of what used to be. The future you could’ve had if you’d tried things at a different time in your life.

You blinked away your tears, knowing you were jumping to conclusions and making yourself suffer a loss that had yet to happen. You’d looked around at the empty driveway. Just as you began to winder where everyone was, you heard a pair of heavy footsteps behind you, one that held too much weight to belong to a teenager. You froze, turning around to be met by a pair of piercing blue eyes.

“Hello, Y/N,” Mr. Argent spoke up, making you jump back. “It seems you have something I’m in need of.”

Your eyes widened before you turned to run, only to be met by one of his brutes. Within seconds, you found your arms behind your back and mouth covered by a sweaty hand.


“Have you seen Jackson anywhere?” Stiles asked his best friend.

“No, seen Allison?” Scott shook his head.

“No, but we should probably tell her what we found.”

“We should probably get Y/N in the loop too,” Scott paused before looking around. “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen her in a while either. You know where she is?”

“What do you mean? I thought she was with you!” Stiles’ voice hitched, looking around to corner to see that you were nowhere to be seen, not even at the pool. “Dude! You had one job!”

“Wha- This isn’t my fault! Maybe if you weren’t ignoring her in her time of need, she’d be right besides you as usual!” Scott spat, seeing his best friend’s face fall. “Shit, dude. I’m sorry. That’s the full moon talking. I don’t wanna get in the middle of anything.”

“No, you’re good. You’re right. I should probably go look for her to make sure she’s okay,” Stiles mumbled before leading Scott toward the backyard. 

“Wait, catch me up on what you found because I’m still not entirely sure what to tell Allison,” Scott blinked, earning an eye roll.

“I figured out it has something to do with water,” Stiles began. “You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team. The way the Kanima reacted around the pool.”

“So whoever’s controlling the Kanima really hates the swim team?”

“Hated the swim team,” Stiles corrected, keeping his eyes peeled to see if he could catch a glimpse of you. “Specifically the 2006 swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student back then. I mean, who are we missing? What haven’t we thought of?”

“Uh, Jackson’s not here,” Allison smiled awkwardly as she walked up to the boys. 

“Have you seen Y/N?” They asked in unison.

“I thought she was with you?” Allison blinked. 

“Maybe she left. This party’s kind of a drag,” Scott said.

“Maybe it’s just early. She could be waiting for more people to show up before she walks in,” Allison offered, awkwardly looking over at Stiles. He rolled his eyes, hating that she knew about your lovers’ quarrel.

“Yeah, well, I don’t think anyone else is coming because Lydia’s turned into the town wackjob,” He pursed his lips.

“We have to do something because we’ve completely ignored her for the past two weeks,” Allison sighed, looking over at the birthday girl who stood alone with a tray of drinks. “She deserves to get back to normal. She wouldn’t be the town wackjob if it wasn’t for us.”

“You two go look for Y/N. I’ll use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here,” Scott nodded. “That should get the party started.”

“Will do.”

“On it.”


“Miss Y/L/N,” Gerald chuckled as he entered the basement. You narrowed your eyes, unable to do much else with your hands bound behind you and a piece of tape covering your mouth. “We meet again.”

“We don’t want to hurt you,” Chris spoke up, stepping out from behind you to gently take off the tape from your mouth. 

“That’s a little hard to believe,” You spat, looking up at the men hovering above you. “What do you really want?”

“Did you know that your ancestors are known for being the most dangerous and wanted of supernatural beings, Miss Y/L/N?” Gerard smiled. “Or should I say Miss Delvoux.”

“You’re wildly mistaken,” You scoffed. “I might come from the bloodline but I don’t have any powers.”

“A little birdy told us otherwise,” He laughed. “To answer your question, we want the cure.”

The cure. You remembered that your blood provided the cure to lycanthropy. If a supernatural being was able to drain every drop of your body without being killed by the toxins, they were found to be, by all accounts, human. 

“So you don’t want to hurt me, you want to kill me,” You clarified. “Why?”

“One of our own got bit-“

“I don’t think it’s appropriate to tell her what’s going on,” Chris interrupted. “We don’t even know if she’s a Delvoux or not.”

“Your wife swears she saw her use magic, Chris. This young lady will be dead by the end of the night. Don’t you think she deserves to know that cause for which she is dying for?” The old man asked. His son stayed silent, looking at you with guilt. Gerard was taunting you. He wanted to watch you squirm with fear. You refused to give him the satisfaction, holding your head up high and looking him in the eye. “A certain Alpha bit Allison’s mother on the night you saved Scott. We need to cure her, seeing as she is, in a way, the leader of our own pack. Don’t worry, sweetheart. You’re dying for a good cause. You’re saving your friend’s mother.”

“And you’re killing an innocent girl for nothing. I’m not a witch,” You spoke with confidence, disgust dripping from every word. “It won’t work.”

“Well, then you have nothing to worry about,” Gerard smiled before nodding to the men behind you. You felt one of them grab your left arm. Within seconds, they were wrapping a tourniquet around your upper arm before inserting a needle into a vein and drawing out a vial of blood.

You watched as they did they mixed it with another’s blood. You knew that if that blood had even a trace of Mountain Ash, it would curdle the blood of a werewolf and smoke with black mist. Though you confidently denied it before, there was a big part of you that was anticipating seeing the cloud of smoke rise from the small container. You watched intently, waiting to see your fate.

The men surrounding the vial noticed your gaze and stepped in front of the table to prevent your view. You shifted your focus onto Chris, who watched with concern as they mixed the blood together. After a few moments, you noticed his face fall before he looked over at his father and shook his head.

“It seems as though you were right,” Gerard spoke up, miserably trying to hide his shock. “You are not a witch.”

“Listen closely,” Chris stepped forward, leaning your chair backwards as an attempt to intimidate you. Though you didn’t show it, it worked. “You are to keep tonight’s events to yourself. In case you’ve forgotten, I am the only thing standing in the way of my father killing your best friend. Or boyfriend, was it? If you so much as a hint to anyone about what happened or what you heard- or worse, if you tell Allison about any of this.. I will kill him myself. And I will make sure you are there to witness his death. Am I clear?”

“Crystal,” You hissed.

“Untie her,” He ordered. “Take her back to the party. And keep an eye out to make sure she keeps her mouth shut.”


“You gonna apologize to Allison or what?” Stiles questioned as he continued to sip on the punch. Scott looked up with annoyance

“You’re telling me to apologize my girlfriend?” He scoffed. 

“No, no! Hey, you don’t get to use that. Our situation is different. We actually have a reason for the tension.”

“It’ll be a reason for a breakup if you don’t act quick,” Scoff shrugged, taking another swig.

“Did.. Did she say that?” Stiles hesitated.

“No but I know her. And so do you. So if you don’t want to breakup, man up and talk to her.“

“I could say the same to you,” Stiles huffed.

“Why do you care so much about what happens with my relationship anyway?”

“Because, Scott, something’s gotta go right here. I mean, we’re getting out asses royally kicked, if you haven’t noticed,” Stiles explained. “People are dying. I got my dad fired. You’re gonna be held back in school. I finally scored the girl of my dreams, and now I might lose her because I’m the asshole who pulled away from her, in her time of need, because, ironically, I don’t know how to deal with loss. Or because she might literally go crazy. And if on top of all of that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I’m gonna stab myself in the face.”

“Don’t stab yourself in the face,” Scott stood up, looking towards the back doors.

“Why? Is she here?” Stiles asked.

“No. Jackson’s here,” Scott muttered.


“Remember what I told you,” Chris warned before unlocking the doors. You clenched your jaw and nodded before opening the door and jumping out of his SUV. You barely got the chance to close the door before the vehicle drove off, leaving you alone with a couple of their workers.

"We were assigned to look after you,” One of them spoke.

“You mean you’re not here to have fun at a teenage party?” You asked sarcastically before turning on your heels and heading inside.

You took a deep breath as you walked, trying to clear your mind of everything that happened. You couldn’t afford to show something had happened, knowing Scott would ask and catch on to the lie. His life might depend on your behavior.

You opened the door to be greeted by a lively party. As you made your way through the crowd of drunk teens and touchy couples, you caught a glimpse of Allison. You made your way over to see that she was pale in the face, sweating and heaving as she looked around.

“Are you okay-“

“Oh my god!” She gasped, making you jump. “Oh, Y/N. It’s you. The, uh, boys were looking for you- would you excuse me?”

She was gone before you got the chance to respond. Part of you wanted to go after her but she quickly disappeared into the crowd, leaving you no choice but to look for Scott. 

You continued to push your way through the house, seeing several people acting odd. You furrowed your brows and walked through the hoard of people, finally breaking through the back doors. You looked around for a moment to see if you could catch sight of your best friend before your eyes landed on your boyfriend. As you made your way to him and got a closer look, you noticed that he stood completely entranced by something behind you. You turned to see nothing out of the ordinary before looking back at his teary eyes.

“Sti, you alright?” You spoke gently, afraid you might startle him. Nothing. He was remained completely entranced by whatever he was looking at. You turned again to see nothing that you didn’t see before. You placed a soft hand on his shoulder to get his attention. “Stiles?”

He gasped, flinching out of your touch. You noticed he looked just as spooked as Allison; same pale face, same sweaty hands, the same look of utter terror. He looked over at you and flinched again, harder this time, stepping away from you.

“Woah,woah! It’s me! What’s going on?” You held your hands up to show you came in peace.

“Oh, thank god,” He breathed before pulling you into an embrace. You innately melted into his arms, rubbing his back in effort to slow his breathing. 

“Hey, you’re okay. You’re alright. I got you,” You whispered holding him tightly as his shaky breathing began to slow. You closed your eyes, breathing him in and memorizing what it felt like to be held by him, fearing this might be the last time he ran to you for comfort. “What just happened?”

You, he wanted to say. You happened.

“I, uh.. I think I was hallucinating,” He muttered, causing you to pull away enough to look him in the eye but staying in his embrace.

“Hallucinating? What’d you see?” You questioned, not oblivious to the way he glanced over at you. You sometimes wished you didn’t know him so well, craving the sweet ignorance of not knowing he hallucinated you. And judging by the way he flinched when he came to, it had to do with the situation that caused the very silence you sat in at that moment. You couldn’t help but show the hurt in your eyes so stepped back. “Oh.. I see.”

He swore he saw you walk into the party, eyes black with the all-too-familiar mist surrounding your hands. He saw it perfectly; you used your powers to kill everyone in sight until he was the only one left, smiling as you slowly made your way towards him. You wrapped your hands around his neck and said ‘Oh, I’m going to enjoy killing you. I’d be doing the world a favor, really. You’re the reason your father lost his job.. and his wife. You’re the reason I became this monster. The world is better off without you and so am I.’ before blasting him against the column he leaned on now.

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” He shook his head. He knew it was the last thing you needed to hear, especially after his radio silence. He rubbed at his face, noticing it felt numb, and cursing himself for downing those drinks so quickly. Had he known you’d actually speak to him, he would’ve stayed sober. “Where have you been? Are you okay?”

“Areyou? You look awful,” You dodged the question. While you appreciated his concern, the lack of communication on both ends felt like it was killing you slowly.

“Yes, thank you for that,” He rolled his eyes.

“Oh please, you’ve never looked unattractive in your life. You know what I mean. Why is everyone freaking out? Everyone is paranoid and sweaty. What’s going on? Wait- where’s Scott?”

“I have no clue. He was just with me,” Stiles looked around. He stumbled a little as the alcohol truly began to take effect. “Is it me or is everything spinning?”

“Here, just sit next to the pool,” You said, guiding him towards the nearest column.

“Good idea because I think I’m gonna be sick. Oh god, I think I drank a little too much,” His words began to slur as he slowly sunk down the column until he was sitting on the floor. You kneeled down beside him, looking at him in concern as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

“Fuck, I hate leaving you like this but I need to get you some water,” You muttered, looking around to see if you could find Scott in the crowd. “You’re okay on your own, right?”

“Yeah, but-“

“Okay, I’ll be right back,” You interrupted, subconsciously pressing a kiss on his hairline out of habit before you were on your feet again. You were gone before he could argue.

You looked around the house for your best friend but couldn’t seem to find him anywhere in the midst of the chaos. Everyone with a cup of punch seemed to be losing their minds; talking to no one, screaming, hiding, kissing the air- they were lost in their own realities. You pushed against the crowd, dodging stray punches and feeling your ears ring from the shrieks.

“Oh, my bad,” You heard someone say as they humbled against your shoulder. “Wait- Y/N?”

“Scott! I was looking for you!” Your eyes widened in surprise before taking in the same sight you’d seen a many times in the past few minutes; the same glistening, pale skin decorated his features. “No way, you too?”

“Wh-..” He furrowed his brow before tilting your head. “Did you hallucinate too?”

“No but everyone who drank the punch seems to be,” You said, looking around to see people screaming or talking to nothing. “Grab a bottle of water, one that hasn’t been opened, and meet me next to the pool. Stiles is really drunk and we need him to figure this out-”

“Wait, where have you been this whole time?” Scott questioned.

“I-..” Your voice trailed off, not exactly knowing what to say without him catching on to the fact that you were lying. “Can we talk about this after we sober Stiles up?”

He nodded reluctantly before he watched you walk away. He knew something was off with you but decided against asking again and opted to simply do as told.

“Shit,” You breathed as you watched your boyfriend puke on some innocent bystander’s shoes. You quickly stepped up and apologized to him, earning a dirty glare before you crouched down next to your boyfriend. “Sti, we need to sober you up. Something’s going on. You listening?”

You gently grabbed his face between your hands before he groaned and swatted away your hands.

“Don’t touch my face. I have a girlfriend,” He frowned, keeping his eyes closed.

“Iam your girlfriend,” You chuckled.

“Oh my god, Y/N! I’ve been looking for you!” He slurred as his eyes lit up, grabbing your face in his hands and squishing your face. He giggled. “Your mouth made a funny noise when I squeezed it.”

“You were looking for me? I thought I told you to stay put,” You smiled, pulling your face out of his tight grip. He closed his eyes and leaned against the column behind him again.

“Mm, I didn’t get up. I just looked for you with my eyes because I was worried,” He shrugged before looking at you again. “You know, I probably wouldn’t even be talking to you if I wasn’t drunk right now.”

“Yeah, I know,” You sighed before you caught a whiff of the alcohol on his breath. “Jesus, how much did you have?”

“I don’t know. A lot. Ooh! Another drink!” He smiled, grabbing a nearby glass of punch and bringing it up to his lips. You scoffed, grabbing the drink in his hand and tossing it in the pool. “Hey!”

“I’m trying to help you sober up,” You hated seeing him like this.

“You wanna help me? Leave me alone. I’m grieving,” He slurred. You rolled your eyes again. “Don’t roll your eyes. You know exactly why I’m drinking.”

“I swear to god, Stiles, if you say I’m the reason-“

“Not you!” He corrected before looking down at his hands. “No, never you. Losingyou.”

Your heart sunk at his drunken words, not knowing exactly how to respond to the sad boy before you.

“… You haven’t lost me yet,” You said after a moment.

Yet,” He muttered. “I hate that word.”

“I didn’t mean it like that it’s just.. Look, I really can’t have this conversation with you. Not right now. Not after the night I’ve had and certainly not when you’re drunk,” You pursed your lips, trying to hold back tears. His brows furrowed as you stood up. “Scott’s on his way with a bottle of water.”

“The night you’ve had?” He asked as you began to walk away. “Wait, Y/N, what happened?”

“Where are you going?” Scott asked as you bumped into him, noticing the tears on your cheeks. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m fucking fantastic!” You laughed through a sob, wiping at your tears and looking back at your drunk boyfriend. “Can you please sober him up? I need recollect myself in the bathroom.”

“Yeah,” He nodded with a worried look. “Give me a call if you need anything, okay?”

You nodded before rushing inside. He looked over at Stiles before marching over to him. “Scott, is Y/N-”

Before he got the chance to finish his sentence, he felt his head get submerged into the pool beside him before Scott pulled him back out. “Dude, what the fuck did you do that for?!”

“Mostly to sober you up,” Scott explained.

“Like I might revisit my policy on not hitting a werewolf,” Stiles grumbled, wiping off his face. “Hang on, what do you mean mostly to sober me up?”

“Partly for making Y/N cry. When I said you need to either talk or breakup, I didn’t mean tonight, asshole.”

“We didn’t-… Wait, she’s crying?” He paused, looking up at his best friend with wide eyes. Scott hesitantly nodded before Stiles shot to his feet. “Fuck. I need to talk to her.”

“No, you need to give her some space, dude,” Scott grabbed his shoulders to regain his attention. “She’ll come find us when she’s ready. Let’s find out what’s going on first, alright?”

“Yeah, okay,” Stiles agreed, eyes still locked on you as you walked back into the house.


“Hey, you good?” Scott asked as he approached you.

“Yeah, stressful night,” You sighed.

“I can’t find her,” Stiles said as he walked up to you and Scott.

“Who?” You asked.

“Allison. She was here and then she wasn’t,” Scott furrowed his brows, catching the way your face fell. She must’ve found out about her mother. “Wait, do you know something we don’t?”

“No,” You shook your head. Both of the boys in front of you tilted their heads as if to say Oh, please. Did you actually expect us to believe that? “Also, it’s the drinks. I just took a peek into the punch and found this.”

“Wolfsbane..” Stiles muttered, taking the purple flower out of your hand. “But why-”

“I CAN’T SWIM!” Someone screamed, earning everyone’s attention. “NO NO NO NO! STOP! I CAN’T SWIM! I CAN’T SW-”

The three of you watched as a group of lacrosse players threw Matt into the pool. He gurgled and screaming, failing to keep his head above water for more than a second at a time before Jackson ran up to the pool and pulled him out. The two stood in front of the pool, looking back at your pack.

“No fucking way..” You muttered under your breath.

“WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!” Matt shouted shortly before marching off. Stiles subconsciously grabbed your waist, pulling you closer as the duo walked past you.

“COPS ARE HERE!” Someone shouted, causing the party to erupt into chaos. “RUN!”

Before you knew it, the crowd managed to separate you from the rest of the pack as they all but carried you out to the front yard. You caught glimpse of the police lights that approached as people ran past you to their vehicles. You looked around, trying to see if you could find Scott, Allison, or anyone.

“Y/N,” Stiles breathed, grabbing your arm. “What are you doing? We need to go.”

“What do you mean? You’re drunk, you can’t drive,” You furrowed your brows.

“I’mfine. Come on,” He argued. “Scott will meet us at the Jeep.”

You followed him to the Jeep, stopping as he opened the door for you. You smiled and looked up at him. “Give me the keys.”

“Oh, come on! Scott dunked my head into the pool. I’m completely sober,” He deadpanned. You put your hand out, waiting for him to give you the keys. “Oh my god, fine. Here. She grinds-”

“In second, I know,” You smiled as he plopped the keys into your hands. He shot you a small smile back, walking over with you to open the driver’s door for you before jogging back to the passenger’s side of the car. He hopped in, fumbling with the radio because he couldn’t stand the awkward silence. You looked at him, not being able to hold in your curiosity any longer. “Where are we, Sti?”

“Lydia’s house,” He responded matter-of-factly.

“You know what I mean,” You rolled your eyes. He paused before leaning back into his seat and sighing.

“I don’t know,” He admitted, finally looking over at you. “I’m not even mad at you anymore. I probably would’ve done the same it’s just… I don’t know.”

Except he did know. He didn’t know how to lose you. He’d rather do it on his own terms, but even then, he’d still be forced to watch the girl he loved more than anything go through the same thing his mother did. He’d have to watch the love and adoration slowly fade from your eyes when you looked at him. He’d have to witness your beautiful mind slowly eat itself until there was nothing but black rot in your skull. Truth be told, he didn’t know how to handle this situation. He knew you needed him. He wanted more than anything to be that person for you. But part of him felt that you’d be better off nursing one broken heart instead of two. He truly thought he’d only burden you with another person to constantly reassure or calm down. You had enough to deal with. The last thing you needed was a boyfriend who would only look at you in fear and sadness.

“Where do you wanna be?” You worked up the courage to ask. He stayed silent for a moment.

“I don’t know that yet either.”

You nodded slowly, taking in his words as Scott climbed into the Jeep. The ride back to your and Scott’s neighborhood was filled only with Scott’s voice explaining everything he saw after the party, as well as his theories. Luckily, it was a short drive. You hopped out of the Jeep as soon as you put it into park.

“Y/N, can we just talk this through?” Stiles asked as he jogged up next to you. “Look, I don’t know what would be best. Honestly, I don’t know what would help you more. So talk to me. Tell me what to do or what to think because-”

“Not tonight, Stiles,” You looked up at him, giving him a halfhearted smile. “I know this conversation needs to be had. But you and I both know that if we have it, there’s a very real possibility that it might mean we’re done. And I just don’t know if I can handle that tonight, okay? Who knows, though? Maybe I’ll go crazy tonight and it’ll take breaking up with me off of your hands.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Stiles scoffed, not quite believing what just came out of your mouth. “Take it off of my hands? Y/N, you know that’s the last thing I wanna do, right?”

“No, actually I don’t. And I’m not too sure if you know it either,” You shrugged. “You’ve been leaving me in radio silence because I went against your fucking orders to save our best friend. And instead of stepping up to the plate, you decided to ignore me when I needed you the most!”

“Myorders?! I left you in radio silence because I was trying to cope with the fact that I might lose you!” He shouted. “Not because I want to break up. I fucking love you, you idiot! I wanna work this out!”

“Then stop ignoring me and fucking act like it!” You cried. You both stood in silence, looking at one another with an angry passion, breathing heavily from your heated exchange. He stepped forward, grabbed your waist and pulled your body against his.

“You want me to act like it?” He spoke in a low, raspy voice. “Fine. I’ll fucking act like it.”

Before you knew it, his lips were on yours as you struggled to open your front door with your keys. His cold hands touched your warm back as you burst through your living room; Stiles kicked the door closed with his foot without parting from you. After taking only a moment’s break to climb upstairs, his lips were back on your own as you toyed with the hem of his shirt.

He got the hint, discarding it before you turned around, moving your hair out of the way and saying, “Unzip me.”

He did as told, taking his time and watching you squirm impatiently. Once the dress dropped to your feet, you pulled him to you by his belt loops before wrapping your arms around his neck and guiding him to your bed. He pushed you onto the bed, rolling his hips into yours as he went down with you.

“Are you.. sure?” He asked between kisses.

“Mhm,” You hummed before he pulled away and looked into your eyes.

“Use your words,” He ordered, looking at your lips.

“I want you to fuck me,” You said, looking at his own swollen lips. “Please.”

“Well, when you say it like that,” He smirked as he leaned down to kiss you again, leaving sloppy kissed down your chin and on your neck.

Well, you thought, this is one way of solving an argument.

Chapter 9 ->


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IM SORRY FOR THE LATE POST!! my friend was going through something. but omg please tell me what you think! i lowkey don’t know how to feel about this chapter but big things are coming! omg we only have three episodes left

@okay-j-hannah@mitchloveswriting@itscheybaby@cevans-winchester@moon-child@rrrogertaylor@janalustare@loveangelic69@angelxfics@blueberry-birdie@rebelbagel@fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99@ifilwtmfc@dianewowslt@crockercorpbakers@taysirene@take-me-to-ny@captainfrisbee@darkenwolfie@stilesbxtch@raynelbabe@michellebarista@chervbs@littleboysmile@mushroomroyal@naynay2319@xannaelizx@igotmajordaddyissues@stephhevring@andrew-garfield-is-my-mj@biqueenxo@reallysparklychaos@izzymultifan@yougottalovefandoms@tsukkisdinoaddiction @shawn-spencers-pineapple@celestair@jazzmynerule@angywritesstuff@celestinevalet@strawberriesandknives@alilstressyandlotdepressy@small-town-wayward-daughter@nikt-wazny-y @aloha-lu @youaintabadbitchyoujustabitch @lovingchildperson @luvforstiles @itsyaboiskinnypein @didanrxbma @honeybunimdun @fixtionlover@werewolfbanshee-love @thegreatmushroom @bookishlover13 @mj1300@sorrowful-hearttw-has-a-place-here@sorrow-has-a-place-here

Chapter 7

S2 Episode Seven &Eight

SUMMARY: Y/N recalls the moments leading up to, arguably, the worst moment of her life. The pack tries to save Jackson. But at what cost?

WORD COUNT: 7343 :)

TW: none

A/N: Since A.) I skipped last week and B.) episode 7 was fairly uneventful for the pack, I decided to combine these episodes into one chapter

Episode 7

The past 48 hours were a blur for you. It seemed like it all happened too quickly to fully comprehend how it got to this; Scott lying lifeless on the table in front of you as Doc worked diligently on saving his life, your boyfriend refusing to do much as speak to you, and your secret exposed. All you needed was to hear Stiles’ voice, feel his embrace, but after the night you’d had, you’re doubtful you’ll ever feel it again.

You looked down at your phone; still no response. How did it all come to this?

“If Jackson doesn’t know what he’s doing, then he probably doesn’t know that someone is controlling him,” You sighed, looking over at Allison as you spoke into the phone.

“Or he doesn’t remember,” Scott’s voice chimed in.

“What if it’s the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?” Your boyfriend asked.

“A fugue state?” Allison furrowed her brows, stepping closer to you.

“He’d have to forget everything,” Scott looked at his best friend. “The murder…

“Getting rid of the blood,” Allison muttered.

“But he had help with one thing though, the video,” Stiles continued.

“Maybe someone else helped him forget that,” You swallowed. “Whoever’s controlling him.”

“Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?” Allison questioned.

“He still thinks he’s becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing.”

“So do we try to convince him he’s not?” You asked them.

“If it helps us find out who’s controlling him, then yeah.”

“.. Do you think he’ll talk to us after what we did?” Allison sighed.

Yeah, it’s us. He’ll talk to us,” Stiles asked.

“Sti, I’d be surprised if he doesn’t press charges or gets a restraining order against you guys,” You bit your lip, looking back up at Allison who nodded back at you.

“He wouldn’t do that… Right?”


“I can’t believe he got a fucking restraining order!” Stiles shouted as he slammed his Jeep door. You pursed your lips and stopped in your tracks as you watched him walk up to you. “Was that another one of your voodoo, future predicting intuition things? How’d you even know he was gonna do that?”

“Because he’s a privileged white boy with an attorney for a father. Didn’t take much for me to put two and two together,” You deadpanned.

“You know, your sarcasm hurts when it’s directed at me!” He rolled his eyes, walking past you.

“My mom said the exact same thing to me on the way to school today!” You giggled, reaching for his arm. He turned around, biting back a smile. “Aww, Sti! I’m sorryyy. I’m sorry about my sarcasm. I take it back! And.. I’m sorry you guys had to take the fall for this. I wish you would’ve let me go to the Sheriff’s department with you so that I could’ve-“

“So that you could’ve what? Ruined your chances at getting into Yale? Right. Like I’m gonna let that happen,” He sarcastically tilted his head before realizing you were genuinely distraught about it. “Hey, it’s cool. Okay? I don’t regret it one bit. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Plus now you and Allison can go talk to him.”

“I just feel bad-“

“Kinda sounds like a you problem,” He shrugged, making you laugh.

“Asshole,” You playfully shoved him. “I’m serious!”

“So am I! There’s nothing we can do about it now, and there’s nothing that I would do to change it. So come on, we need to meet Allison at the library! She’s got to show us what you translated for her on her tablet!” He laughed, brushing off the topic as he wrapped your arm around you, guiding you towards the school.


“This is everything Y/N could translate. I ran it past Lydia too, who surprisingly knows Archaic Latin. In hindsight, we could’ve just asked her last week and it would’ve saved us a lot of time. She said everything was correct but she was so confused as to why I was having her translate it,” Allison laughed.

“What’d you tell her?” You smiled.

“That I’m a part of a gaming community that battles mythical creatures,” She giggled.

“Iam part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures,” Stiles muttered innocently, making your heart melt at the way he looked around as if to say ‘Wait, is there something wrong with that?’.

“You’re so cute,” You smiled sincerely, kissing his shoulder and making him blush slightly. He chuckled and took your hand in his as the couple continued on with the conversation.

“Okay, does it say how to find out who’s controlling him?” Scott asked.

“Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers,” You began.

Yes!” Stiles threw his fist in the air, earning all of your glares.

“It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance,” Allison continued. “There’s a story in there about this South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village.”

“Alright, see? So maybe it’s not all that bad!” Stiles looked at you.

“Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to,” You finished.

“All bad, all very, very bad,” He pursed his lips.

“Here’s the thing though,” Allison said. “The Kanima’s actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can’t be..”

She cleared her throat as someone walked up behind her to put a book away.

“It can’t be a werewolf until it resolves that in its past which manifested it,” You finished off her thought.

“Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could’ve told you that myself,” Stiles muttered.

“What if it has something to do with his parents? Like his real parents,” Allison whispered.

“Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?” Scott asked.

“Lydia might,” Stiles replied.

“Maybe you and I can talk to her to see if we can get anything out of her,” You offered. Stiles nodded.

“What if she doesn’t know anything?” Scott asked.

“Well, he doesn’t have a restraining order against me so I’ll talk to him myself,” Allison shrugged.

“Okay, what do I do?” Scott paused.

“You have a make-up exam, remember?” She raised a brow. He scoffed and turned to the two of you, only to see that you both agreed with her. “Promise me.”

“If he does anything, you run the other way.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“Allison, if you get hurt while I’m busy with some stupid test, someone’s going to need to take care of me. If he does anything-“

“Like?” She asked.

“Anything weird or bizarre… anything-“

“Anything evil!” Stiles placed his head through the empty space in the bookshelf only to receive a palm in the face that launched him back into you. You opened your mouth to make a smart remark before he interrupted you. “Don’t. Let’s go find Lydia.”


“I’m not supposed to tell anyone,” Lydia walked past the two of you before you both followed behind her like lost puppies.

“Come on! Anyone who ever says ‘I’m not supposed to tell anyone’ is always dying to tell someone! So tell us!” Stiles pleaded.

“Is he always like this?” She asked you.

“Yeah, pretty much,” You nodded. “So about Jackson’s parents-“

“Why do you wanna know?” Lydia tilted her head, still making a beeline towards her locker.

“We can’t tell you that!” Stiles chimed in.

“Then I’m not telling you!” She scoffed.

“But you are telling me that you could tell me something if you wanted to tell me?” Your boyfriend asked.

“Was that a question?”

“It felt like a question..”

“Well, tell me if this feels like an answer,” She paused. “No.”

“Let me take care of this,” You kissed his cheek before chasing after her. “Lydia!”

“Wait- But- Hold on! Y/N! .. And now I’m standing by myself. Great. I love this plan,” Stiles grumbled as you disappeared into the crowd of students. A pair of hands caught his attention, but before he got the chance to see who it was, he felt his body slam into the wall beside him. “Ah-Ow.. Hey, Erica.”

“Why are you asking Lydia about Jackson’s real parents?” She demanded, pressing her claws against his chest.

“Why are you bringing out the claws on camera?” Stiles rolled his eyes, pointing behind her. She turned around before retracting her claws and pulling her arm away. He scoffed, speaking before he walked away. “That’s right. You wanna play Catwoman? I’ll be your Batman.”

“If you’re wondering about Jackson’s real parents, they’re about half a mile from here. In Beacon Hills Cemetery.”


“I would’ve totally told you had you not brought Stiles into it. Now I feel out of the loop and I want in,” Lydia shrugged as she closed her locker.

“You know I can’t do that-“

“Then I can’t tell you,” She smiled before turning on her heels and walking towards her next class. You were close behind before you felt a familiar sensation fall from your chest to your stomach.


You stopped in your tracks and turned around before walking quickly through the hallways, following the magnetic pull towards the locker room. You could hear growling accompanied with things slamming from down the hallway. Just as you were around to turn the corner, you heard a familiar voice that made you pause.

“I used to have the worst crush in the world on you,” Erica’s voice echoed through the empty hallway. “Yeah, you, Stiles.”

Your brows furrowed and finally stepped out of the corner to catch your boyfriend’s gaze.

“And you never once even noticed. Exactly how you’re not noticing me right now.”

“Y-Y/N, I-“

“Scott’s in trouble,” You interrupted him, reaching for the door.

“Aww, sounds like she’s jealous,” Erica sneered.

“Ofyou? Please, Erica. I’m in the middle of something, right now is not the time for jokes,” You chuckled and opened the door, making her lips part.

You looked back into the locker room just in time to see Jackson throw Scott into a sink, wincing at the sound of his skull breaking the porcelain. Your blood boiled as Jackson continued to land blows into your best friend’s stomach and face. You clenched your jaw, stepping forward to allow whatever magic, that would help Scott, take over before Stiles pulled you back by your belt loops.

“Woah, woah, woah,” He held your back to his chest, preventing you back from walking in.

“What are you-“

“Hey, hey, listen to me. Your hands are doing the thing, okay?” He whispered into your ear from behind you, practically pressing his lips to your ear. “There’s a crowd gathering around us. Take a deep breath, put your hands in your pockets, and walk away. I got this.”

“Stiles, I-“

“Y/N. Please,” He spun you around so you could see the urgency in his eyes. He motioned to the camera behind him, reminding you of who installed them. “Go.”

“… Okay, I’m gone,” You nodded, walking away. You fought the feeling that begged you to stay, the one that demanded to be felt and acted upon. Despite the rising chaos behind you, you kept your eyes low and followed Stiles’ commands.


“I still say we just kill him,” You grumbled after hearing all about your boyfriend’s eventful evening.

“Scott said the same thing,” Stiles voice echoed through your room on speakerphone, hearing his keys jingle as he opened his front door. “Oh and Erica’s gonna be fine by the way.”

Fuck, really? I say we kill her too,” You smirked as you brushed through your locks, getting ready for bed.

“Wait, are you mad about earlier?” Your boyfriend asked, pausing before walking into his room.

“No. Not at you at least,” You said the last part under your breath, making him laugh.

“Okay good,” He smiled. “Why do I feel like Erica and Isaac are trying to split us up?”

“I wouldn’t put it past them,” You yawned, crawling under your sheets.

“Are you sure I can’t sneak in tonight? I hate sleeping without you,” He whined.

“Unfortunately yes, I’m sure. My mom’s off tonight, and I don’t think we should risk it. She already heard all about the restraining order from Melissa. I think we need to let some time pass before she finds you in my room again. Which blows because I hate sleeping without you too,” You sighed as you got into bed.

“Stay on the phone until we fall asleep?” He yawned, making you giggle.

Again?” You smirked

“Yes,again!” He snapped playfully. “Come on!”

“Okay, fine!” You smiled, placing your phone to charge. “Goodnight.”

“Wait! I still haven’t told you about what else happened!”


Episode 8:

“About damn time. I’ve been waiting here for half an hour,” You stood up as Scott entered the vet clinic. “Why did you want me here anyway?”

“As backup,” He said, looking into the parking lot. “Did you talk to Deaton about your powers?”

“Yeah, I talked to him a while back. He said he only knows of the Delvoux family but nothing about how to control magic. Told me to talk to my dad’s mom but I have no clue how to contact her since-… hold on. Backup for what?” Your voice trailed off as Derek and Isaac opened the door. “What are they doing here?”

“Y/N, please. I got this,” Scott dismissed before turning around to face half of the alpha’s pack. “What’s Isaac doing here?”

“Asshole,” You scoffed and shoved Scott’s shoulder.

“I need him here,” Derek walked past you.

“I don’t trust him,” Scott replied.

“Yeah, well, he doesn’t trust you either,” Isaac bit back before smiling over at you.

“AndDerek really doesn’t care. Now where’s the vet?” The alpha snapped. “Is he gonna help us or not?

“That depends,” Doc said, leaning against the doorframe. “Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?”

“Save him,” Scott responded.

“Kill him,” Derek said before the two looked at one another.

Save him!” Scott corrected, earning a look of compliance from the alpha.

“Guess we’re saving him,” You sighed.

You all followed Deaton to the surgical room, watching as he shuffled around grabbing what looked like spices before placing them in front of you all.

Isaac reached forward to grab one before your hand pulled his arm back.

“Watch what you touch,” You said.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you sounded worried about me,” He smirked.

“Good thing you know better,” You smiled sarcastically before he placed his elbows on the table and looked up at Doc.

“So, are you some kind of witch too?” He asked the man.

“No. I’m a veterinarian,” Deaton deadpanned, making you chuckle. “Unfortunately, I don’t see anything here that’s gonna be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin.”

“We’re open to suggestions,” Derek spoke softly.

“What about an effective offense?” Isaac demanded.

“No, we already tried,” Derek said before looking back at Doc. “I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up.”

“Has it shown any weaknesses?” Deaton questioned.

“Well, one- it can’t swim,” The alpha responded. “And Y/N knocked it down for a while too but-“

“Leave her out of this,” Scott warned, narrowing his eyes. “I already told you she can’t help.”

“Does that no-swimming thing go for Jackson as well?”

“No,” You spoke up. “He’s the captain of the swim team.”

“Essentially, you’re trying to catch two people,” Doc sighed before grabbing a wired coin and holding it up. “A puppet. And a puppeteer. One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?”

“I don’t think Jackson could do it,” Scott offered. “His mother died pregnant too.”

“And she was possibly murdered,” You nodded. “We don’t think he couldn’t let the same thing happen to someone else.”

“How do you know it’s not part of the rules?” Isaac asked. “The Kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too.”

“Does that mean your father a murderer?” You furrowed your brows.

“Wouldn’t surprise me if he was,” His voice trailed off, making your heart sink. For the first time in weeks, you actually felt sympathy for him. No one deserved to go through what he did. You could see the trauma in his eyes as he recalled memories of his father.

“Hold on,” Doc blinked. “The book says they’re bonded, right? What if the fear of water isn’t coming from Jackson, but from the person controlling him? What if.. something that affects the Kanima also affect its master?”

He surrounded the coin with a black powder. Your eyes widened, feeling a familiarity to the substance. Mountain Ash.

“Meaning what?” You heard Isaac ask.

“Meaning we can catch them both,” Scott looked up at Deaton with a glimmer of hope.


“There’s gotta be some other way to get tickets, right?” Scott asked as he jumped out of the Jeep, holding his door open for you as you hopped out of the back before closing it behind you.

“It’s a secret show. There’s only one way. And it’s a secret,” Stiles responded as you all began walking towards the school.

“Hey!” Matt called after you all. “Either you guys know why no one’s getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?”

“Just forget about it. Nobody got hurt,” Stiles brushed off.

“I-I had a concussion,” Matt blinked.

“Well, nobody got seriously hurt.”

“I was in the E.R. for six hours!”

“Hey, do you wanna know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now,” Stiles held his hand mere inches from the ground before you smiled and pulled him back up. “What?”

“Are you okay?” Scott asked the boy.

“Yeah, I’m fine now,” Matt responded slowly, giving Stiles a look of annoyance. “So you didn’t get any tickets last night either.”

“No. Are they still selling?”

“Uh, no, but I managed to find two online,” Matt responded. “You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone’s gonna be there.”

“I don’t like him,” Stiles narrowed his eyes as the boy walked around. “Hey, Scott, are you sure about this?”

“Last time, whoever’s controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn’t finish the job, so what do you think he’s going to do this time?” Scott shrugged.

“Be there to make sure it happens..” Stiles rolled his eyes before the three of you walked into the school.


“Here’s your ticket,” Stiles said, placing it into your hand before you walked back into the clinic.

“How’d you manage to score this?” You furrowed your brows.

“I have my ways,” He smirked.

“Isaac beat up some kid and stole his tickets,” Scott chuckled as he walked past two two of you.

“You got your ways, huh?” You smiled.

“Oh, shut up. We have them now, don’t we?” Stiles rolled his eyes, walking back into the surgical room.

Doc explained to you all that you were to use Ketamine on the Kanima and to insert it intravenously.

This is some of what you’ll use to create the barrier. This part is for you, Stiles,” Doc placed the black powder container down. “Onlyyou.”

“Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure,” He mumbled, picking it up. “Can we maybe find a slightly less pressure-filled task for me?”

“Y/N, you should recognize this, considering it’s running through your veins. You feel that pull towards it?” Deaton turned to you as you nodded.

“What is it?” Stiles asked.

“It’s from the Mountain Ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural,” Doc responded. “Her family created it. And this office is lined with Ashwood, making it difficult for someone like Scott to cause me any trouble. In its raw state, it also has calming and healing properties for Y/N. Many of your ancestors built their cabins using this wood to enhance their mental health.”

“That explains why my mind is always so quiet when I’m in here…” You muttered, wondering why he is just now telling you this. And what else he knows about your family.

“Okay, so then what? I just spread this around the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever’s controlling him can’t cross it?” Stiles asked.

“They’ll be trapped.”

“Why can’t I do it?” You tilted your head. “I mean, it runs through my veins, right?”

“Exactly. You ancestors made the mistake of using the ash of the tree; it’s what causes the madness that runs in your family. Only the strongest of witches can be around powdered Mountain Ash without feeling the effects.”

“What effects?”

“Madness, dizziness, weakness, anger- it’s different for everyone,” Doc sighed. “Only the chosen witches, the Sorcières Verte, break the barrier without going completely mad or losing their powers. And your chances of being a Sorcières Verte are about one in a million. The only way of finding out is by breaking an ash barrier, so the vast majority of witches steer clear of doing such a thing. It’s advised to do it when you are an elder.”

“What does Sorcières Verte mean?” Scott asked, looking over at you to see your eyes had widened.

Green sorceress,” You muttered, recalling what Stiles told you the other night; your eyes were glowing green. The magic that you’ve only channeled once and struggled to fully keep under your control. What if you fit under that category?

“Yes. They are the strongest of witches. But their powers are the hardest to control, and they are more likely to go mad if they can’t do it before adulthood,” Deaton nodded.

Green.. Wait, but Y/N-“ Stiles began, looking over at you.

“Hold that thought, I have a surgery in a few minutes so let me finish telling you how to use it. Think of mountain like gunpowder. It’s just powder until a spark ignites it,” Doc continued. “You need to be that spark, Stiles.”

“If you mean light myself on fire, I don’t think I’m up for that.”

“Let me try a different analogy,” Deaton chuckled. “I used to play golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind, and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish.”

“Force of will..” Stiles repeated, looking over at you again to see that you’d completely zoned out.

“If this is going to work, Stiles,” Deaton caught the boy’s attention again. “You have to believe it. And no matter what, make sure to time the barrier. Since it’s your first time using this stuff, you’ll have an hour before you can break the barrier. Nothing you do can change that, so make sure you time it perfectly.

You all cleared the room as the vet tech brought in the next patient. You sat quietly the whole ride back to Scott’s, thinking about what you’d learned.

What if it was just a fluke? What if you’d accidentally channeled green magic without being a sorcières verte? You could try to break the barrier tonight to see. You no longer knew who’s thoughts raced through your mind; your own or the black mist’s.

“I’ll see you guys tonight!” Scott waved as he walked back into his house before Stiles turned to you in the back seat.

“I have to go home for a little while but you wanna hop up front and talk for a sec?” He asked. You looked up at him and nodded before climbing over the seat and plopping down where Scott sat only moments before. “What’s on your mind?”

“You said you saw my eyes glow green,” You said after a moment.

“You’re not actually thinking about breaking the barrier, right?” He deadpanned. You looked down at your lap. “Right?”

“Stiles, what are the fucking odds that my eyes were glowing green?” You finally turned towards him, making him scoff. “What? It would explain why I can’t control my magic. And why my mind is so easily possessed by the magic!”

“Did you go crazy again?” He snapped, not quite believing what you were proposing. “There is a one in a million chance of that being true! In case you missed the math, that’s a 999,999in a million chance of you losing your mind permanently!”

“Stiles, my chances have to be a lot better than that! My eyes were glowing green! Maybe I can just-“

“Do you even realize that you’re not just affecting yourself when you make these decisions?!” He shouted, making you fall silent. “It’s not just your mind that you’re sacrificing; it’s Lydia and Al’s friend, your parents’ daughter, Scott’s best friend— the girl I’ve loved since second grade! I don’t think I can watch another woman I love lose her mind AGAIN!”

His voice cracked as he choked out the last few words, angrily wiping away the tear that escaped. You swallowed a lump in your throat. You felt selfish for putting Stiles through the same experience he had with his mother. You knew he wouldn’t be able to go through it again.

“I-..” You stumbled before sighing. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t think of it that way. It was selfish of me to even think about it. I won’t do it.”

“Swear on it,” He said sternly. “Under no circumstances will you break that barrier.”

“I swear I won’t break it under any circumstances,” You stuck out your pinky and dipped your head down so he would look at you. “Hey, look at me. You have my word.”

“I’m sorry for raising my voice,” He mumbled as he intertwined his finger around yours, making you smile.

“It’s okay. I think I kind of deserved it that time,” You laughed, making him chuckle. “You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” He smiled, finally taking in the sight of you. He never realized just how much unwarranted resentment he held towards you for the effects your magic had on you.

He never knew what to expect from you anymore. He didn’t know who he was talking to sometimes or who to expect; you or your black misted self. Stiles wanted to be here for you, and he made a vow to himself to see this through- to help you through this. But he just couldn’t put himself through watching you destroy yourself in the name of curiosity or power.

Your warm gaze brought him back to reality. This was his Y/N smiling back at him- the one he loved since he was a kid, the one who held his hand through the roughest patches. A pang of guilt stabbed through him like a dull knife for not wanting to stick through the aftermath of breaking the barrier. Was he wrong for holding you back from knowing what you were capable of? As selfish as it might be, he couldn’t afford to lose you. Not like that.

But why did this moment feel so melancholy? It was almost like seeing you in a memory.

“I should, uh, probably go inside,” You spoke up, pressing the back of his hand to your lips. “I love you. I’ll see you tonight?”

“Yup,” He smiled halfheartedly, making you pause. “Oh, I, uh.. I love you too.”

Your face fell for a split second at his reaction. If he didn’t know you to your core, he wouldn’t have caught it. You were good at hiding your pain from him, but he could always see through it. He knew you’d only let it slide because of the argument.

And part of him wishes he hadn’t caught the way of your brows furrowing in concern and the corners of your mouth dropped. Or the way your eyes showed every emotion brewing restlessly behind them. Before he got the chance to speak, you hid behind a smile, dropping his hand to walk inside.


“You okay?” You heard Scott ask as Stiles grabbed the bag of mountain ash out of the back of the Jeep. You hopped over the front seats and climbed out, standing on the passenger’s side of the car.

“Yeah, why?” Stiles responded nonchalantly.

“Just.. didn’t say anything the whole way here,” Scott shrugged before lowering his voice. “Was it about the argument you both had after dropping me off because I don’t think-“

“No, dude. It’s not that. We’re fine. I’m fine,” Stiles brushed off, making you bite your lip nervously. You genuinely couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth. “Come on. Let’s grab the other bag.”

“I can’t, remember? Deaton said you have to do it alone.”

“Okay, this plan is really starting to suck,” Stiles whined as Scott looked past you, stepping closer to the club.

“No.. Not here.. Not now,” He muttered before bolting inside.

“Wha- Scott!” You both called after him.

“What am I supposed to-..” Stiles sighed before looking over at you. “This plan officiallysucks!”

“You wanna talk about it?” You asked. He drew in a big breath and looked up; looking as if he would rather be anywhere else besides in your presence. “Okay, a simple no would’ve sufficed. I’ll just head inside then.”

“I didn’t mean for it to come off like-.. Y/N, this isn’t about you if that’s what you’re thinking! We’re good, okay?” He grabbed your arm before you could fully walk off. “I just don’t think I can talk about what’s on my mind without completely breaking down and I don’t think now is the time for that. Let’s talk after this is all over?”

“.. Okay,” You sighed and nodded before he placed a kiss on your forehead. You pulled away, placing your hand on his cheek and rubbing it with your thumb before turning on your heels and walking into the building.

Something felt off. It wasn’t Stiles himself, but the way you interacted almost felt like the calm before a storm. You squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head as you marched through the door, convincing yourself it wasn’t your mind talking. This was no time to be distracted; you needed your fullfocus.

You followed the music down a dark hallway before revealing a room filled with sweaty teenagers, neon lights, and music that would leave your ears ringing for the rest of the week.

“Hey, follow me,” Isaac grabbed your shoulders and guided you over to a secluded corner. “You have the stuff?”

“You make this sound like a drug deal,” You rolled your eyes, grabbing the vial Doc gave to you out of your backpack and filling the syringe with the liquid.

“You are literally giving me a vial of Ketamine.This kind of is a drug deal,” He smiled. You looked up at him and chuckled before continuing. “You have a nice smile. Too bad you don’t show it to me more often.”

“Too bad you’re not funny enough to see it more often,” You shrugged, making him laugh. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his boyish giggle.

“What was that about not being able to make you smile?” He teased.

“You wanna learn how to use this thing or not?” You rolled your eyes. He nodded, flickering his gaze between your eyes and lips as he watched you speak. “You have to do this intravenously, which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back in this plunger right here. In the neck is probably going to be the easiest. So you-“

“Find a vein, jam it in there, and pull back on the trigger? Got it,” He smiled before taking it out of your hands. “Why me?”

“We have to make sure that Agrent doesn’t completely ruin the plan,” You explained. “And be careful, okay?”

“Oh, I doubt it’ll even slightly hurt him,” He chuckled.

“No, I mean you,” You corrected, making his gaze snap back up at you. “Uh.. Scott doesn’t want you to get hurt.”

Scott?” Isaac grinned.

“Yeah.Scott,” You smiled before feeling your phone buzz in your pocket. You broke eye contact to look down to see that Stiles was calling. Isaac sighed as you urgently walked away from him with the phone pressed to your ear, not so much as giving him a proper goodbye before you were out of the room. “What’s wrong? I’m on the way out.”

“Look, I got like 50 feet of ash left, and I’m out. Okay? So could you get out here and try to help me figure something out?” He begged. “Because I don’t know what to do and I’m just standing out here and I’m.. all alone and I’m hearing gunshotsandwerewolves, and I’m-I’m standing here like a frickinidiot all by myself with a handful of magic fairy dust, and I don’t have enough-“

Okay, I’m here!” You laughed, standing at the door. “I think I need to keep my distance though because Doc said it might have effects on me if I’m too close.”

“Oh come on! The universe has a personal vendetta against me- I just know it!” Stiles shouted, more at himself than anything. “What do I do?

“He said you gotta believe!” You called.

Believe. Okay, yeah! I need to believe,” He nodded, looking at the gap again “Come on, believe, Stiles…”

“Close your eyes and picture it,” You stepped closer. “Just imagine it working, okay?”

“This is stupid. My mind is racing way too fast for me to believe anything besides in the power of medicinal marijuana!” He shook his head. You sighed, debating your next move for a moment before jogging out next to him. “Woah- What are you doing?”

“This,” You smiled, reaching forward and pulling him into a kiss. His free hand found the small of your back and pulled you in closer as your hands trailed along his neck and hairline. You felt him ease into you; his breathing slowed as you softly yet eagerly kissed him. “You need to breathe.Imagine it, okay? You got this. I’m going to step back before I get any effects but I believe in you! Close your eyes and just-“

“Imagine..” He finished as he looked back at the gap. He took a deep breathe before closing his eyes and walking towards the other side. You watched from the door as the remaining gap sealed shut.

OH MY GOD!” You squealed as he opened his eyes. He looked over at you and laughed before running up to you.

YES!” He shouted, picking you up in a hug and twirling you around. “WE JUST DID THAT!”

YOU JUST DID THAT!” You laughed, holding his smiley face in your hands. “I knew you could do it!”

“Oh my god! This was all you! I love you!” He grinned before kissing you.

“Oh, I feel dizzy,” You mumbled as you pulled away.

“Am I that good of a kisser?” He smirked before seeing your pale face.

“Mountain Ash..”

“Right, yeah. The Mountain Ash,” He nodded, jogging you back towards the door. “You feel better over here?”

“Yeah, almost instantly actually,” You furrowed your brows before looking at him again. “We can keep celebrating if you want now.”

WE FUCKING DID THAT!” He cheered, making you laugh as he spun you around again. “We need to meet up with Isaac and Erica now!”

“Okay, follow me,” You smiled, taking his hand and dragging him down the dark hallway and towards room Scott told you to use. You opened the door to be greeted by Erica’s golden eyes. “Woah, down girl!”

“It’s just us! It’s just us!” Stiles stepped in front of you. “Geez, don’t freak.”

“Is he okay?” You asked as you stepped toward Jackson.

“Well,” Isaac stepped in front of you. “Let’s find out.”

He whipped out his claws and tried to slash through his chest, only for Jackson to catch his arm and bend it at an ungodly angle. You all winced as Isaac stumbled back towards you.

“Okay, no one does anything like that again, okay?” Stiles looked over at you and Erica who nodded back at him.

“I thought the Ketamine was supposed to put him out,” Isaac grunted.

“Yeah, well, apparently this is all we’re gonna get,” Stiles shrugged. “So let’s just hope that whoever’s controlling him just decided to show up tonight..”

“Uh, Stiles?” You muttered as you noticed Jackson’s eyes snap open. The pack all looked at you before you pointed.

I’m here,” Jackson said in a distorted voice. “I’m right here with you.”

“Something’s wrong,” You whispered to Stiles as your stomach dropped.

“No shit, Sherlock,” He rolled his eyes.

“No, my powers are telling me something’s off. I think Scott’s in trouble,” You looked at the door.

“It could just be the bond you have with us. We’re kind of balls deep in trouble right now too,” Isaac said sincerely. For the first time ever, he didn’t say it as a joke or in a condescending manner; he was serious. Your brows raised, looking over at Stiles.

“I hate to say it, but maybe he’s right,” Stiles grumbled, earning looks of amusement. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I only agreed because he said ‘us’. Now who’s gonna talk to Jackson?”

Everyone looked around at one another before Stiles scoffed.

“Okay,calm down, guys. One at a time now,” He rolled his eyes before getting in front of the boy in the chair. “Jackson, is that you?”

Us,” He responded. “We’re all in here.”

You stepped forward, placing a hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder.

“Are you the one killing people?” Stiles asked.

We’re the ones killing murderers.”

“So then all of the people you killed so far-“

Deserved it,” Jackson finished.

“So we got a little rule book that says you only go after murderers,” You spoke up.

Anything can break if enough pressure is applied.”

“Alright so the people you’re killing are all murderers then?” Stiles interrogated.

All,” Jackson spoke. “Each. Every one.

“Well who did they murder?”

Me,” Jackson finally answered.

“Wait, what? What do you mean?” Stiles titled his head slightly.

They murdered me,” He said before his eyes began glowing orange and developing into those of a reptile. You grabbed your boyfriend and pulled him up, knowing what was going to happen next wouldn’t be good. “They murdered me.”

“Okay, alright. More Ketamine,” Stiles told Isaac. “The man needs more Ketamine. Come on!”

“We don’t have any more,” Isaac muttered.

“You used the whole bottle?” You narrowed your eyes at him. You heard Erica whimper beside you before you all saw Jackson stand up and snarl.

“Okay, out. Everybody out!” Stiles pushed you out of the room. “GO! GO! GO! GO!

“Okay, find something we can all move against the door!” You breathed as you all pressed against it. Only a split second later, Jackson burst through the wall beside you and ran off into the dark hallway. “Let’s go check on the Mountain Ash.”

“Good idea, let’s go,” Stiles nodded before you both took off running the opposite direction. Once you burst through the door, you saw Derek at the Jeep. “Hey, um.. So we kind of lost Jackson inside but it’s-”

He paused as Erica and Isaac looked down at the mountain ash, not daring to step across it. You, however, easily walked over it.

“Oh my god! It’s working!” Stiles cheered. “Oh, this is- YES! I did something!”

“I have that sinking feeling again, Stiles!” You turned towards the building, feeling a magnetic pull. You stepped back towards the ash. But it stopped you. You held your hand against it to see that it was now impenetrable for you.

A weak howl echoed through the alleyway.

Scott..” Derek breathed.

“What?” Stiles asked.

“Break it!” Derek ordered.

“What? No way!” Stiles argued.

“Scott’sdying!” Derek shouted.

“Okay, what? How do you know that?”

“Oh my god, Stiles! I just know! BREAK IT!”

“I CAN’T!” He shouted as he tried to move the ash to no avail. “It hasn’t been an hour and Doc said it won’t budge before it-… Y/N?”

You clenched your fists, looking down at the Mountain Ash. You felt Scott’s bond slipping away from you; he really was dying. You were left with no other option.

“Y/N,don’t. We have a plan!” Stiles shook his head. “You heard Deaton! You can’t-“

“I’m so sorry, Stiles,” You whispered, looking up with tears in your eyes.

WAIT!” He jumped up and ran towards you. But it was too late. Strong wind suddenly erupted from the barrier, pushing him and Derek away from it with great force, but leaving you standing in your place. “Y/N! PLEASE!STOP!”

You held your hand out, clenching your eyes to try and drown out your boyfriend’s screams, you felt a familiar aura surround your body before a loud explosion rang through your ears and brought you back to reality.

NO!WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Stiles cried. Derek ran past you, you lingered for a moment to look back at your boyfriend who stared back at you with tears running down his face. You swallowed the knot in your throat before turning around to chase Derek into the building. You followed him into a smoky room that made him burst into a coughing fit.

You looked up just in time to see Mrs. Argent running up behind him with a wolfsbane-laced knife. You held out your hand and sent her flying backwards into the opposite. She groaned before looking up at you and chuckling.

“A Delvoux. I knew there was something off about you,” She smiled before getting back up and running to attack Derek again. You held out your hand; nothing happened. You looked down to see nothing; no mist, no aura, nothing. You watched as the two fought desperately for their lives. You took the opportunity to run up to Scott.

“Are you okay? Scotty? Oh my god!” You breathed, looking up to see that the smoke was coming from a wolfsbane diffuser. You held a finger under his nose to check for any sign of breathing. “DEREK! I don’t think he’s breathing!”

“I’m right here! She’s gone. Help me carry him out to my car!” He gasped.

You did as told, holding Scott’s head in your lap the whole ride to the clinic. You sliced through your both of palms with Derek’s swiss army knife and pressed them together.

Again,nothing. No pain, no healing, absolutely nothing happened besides your blood dripping down each other’s arms.

“No, no, NO! The healing’s not working!” You sobbed, looking up in the rearview mirror to see Derek’s alarmed gaze.

“We’re here! Help me carry him in! I’m still weak,” He ordered.


The remembrance of the past 48 hours hit you like a train as you stared despondently at your boss working diligently on your best friend. The rug had been yanked from under you. Everything you knew was flipped upside down.

You were losing your best friend. The Argents knew of your lineage. You lost your powers and we’re waiting patiently for your mind to go with it. And worst of all, radio silence from Stiles.

12:32 AMStiles: Is Scott alive??

12:33 AMY/N: Yes. Doc’s working on him rn. No news yet. I’ll keep you updated if anything changes

12:39 AMY/N: Can we talk about earlier? Read.

You looked up at the clock that read 3:12 AM and placed your face in your palms. You couldn’t get the scene out of your head; his shattered look, his devastating cry. The words kept repeating in your head as you finally allowed yourself to cry.

What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?

Chapter 8 ->


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Does your heart really belong to you ?

“In the somber parts of his mind, Theo always knew that Tara would finally take back what was hers.

Because even if he could one day forgive himself for what he did to her, he didn’t know how he could use her heart knowing what he did to her.”

Theo’s Nightmare… will I ever stop ??

Listen… I really don’t know why I continue to do this. I guess it’s because I’m working 24/7 on my horror comics for school and I only think about drawings things like this anymore

Anyway, I’m very sorry

How can you redeem yourself when no one believes in you… not even yourself ?

“Eyes glued, lips sealed. No one around to help a poor sinner.

How was Theo supposed to be the man his sister wanted him to be if it was her stolen heart that was beating in his cursed chest ?”

Theo’s nightmares, yes. Again. I like to cry lmao

I’m once again sorry for doing something like this I really like doing things like this tho omg I think it looks pretty dope

Cody’s post lately are all so damn ambiguous. Like I don’t wanna have hope but “darkest before the light”??? How can I NOT relate this to the current situation of the Thiam fandom???

So. Is Cody aware how much he’s teasing us and that every last one of his posts sends us into a frenzy or is he just blissfully unaware of the power he has over us?

At this point there’s no way in hell he’s not purposely teasing us. Right? RIGHT??

Dylan liking tweets left and right just to mess with everyone

i have a headcanon that theo raeken smokes weed and/or cigarettes. i have absolutely no supporting evidence just vibes.

the feminine urge to politely force jeff davis to make thiam canon

 So more lineart practice for me… Then the news of HALE AUTO came out…  So more lineart practice for me… Then the news of HALE AUTO came out…  So more lineart practice for me… Then the news of HALE AUTO came out…

So more lineart practice for me… Then the news of HALE AUTO came out…

Post link
 Break on my random mini-comics just to do this…

Break on my random mini-comics just to do this…

Post link

Has anyone checked on Dylan in the last 48 hours

Actual footage of how Jeff got Tyler in the movie:
