#tendou x yn


It’s not a pleasant feeling. This is his first birthday that Tendou has ever spent on his own, in the City of Dreams. 

Paris; it was mostly referred to as the “City of Lights”, but he calls it his City of Dreams because it is the place were his dream of becoming a chef and running his own chocolaterie came true. He’s been here for half a decade now and accomplished so much.

Not without his own hard work and sacrifices, though. And he must say, the biggest sacrifice he’s had to make so far is having to part with you. 

Usually, videochats and lovey text messages are enough to fill the distance between you both, but it’s on lonely nights like these, where he is hauling himself towards the elevator of his apartment complex — wearing his stained chef whites with a heavy rucksack slung over his shoulders — that he realises how truly arduous it is to be alone. To be without you

All of his movements were frigid; nothing felt right today. He scanned his key then pressed the button for his apartment.

5. The penthouse. He used to live on the second floor of this same apartment complex but once he gained the funds for it, he managed to ascend all the way up to the highest floor. 

For him, usually his residence is a symbol of how far he has come and all that he has achieved through his perseverance, but today it only reminded him of you and how you had yet to come see his new house (that he has had for over a year now). He has given you a virtual tour of it but that’s not the same as having you lie down next to him in his twin bed, cuddled up to his chest while he has his arms wrapped lovingly around you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 

Oh, and he remembers when he first mentioned that he had bought a twin bed, you were rightfully confused. When he is rich enough to buy a penthouse, how can he not afford a double bed? 

Well, his explanation is quite simple, really. The less space in the bed, the more cuddling that will occur. And maybe other things too, who’s to say? 

Plus, they don’t make race-car beds in king size! (Jokes, he doesn’t have a race-car bed; they don’t make them in any size above small single, and cuddling with you in a single bed would simply be claustrophobic. He does care a lot about your comfort.) 

As the lift slowly began to ascend upwards, he was left to ponder what he had done wrong. Every year, you make it a point to come visit him for his birthday, while he visits you on your birthday and most other holidays. Including pancake day. (Because, let’s face it, it’s a lot cheaper to leave Paris than it is to get in.) However, this year you said you couldn’t make it due to work commitments. 

And at first he was irritated because he wasn’t really used to you putting your work in front of your relationships. Plus, he’s gone to hell and back rescheduling appointments, just so he could see you on your special day. Why couldn’t he get the same thing in return?

But then it dawned on him that the whole reason you are both apart in the first place is because of his own work commitments. So he didn’t really have the authority to be upset with you, only with himself. 

A faint ring echoed through the elevator and Tendou couldn’t help but heave a sigh. This was sure to be his worst birthday yet. There is always next year, though. 

The elevator door parted before his heavy eyes. He’d been running on caffeine, so he wasn’t able to tell if he was hallucinating when he saw his living room floor scattered with confetti balloons and multi-coloured streamers hanging from the wall, decorating the tables and lining his couch. It appeared as though a rainbow had come crashing down on his previously Rustic, minimalist living room. 

Though he wasn’t opposed, the bright splashes of colour really did cheer him up. Perhaps the thing that was bringing him down was living in such a dull and lifelessly decorated house. Up until now, he’d accepted how the house came pre-furnished and never really interfered with the décor, but now that his eyes have been opened to how lively and optimistic his environment can make him feel, his first instinct was to rush to his computer and start searching for an interior designer. 

Of course, he will do that after he finds the person responsible for livening up his house, because it certainly was not him. It’s likely to be the doings of his landlord or a.. very friendly burglar. Because he did notice that his antique chocolate cuckoo clock was missing. 

“Hello?” His voice echoed through the living room. His jaw immediately snapped shut when he heard movement coming from the kitchen; what sounded like shuffling and humming. Though whatever it was, didn’t acknowledge him at all.

Instead of engaging with the demon that could possibly be present in his home right now, he reached out to grab the tablet that rested on the wall right next to the elevator. It was the device that was connected to all the security cameras he had set up in his house. 

Scrolling through all the footage, he finally landed on the camera view that was currently recording the kitchen and his heart skipped a beat. 

It wasn’t a burglar or his landlord. And quite frankly, he would have figured it was some sort of demonic entity before he would’ve guessed that the person in the kitchen of his Parisian Penthouse would beyou. The person who said they couldn’t have made it to celebrate his birthday even if they begged their boss for a day off. Even through a low-quality cheap camera, he was able to recognise your grace. 

Tendou smiled and tossed the tablet onto the couch, racing to the kitchen at top speed so he could finally take a look at you after all this time. You already had him grinning from ear-to-ear at the mere sight of you through a screen, so imagine the tears he wept when he was finally standing in the same room as you.

“(y/n)..” he gasped, frozen in place at the entrance of the kitchen, gazing at your figure through glossy eyes. You had a glamourous outfit on, perfectly styled hair and in your hand was a piping bag as you worked away at the final details at what he presumed was his birthday cake. 

Upon hearing his voice, you visibly tensed. Not because he was home earlier than you expected, but because it had been so long since you had heard his real voice. His authentic voice that hadn’t been altered by the quality of his microphone or the static of your wifi. It was his kind voice that called out to you, which result in you spinning on your heels and immediately dashing towards him to engulf him in your arms. 

And he wasn’t taken aback or surprised in the slightest. Ever since the moment he left you last time, he’s been prepared to take you in his arms again. He adores nothing more than your chest pressed against his, and how your loving, soft lips capture his own. For a tender kiss he wishes could last a lifetime. 

Soon, you part and his hand gently caresses your arm until he can take your chin between his index finger and thumb, to share a longing gaze. “I missed you so much.” He whispered, a foolish grin still painting his features.

You laughed, knowing that he’s only being quiet because you’ve told him off in the past for cheering and being loud when you’ve come to visit. However, that was only because you guys were in the airport and people were staring. “Tendou,” You cupped his cheek with your palm, “We’re alone, you don’t need to whisper.” 

He laughed, shifting his hand from the small of your back and resting it upon yours, “Alright, if you insist.” He took a deep breath, then yelled, “What the fuck are you doing here?!” 

You almost winced at how loud he was but just laughed since you did ask for it, and were fully expecting it. “I’m here for you. I couldn’t let you be alone on your birthday!”

His expression softened and his heart melted. How could he have ever doubted your love? What an idiot. 

He pulled you back in for another feverish hug, “You’re the best, (y/n). I adore you.” He genuinely couldn’t find the words to express how overjoyed he was to see you, on his special day. Not only that, but you brought cake! “Is that vanilla?” His warm breath tickled your ear, as he motioned to the two-tier, brightly iced cake sitting on the counter. 

“Close. It’s vanilla confetti cake!” You finally let go of Tendou, only so you could grab his hand and urge him towards your masterpiece. “Come, look!”

Complying, he walked over to the cake, but paying most of his attention to how cute you were when you’re excited, and how surreal it was to feel your hand in his. 

“I made it myself because apparently no local bakers stock confetti cake. But anyway, I iced it as well!” 

“Why is elmo on it?”

“That was supposed to be you but then I messed up so I had to turn it into elmo.”

“Ah, I see.” It was mostly covered with pale buttercream icing but on the top, there was the picture of elmo, and on the side of the second tier, black text read, “Happy Birthday, Guess Monster!” And he couldn’t help but snicker, as you and Ushijima are the only ones who still sometimes call him by that old highschool nickname, just to tease him. 

“Thank you so much, darling. I can’t believe you’ve went to all this effort just for me.” He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you to his chest, and this time, as he tried to catch a whiff of the cake, he noticed that you smelt like burnt chocolate. Or perhaps that was him, he is the one that works in the chocolaterie, but he’s good enough that he doesn’t burn the chocolate anymore! 

“Am I hallucinating or do you smell like burnt chocolate?” 

“Uh, you’re sane.” You grimaced, and shot him an innocent look, “Please don’t be mad.”

“What happened?” 

“I had to take your cuckoo clock off the wall to put up the streamers and I had no idea it was chocolate so when I left it near the microwave, it kinda melted.” You confessed in one breath in hopes that would soften the blow, but he didn’t seem fazed at all.

“Even if it was wood, why would you leave it by the microwave? I’m pretty sure wood is flammable”

“Because I was in a hurry! It’s really difficult trying to sneak in here, decorate the place and make this cake under three hours!” You tried to cry and express irritation, but as soon as you heard Tendou snickering under his breath, you couldn’t help but burst out laughing, and so did he.

“It’s fine, doll, I’ll just make a new one at work. Or maybe I don’t need one. I was just thinking about refurnishing anyway.” He shrugged, ruffling your hair slightly. 

You nodded, biting your lip as you were hastily reminded of another piece of tragic news, and he could immediately tell in your shift in aura that something was wrong. Hence, he was already prompting you to let him know if something was bothering you, or if you were worried or feeling jetlagged. 

“No, I feel fine, Tendou. It’s just that..” You trailed off, finally finding the courage to meet his affectionate red eyes. “My boss was serious when she said she’d fire me if I took this week off to see you. So I’ll have to start looking for a job straight away.”

He hummed slightly, unsure of what to say at first as he simply caressed your arm for a few moments, in complete silence. “I’m so sorry, (y/n). But if you want, you can always come work with me.”

You giggled, scratching your neck awkwardly, “I appreciate the offer. But I don’t know the first thing about being a chocolatier.”

“I could teach you.” He squeezed your shoulders slightly and you could tell from his wide eyes that he was being completely serious. “And you could live here with me! I’ll even buy us a kingsize instead of having us sleep in the twin bed forever!”

Your throat dried and your palms were hot; it was a lot of pressure to contemplate such a big decision right now. Yet, something about this entire situation felt so right, that you couldn’t possibly say no outright. In fact, if being a chocolatier and making food was as fun as making that cake, then everything about the arrangement sounds perfect to you. You’d have a job, a home and you’d get to stay with Tendou. 

Hence, before you could even waste another second thinking about it, you blurted out, “That would be amazing, Tendou. Thank y—” Before you could even finish, he scooped you up in his arms and began twirling around the kitchen. 

“No, thank you, (y/n).” He stopped spinning but held you above him, so he could gaze up into your hypnotic eyes, “You’re so perfect. Thank you for making this the best birthday I’ve ever had.”




characters ♡ iwaizumi, kenma, akaashi & tendou 

tws ♡ graphic plushie abuse and parent!reader in akaashi’s



♡ honestly, you saw the oikawa plushie sitting in the window of some sports shop in the mall which you rarely visit

♡ and that same morning you had heard from iwaizumi that oikawa would be in town and visiting y’all tomorrow, so what would be a sweeter gift to give a rich volleyball player than a miniature version of himself?

♡ hence you bought it without a second thought (well, trying your best to ignore the ungodly price they had plastered on a glorified piece of stuffing)

♡ in fact, you also thought it would be cute to show iwaizumi since he hasn’t seen his best friend in years! perhaps he’d appreciate the little token of fame that displayed how far his childhood teammate has come

♡ but you couldn’t have been more wrong 

♡ like you even went to the effort of showing it to him while he is cooking bc that is when he is most peaceful, but no.. he was still annoyed

♡ but he wasn’t irritated for long, bc who could stay mad at such a cute face? (don’t ask whether he means your face or the plushies lol)

♡ however, even if he drops the “argument” (parenthesis bc it was just banter disguised as a quarrel), the oikawa plushie will still likely be defaced within the next 1–3 business days

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ 

“ew, what the fuck is that!?”

“it’s oikawa.” you hummed, gaze flickering between the plushie and iwaizumi’s utterly disgusted expression. honestly you couldn’t see anything wrong enough with the plushie to merit such large reaction; the eyes were a bit cartoony but other than that, it was cute! 

“exactly. get it out of my house before i throw it in here.” he spat while motioning to the pot of boiling rice, attention hastily fixating on the steam rising from the water, rather than having to view that thing any longer. “how much was it?” he muttered, hesitant to even imply that he was the slightest bit interested in it, but his curiosity was strong.

“expensive.” you croaked while averting your gaze, staring at the bubbling pot and smiling as if you didn’t notice how he was glaring you down, out of the corner of your eye. “but whatever, it’s not for you, anyway. it’s for him, and i’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”

iwaizumi rolled his eyes and scoffed, which is seemingly all he has been able to do since he laid eyes on the plushie, “put the receipt next to my gym bag. i’ll return it on my way there tonight.” he said in an oddly flat tone, which contrasted with the exaggerated gasp that was ripped from your throat. 

“no way!” you pressed the back of your palm against your forehead while lifting the plushie in an exaggerated manner; if he was going to make a big fuss over a piece of stuffing, you may as well be dramatic too. “just because minikawa is better at volleyball than you, doesn’t mean you have to be envious of him. i love you both equally.”

catching on to what you were doing, iwaizumi first had to suppress an chuckle before snatching the plushie from your clutches and holding it above the pot of boiling rice; poor minikawa’s fluff being dampened by the steam. “let’s see if he can swim.” he tried to utter in the most sinister tone possible, but failed as you both had already burst out laughing. 

once he was able to catch his breath, he retracted his arm from above the pot and casually threw the plushie back to you, “here.” he said gruffly, as if he hadn’t just been cackling like a maniac a few seconds ago, “but if you’re gonna give it to him, at least let me sew the thing a better outfit first.”

you hummed, raising an eyebrow before glancing at the plush, scanning it’s attire and realising it was wearing his blue, argentinian uniform. immediately figuring out what he meant, your nose scrunched with joy, “it’s fine, i’ll sew a small seijoh uniform right now. you work too hard.”

iwaizumi chuckled, reaching backwards to slip a strong arm around your waist and pull you forward, planting a kiss on the first place his lips could reach; your jaw. followed by sensual whisper, close to your ear, “thank you, angel.”



♡ okay it really depends which bsf you buy — kuroo or hinata

♡ but realistically, why would a plushie of kuroo exist? he’s literally an employee at japan volleyball association (or an pornstar/tax evader depending on what manga panels you’ve been looking at) 

♡ meanwhile hinata is a pretty famous athlete, so it’s not surprising when you find a plushie of him for sale on amazon

♡ kenma had entrusted you with the task of finding “a few cute gifts” to give shōyō when he comes to visit

♡ you had bought all the usual stuff like soaps and flowers, also you had the idea to buy a customised MSBY jackals bottle opener and towel, so you thought you were set 

♡ but you had never ran to the virtual check-out faster than after you saw that plushie

♡ (also since kenma is famous too bc he is a stock trader/CEO/youtuber, there is probably a plushie of him for sale on amazon too — along with kageyama — and all three of them were in the “frequently bought together” section) 

♡ kenma is terrified 

♡ it didn’t bother him too much at first; he acknowledged that he thought it was creepy but he decided not to mention it since it wouldn’t be his problem for long anyway 

♡ but then you arranged all the gifts in a hamper, which you placed on the vanity which sat directly across from yoursharedbed

♡ so when he woke up in the middle of the night and took a small sip of water, he caught a glimpse of the plushie and it’s beady, dead eyes staring him down and he literally screamed 

♡ it wasn’t loud enough to wake you up but it still left his throat sore for the next week, and he spent the rest of the night hidden under the sheets, almost suffocating

♡ when he told you to get that gremlin out of his room and you asked why, he almost had a breakdown trying to explain that he wanted the plushie gone without admitting that he was scared

♡ because if he did — since he married a menace — he’d probably end up finding ten other plushies around the house, in the most unsuspecting places and it’d give him a heart attack every time

♡ one eye open when i’m sleeping

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

upon ripping open the parcel that had just arrived, you immediately sprung to your feet and rushed to kenma’s office just to show him the adorable item you bought. 

he owns a small suction cup sign which he sticks to his door whenever he is streaming or simply does not want to be disturbed, so when you notice that the sign wasn’t up, you barged into the room with the most cheesy grin gracing your features and the plushie hidden behind your back, “guess what?”

“you bought something.” his gaze remained fixated on his PC screen, yet he replied without missing a beat. 

“correct!” you announced proudly, noise scrunching with delight, “it’s for hinata, and i think it’s soperfect.”

before kenma got the chance to utter a single question, he flinched along with his desk as a large item was slammed onto the surface. turning to look at the source, his hairs jumped to stand on their ends as he met the lifeless eyes of a ginger goblin; he could’ve sworn he saw hellfire in it’s inky pupils 

“perfect?” he questioned, voice being reduced to a hoarse whisper.

“yeah,” you trailed off, noticing how his expression fell into a grimace, “don’t you like it? look what it does!” you tone was still surprisingly lively as you pressed it’s stomach, and hell broke loose. it sounded like hinata’s bathroom song being sung by a choir of devils; the noise caused kenma involuntarily cringe and avert his wide stare, yet he could still see out of the corner of his eyes that you seemed to be.. content? pleased with the chorus of ungodly screams? wearing a cute smile too? were you both hearing the same thing?

left speechless, all kenma could think to utter was a brief, “okay.” before returning to his work. if he didn’t care about you deeply, he’d have thrown the thing out the window by now. but he doesn’t want you to think of him as irrational or manic, so he forced his mouth shut and glued himself to the chair. in fact, he was too paralysed in fear to even move his arms;bonus!

happy with the response, you picked up the plushie and began heading for the door, but kenma couldn’t help but snicker at how you held the wretched thing dear like a baby when it was literally the visual manifestation of sin. 

“alright, kenma.” you peered over your shoulder and playfully blew him a kiss, which he reciprocated — he basked in your radiance, even if it was over a cursed gift, “i’ll let you get back to work. but remember to take a break soon.” 

you reminded him, since he had a tendency to overwork himself (when he wasn’t procrastinating) and he nodded, letting out a small sigh as you closed the door behind you. he wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to break it to you that the plushie was a bit freaky, but that was a problem he could deal with later. perhaps he’ll surprise you with a new car and then — while you’re overwhelmed with joy — he’ll ask you to take it on a test-drive to the incinerator and throw the plushie inside.



♡ the most supportive boyfriend <3

♡ even if the plushie is literally terrifying, he will try to fix it with marker or just sew/knit a new one 

♡ and if y’all have a kid/baby he will show it to them and be like “look! it’s uncle kou..”

♡ and while the baby is all happy and content, he’ll take a video and send it to bokuto, who replies with a video of him making funny faces, for akaashi to show the baby

♡ either way, akaashi will be pleased…

♡ …until his kid starts carrying miniature bokuto everywhere 

♡ and whenever you try to take it off them to wash it, they immediately start wailing 

♡ it was endearing at first; how they were cuddling with the plushie almost all the time, and how akaashi had a bunch of pictures of mini-bokuto in the most random places bc your kid refused to leave it at home (including the aquarium, the mall, the cinema and the supermarket, sitting on the shelf amongst the towering diet coke bottles)

♡ but it got to the point where you were both afraid that they’d never grow out of it.. 

♡ but fortunately, once bokuto actually came to visit y’all — and your kid got to see uncle kou in the flesh — they kinda left their plushie in favour of the real deal

♡ even when bokuto had to go back home, your kid spent so much time playing with the toys he brought, they pretty much forgot about the plushie all together 

♡ benefits of tiny child brain

♡ but what you and akaashi failed to consider, was the fate of the grimy, tattered bokuto plushie once your kid had given up on it

♡ it was in too poor condition to give to charity, so that only left you with one option…

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

“i suppose this is goodbye.” you monologued, watery gaze fixated on the torn plushie in your hands. well, your hands that were protected by two layers of disposable plastic gloves, of course; there was no way in hell you’d touch that thing with your bare palms. not when it was covered with grime, dust, filth and memories. 

“don’t be so dramatic, sweetheart.” akaashi chuckled. though he found it endearing that you were almost as attached to the plushie as your baby was, he simply couldn’t bare another second so close to the object without some sort of nose plug; it reeked. 

as you stared dejectedly down on the plushie hovering over the endless trash void, akaashi considered swatting the plushie out of your hand and into the garbage to spare some time, but he didn’t dare to touch it without hand protection. “why are we still standing here?”  

you sighed, turning the plush to face him with it’s beady eyes, “look, it’s so cute. plus our baby adored it so much, maybe we should keep it for memories’ sake?”

“or maybe we shouldn’t.” akaashi reached up to squeeze his nose shut, which conveyed to the point he was trying to prove. 

“yeah.” you said nonchalantly as your grip on the object loosened, allowing it to fall from your hand and join the rest of the trash. though your stare was filled with sorrow, akaashi appeared as though he couldn’t care less, but he did try to force a frown for your sake. 

his gentle touch lingered on your back, opposed to holding your hand, “i’m glad our house is free of that stink.” he mused, planting a brief kiss on your cheek before walking inside, likely to feed the baby. 

needless to say, you both spent the rest of the night looking through his gallery of photos with the baby and their ex-best friend.



♡ worst mistake of your life 

♡ he’s a menace 

♡ makes it his personal goal to put the poor ushi plushie through everything

♡ at first he did exclusively evil stuff; like putting it through the blender, the washing machine, the oven, encasing it in chocolate etc 

♡ like it is wasn’t even for stress-relief or anything- he just thought it was funny

♡ (he even opened up a secret tiktok account to showcase his shenanigans @ushiwakasmoothie )

♡ (and he’d send the tiktoks to ushijima like “yo dude, this guy on tt is DESTORYING your plushies” and ushiwaka is 99% certain it’s tendou making the videos but he still replies “Haha! ” )

♡ but eventually you convinced tendou to be nicer 

♡ (so now that he is a changed man he has to make a new account for his cute photos @ushiwakaismyson )

♡ and his feed is mainly comprised of the plushie doing nice things like drinking milkshakes, going on walks, doing yoga, enjoying a bubble bath — generally just the opposite of the hell he was put through earlier

♡ and the account probably becomes really popular too bc who doesn’t want a picture of mini-ushijima riding a toy tractor as their homescreen?

♡ ultimately, all good things must come to an end, though

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

trying to take a nice skyline photo with the plushie sat on the balcony railing of tendou’s penthouse wasn’t exactly a smart idea. but who’s to say any of your ideas ever were?

“more to the right.” you mused, staring at the scene through your phone camera, trying to capture a gorgeous shot of the horizon while also keeping the plushie as the focal point.

in tandem with your request, he adjusted it, but not without tossing his head back and letting out an exasperated groan, “my arm fucking hurts.”

yet all you could do was giggle, “i’m almost done.”

“really?” his eyes practically lit up with joy as he jolted to his feet and let go of the plushie in favour of running behind you, peering over your shoulder to peek at the photo you had yet to take.

“i said almost.” you grumbled, just about to snap a shot until a large gust of wind caused your hair to flew over your eyes. once it ceased, time seemed to slow down as you both watched the plushie lose balance on the thin railing, stumbling backwards on it’s uneasy feet until it was gone, over the edge. 

the look of concern you both shared after watching the object quickly disappear past the glass barrier quickly morphed into one of stifled delight, “what the fuck—” you cackled, tears brimming at your lashline. 

“there he goes!” tendou had to rest a hand upon your shoulder to stop himself from keeling over with laughter, “oh, god—”

this went on for a while until you were both able to successful stand up and repress your snickers enough to form whole sentences again, “should we maybe head down and grab it?” you inquired politely, only to be met with a roll of tendou’s eyes as he guided you back instead. 

“nah, it’s fine. he had a good run.”


taglist:@scftfairyking​ @the-astrumnauta@thefutureastronaut @itsmeaudrieee @definitelynottrin  @fairyrintarou@littlemochi@90steaology

if your name is in italics i can’t tag you!

click here to be added!



characters ♡ iwaizumi, akaashi, tendou, suna & oikawa

tws ♡ cursing, slight veteran disrespect pfft, hurt/comfort & they get progressively less angsty



♡ he ‘s a man so he’d never cry in front of you or need any comfort from anyone besides himself or so he thought 

♡ as it turns out, he actually does need positivity in his life sometimes because unfortunately, he feels emotions like everyone else

♡ he refuses to allow himself to be woeful in front of others, for the longest time

♡ his walls will eventually crumble, but emphasis on eventually bc it took oikawa almost a lifetime of friendship to do it 

♡ you’ve seen him display every other emotion — including the soft, subtle joy he got when he was chosen by a puppy in the shelter — besides sadness

♡ and honestly he had it all planned out too; he wouldn’t let you see him cry until your wedding, then he will shed a single tear as you walk down the isle bc he doesn’t want people to have too many photos of him crying

♡ but even then, it would be happy tears, so in the long-run he genuinely didn’t think you’d ever have to see him downcast 

♡ he thinks you’ll perceive him as pathetic and needy if you ever need to provide him with support, even though he’d do the same for you without a single negative thought ever crossing his mind

♡ obviously, though, this is hajime iwaizumi and things rarely go as planned for him, so there is no way he was able to conceal his tears for thatlong

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

he sat on the bus with heavy shoulders, staring up at the roof. his bag was next to him yet it still felt like the world was crushing him with every movement he made. it continued to spin around him and the only freedom he was granted was when you skipped up to the back of the bus to join him.

it was basically empty, so you felt comfortable enough resting your head on his broad shoulder, which he would usually oppose but today it seemed to ground him; for a moment, his vision was clear and the ache in his chest lifted. 

until, the words he dreaded fell from your lips, “i’m sorry about your game. you played very well though so you shouldn’t be asha—”

knowing iwaizumi, you assumed he would be silent for the whole bus-ride — just like he usually is after a loss — so you had prepared a whole speech about how proud you were of him and how there is still room for growth; and to be honest, most of it was just fluff to fill the painful silence.

hence, you were surprised when you began to hear quiet sobs coming from above you, you even cut yourself off to ensure you were hearing it correctly; you were. but before you could raise your chin to check if it was actually him, he grabbed the back of your head and shoved you against his chest, pushing to the point you were blinded by his abs. 

“iwaizumi?” you gasped, and all you got in response was a choked cry, “(y/n).”

your name had never sounded so similar to plea when rolling off his tongue, you almost felt emotional yourself just by hearing it. however, you knew what he wanted just by the simple utterance of your name.

your arms slowly snaked around his torso and pulled him closer to yourself, and he did the same, but much rougher; for a second you thought you might suffocate in his shirt. as if the burning passion inside him hadn’t died down completely yet. 

the rest of the ride home he held you exactly like that. with your face buried in his chest so you could not see the tears streaming down his cheeks at an embarrassingly rapid rate, but you could still feel the occasional hiccup of his body, or hear the sobs that continuously fell from his lips.

you couldn’t offer many words of reassurance, but you didn’t have to. he just needed to hold you. being able to freely express himself in front of you was what he needed after a long day of stifling sniffles and biting his tongue. out of all the places you could go, you were still with him. he wasn’t sure whether to be happy or feel bad for you; in the end, he settled on crying more.



♡ being in a long distance relationship was quite easy for him. after all, he could do what he was passionate about during the day, and come home every night to facetime you

♡ although virtual kisses weren’t as good as the real thing, tendou was just grateful he was getting any kisses at all

♡  he knew that long distance was the only way the relationship could work for y’all (for now) and he was just content that he got to see your beautiful face every night <3

♡ but some night are harder than others. occasionally, after a long, unusually stressful day at work, all he wants is to come back home, throw his arms around you and cuddle into your chest until he falls asleep; is that seriously too much to ask?

♡ but then he is reminded of the gut-wrenching fact you live over a thousand miles away 

♡ usually you are the one complaining tohim about wanting to close the distance, but here you both are on call at ungodly hours; you ranting about how much you hate, while he is spaced-out, searching for the cheapest and earliest flights to your country 

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

“and then they told me i don’t qualify for the vet discount because i’m not a ‘veteran’ when i literally saved a dying pigeon one time like— hello? satori? are you there?”

you cut yourself off mid-story as you caught a glimpse of your phone screen out of the corner of your eye. while your glare was previously fixated on the guiltless poster on your wall, it was drawn over to your boyfriend as you noticed his glazed expression and how unresponsive he was, despite how he usually utters a few ‘oh my god’s or ‘you’re kidding!’ when you are recollecting on events. 

his attention appeared to be focussed on his computer screen; though you couldn’t see it in the frame, you knew it was there because of the blue light reflection in his glasses. “yes, sweetie?” he eventually hummed in response, stretching out the ‘s’. 

“what’re you doing?”

with a sigh, he reached out and twisted his monitor so you could see the bright screen though the camera, “i’m looking for flight tickets so i can come see you.”

you couldn’t help but giggle, “why?”

“work has been getting so stressful lately. i just wanna drop everything and come see you.” he mused, adjusting his screen back and tiredly resting his chin against his palm, which you just knew you’d kiss if you were with him. 

he sounded dead serious, and a part of you believed that he was. “tendou,” you cooed, admiring your boyfriend’s defined features while he aimlessly scrolled, “you can’t do that. you know you’ll get fired if you leave so abruptly.”

“don’t care.”

you giggled, mostly because you knew that if you had the courage, you’d do the exact same. and a despite how a part of you really wanted to see him, your rational conscious knew it would be best to talk him out of it. “i want to see you too, love. and we’ll meet soon, i promise! just maybe not thatsoon.”

tendou sighed, his bored gaze shifting from his computer on to you, “i know. i guess, i’m just really impatient.”

 “don’t worry, i am too.” you laughed, playfully twirling a strand of your around your finger, “but i’ll visit you soon, no matter what. and until then, i’ll try to call you every single night. just like we’ve been doing for the last year.”

tendou nodded. for ages he’s felt like he’s been running in circles with you, but whenever you look at him with your lovestruck eyes, he remembers how much he loves being withyou, regardless. he’ll labour through weeks — months, years — of work if it means he can end his day by talking to you. 

“yeah, (y/n).” he smiled, leaning back in his chair and glancing at photo on his nightstand; you and him at graduation, and you looked as stunning as ever. once his adoring gaze was torn from the image, he tossed his head back and groaned, “i swear, the next time i see you, an officiant better be there too.”



♡ akaashi doesn’t feel insecure often

♡ but when he does, it’s almost impossible to cheer him up; it will be as if there is a dull, grey cloud lingering over his head for the next week or so, until he eventually snaps out of it

♡ emphasis on almost, by the way, because somehow you consistently manage to make him feel better

♡ usually when he’s embarrassed or sad, it’s over something extremely minute, to the point where you have trouble keeping a straight face (but you pull through)

♡ also, as much as he preaches about “communication” and “honesty”, early on in the relationship (at least for the first year), he won’t tell you when something is bothering him because he doesn’t want to burden you with his feelings/problems

♡ even though he’d listen to you for hours on end if you ever needed to talk about something 

♡ however, he’s definitely not as good at hiding his feelings (around you) so you figure out something is wrong pretty much straight away

♡ personally i hc that akaashi listens to heavy metal or rock music when he is down lmao 

♡ like he needs the adrenaline so he can imagine vivid scenarios of him being a badass or whatever

♡ (he’s a daydreamer and that’s canon bc i said so)

♡ so yeah, when you can hear the thumping of the bass and the sick guitar riffs from through his earphones, you automatically know that something is bothering him

♡ and like you are one of the only people that can try make him feel better without him becoming annoyed or being dismissive 

♡ how you approach the actual “comforting” part in whatever way you’d like bc regardless, he’s gonna appreciate it 

♡ it can be a bit awkward sometimes but if you put on a movie or smth straight afterwards, it’ll definitely clear the tense atmosphere 

♡ but after a while of dating, you’ll both be more comfortable with communicating and it’ll get to the point where he is ranting to you about how awful he feels one second and then teaching you a crochet trick in the next 

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

oh no, the dismal sound of slipknot excreting from akaashi’s earbuds was back. on the bus home from a practise game fukurodani had just won, no less. what was there to be sad about?

you sighed, trying your best to recall on the events that took place during the game that may have caused him to feel this way but nothing jumped to mind. especially since you were running errands and doing chores for the majority of the game, anyway. all you could remember was akaashi and bokuto kicking some aoba johsai ass. perhaps he just felt bad for the losing team?

however, you knew it wasn’t a smart idea to make assumptions, so you simply tapped his shoulder, a small smile gracing your lips as he pulled out one of his earbuds and turned to look at you expectantly. “hm? are you alright?”

“i’m great, keiji. just so proud of you!” you cupped his hands and squeezed them tightly, causing him to wince slightly then chuckle out a “thanks”. “how’re youfeeling?” 

the smile he wore was the most artificial you’ve ever seen on him, “i’m fine.”

“are you sure?”

“yeah.” he replied with a quirked brow in shaky tone, almost as if he was asking you a question right back. 

though you hated to pry, you felt as though you didn’t have any other option, “really? you seem bummed, even after you won.”

there was a tense silence; which was only heightened by how every other member of fukurodani was asleep, leaving the only noise in the air to be bokuto’s hellish snores and the faint sound of heavy metal still leaking from his earbuds. 

realising there was no use in hiding it anymore, he choked out the first sentence to his story, with a sigh, “do you remember when that oikawa dude from seijoh was chatting with bokuto?”

you hummed a response, and he continued, “well, i was sitting on the bench near his water bottle and when he asked me to bring it over to him, he called me ‘iwa’.”

his story was followed by another few moments of brimming silence. the only thing prompting him to break it was your absolutely clueless expression, “as in, short for ‘iwaizumi’.”


“like, y’know, aoba johsai’s number four.” forcing the brief pre-match introductions back to mind, you could vaguely recall the two “stars” of the seijoh team: a confident setter and a rather irritable wing spiker. you figured the latter was iwaizumi since the captain didn’t resemble akaashi in the slightest. 

you were beginning to feel bad for not understanding what the issue was and why akaashi was so bummed over it, but from what you could tell, akaashi was simply called the wrong name. “so, whatexactly is the problem? was oikawa rude to you or?”

akaashi blinked a few times then proceeded to roll his eyes, casting his gaze out the bus window as if he was an angsty teen disturbed by their parent’s lack of sympathy, “it kinda implies that look like him. and i really don’t.”

you hummed in agreement, “yeah, you’re right. but is there anything wrong with looking like iwaizumi?” 

it was more of a rhetorical question that you asked to prove to akaashi that he looked just fine, so you definitely were not expecting him to turn to you with foggy eyes and mutter, “i don’t think you want my honest answer.”

a chocked cackle escaped your lips before you hastily slapped a hand over your mouth, to ensure you wouldn’t wake up any of the sleeping fukordani members, but akaashi simply made it worse laughing his breathy laugh which made everything ten times funnier for no reason. thus, it eventually got to the point where you were both hunched over each other, wheezing while attempting to make minimal noise for the sake of the others.

honestly, who would’ve guess that his first time saying “i love you” would be while stifling snickers in the backseat of a bus, after accidentally insulting a player from another team?



♡ it’d take a while before suna is comfortable expressing too much emotion around you 

♡ like for the first six months of the relationship, he doesn’t want to freak you out or scare you off by even implying that he is the slightest bit emotional, so he tends to keep his issues closed-off

♡ but once he’s established that he can trust you (probably after you say ‘i love you’ for the first time, he seems like a bit of a sap) and that you won’t leave him, no matter how overwhelming his feelings can become, he’ll make up for every time he’s refused to talk to you about his problems in less than a night

♡ like he might just unload on you all at once so be ready for that 

♡ he had mastered the art of keeping his feelings bottled up and before now, his main medium of releasing this stress was through the internet (o, the glory of online anonymity; no one will ever find his secret vent twitter acc and know it’s him)

♡ but now that he met you — someone who he trusts greatly, and is willing to listen to him — he is able to bring out a side of him, that only his 5 twitter followers have ever seen

♡ it’s not exactly a “bad” side, but it’s definitely more unfiltered 

♡ and he only acts like that in front of you, so when you go back out in public, he immediately reverts to his normal-self; it’s almost scary 

♡ like during practise, he’ll act as if he didn’t make you endure three consecutive hours of him ranting about how much he hates volley and his team, and continue playing as normal….

♡ (he doesn’t actually hate em btw, he probably just mad bc the third years refused to give him the chem test answers </3)

♡ however most of the time his “venting” isn’t as much venting as it is him cuddling you from behind and murmuring complaints about life into your shoulder

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

“i just feel like i am holding them back.” he groaned, trying to toss his head back and groan dramatically but his attempt with swiftly followed by your palm gently colliding with the back of his head as your other fingers with intertwined in his hair, creating cute designs with his soft locks while he rested between your thighs, facing the TV which simply played a background noise, at this point. 

you scoffed, continuing to run your brush through his tangled hair, growing slightly more aggressive with each comb, “holding them back? i think you’re the best player on the team. they wouldn’t be able to play without you.”

“of course you think that, we’re literally dating.”

you tutted, leaning forward and over his head until he could see your face dangling in front of his. it was creepy at first, but after you placed a kiss on his nose, he got over it. “well, i used to think aran or kita were the best on the team but now i’ve come to realise that it might be you.”

“what do you mean ‘might be’ ?!” he spat in response, and although he sounded hostile, the effect was dulled by the soft red tint dusting across his cheeks. he’d argue the pigment was caused by rage, but you knew better than to believe him.  



♡ dating oikawa is like 80% hurt/comfort, 10% cutesy couple things and 10% PDA so his fangirls catch the hint

♡ okok jk but also kinda not 

♡ like mutual motivation and comfort is such a big thing in a relationship with oikawa, you’re basically like each other’s really bad therapists 

♡ it’s cute tho

♡ if you are ranting to him over text, regardless of how late at night it is, he will drive to your house in his shitty lil honda and take you to your fav drive-thru or just drive around with you 

♡ and if he’s complaining to you then he let’s you play with his hair while he does so 

♡ (actually he prefers it if you play with his hair)

♡ usually it’s just him whining and y’all just joke about it but when he starts discussing volleyball, it is bound to get heated 

♡ like one second he’ll be saying “yeah midterms were so tricky but whatever it’s cool” and the next, all hell and broken loose, “I’D RATHER EAT MY OWN FOOT THAN GO TO SHIRATORIZAWA death to them all!!”

♡ obviously he was joking with that last part (referencing that wendy williams tt sound lol) but that first part was dead serious 

♡ ngl sometimes he just gets mad over little things though bc he loves seeing you get angry with him… like something about watching you yell about a non-existent problem just to make please him, makes him feel so….. loved??? 

♡ he just likes knowing that you support him so much, and that you can emphasise with him on such a dear level

♡ you are the only person that could say “you should’ve gone to shiratorizawa” to him, without getting beat up 

♡ if he were to tell anyone about all the horrible things people have said to him, or that go on in his head, it would be you

♡ bc not only does he trust you the most, you’d probably be the most likely to care and understand 

♡ (he trusts iwa but he already knows hhh)

♡ (maybe my head is too far in fanon but i think hanamatsu would send him “emo ⛓“ edits or instagram quotes after/if oikawa told them he cried about not going to nationals)

♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

“i don’t know why people make up rumours like that.” oikawa stated while chewing on his fries, watery eyes anxiously shifting between you and the take-away bag that rested on the centre console. “it’s so stupid.”

 “you’re totally right!” you rapidly nodded your head in agreement and said through a mouthful of fries, covering your mouth with your hand to at least maintain some manners, “who looks at a dude wearing two different kneepads and immediately thinks ‘oh shit that dude must have a fucked up knee?’. so weird.”

“so weird.” he sighed, placing a hand on his knee with a rather sulken expression, which fortunately didn’t last for very long as it was instantly pulled into a light smile as your hand slipped into his, intertwining your fingers while tracing patterns with his own fingers against his skin.

“i find whoever started that rumour, there gonna get one of these:” you started, and as oikawa turned his to observe your demonstration, he was almost striked in the face by your aggressive swinging, followed by giggles of “sorry!”

as he muttered “it’s okay” several times, he still laughed as you continued giggling and eventually found yourself hunched over from the painful bliss, with your face buried into his chest as he stroked your hair lightly. 

“i’m sure that’ll put an end to them, (y/n). thank you.” you could tell by his tone that he was joking, but by the way he punctuated his final sentence with a gentle kiss to your forehead, you could tell there was some sincerity in his gratitude. 


~Sweet Like Chocolate (Timeskip!Tendou Satori X Shy!OC) MASTERLIST~

All I see is Yandere!Tendou books but I imagine him to be the total opposite so heres a fluffy AF and cheesy ass book

Book Cover by HyperSweet

PLEASE DO NOT STATE YOUR AGE in the comments if youre UNDER 18

Timeskip!Tendou Satori x Shy!OC 


(FYI, im too lazy to name my OCs so they’re Y/n in my books…)

L/n Y/n, an aspiring novelist moved to Tokyo half a year ago to pursue her dreams and escape troubles. She has been hired by one of her dream publishers to assist other authors with writing their novels, however her editor finally presents Y/n with the opportunity to write her own novel. However… she wants her to write a romantic smut series!?

Y/n a shy, innocent and reserved 24 year old virgin is faced with the challenge of confronting her fears in order to find true love and write the best damn novel of her life.

After a sudden encounter with her neighbour, Y/n finds her life intertwining with his.

Will he be the one to ignite the passion in the young writers life again?


Tendou jumping you

tags:; annoyed reader, suggestive at the end, tendou acting stupid, established relationship, naked reader, insecure reader, cussing

wc: 344

this is my first haikyuu post

You love Tendou you really do but sometimes he was too much. He was a clingy baby and you loved him but you also loved space.

Sitting in the bathtub you basked in the silence and alone time.

The silence was broken in your apartment outside your bathroom.

The noise of crashing was heard making you rise out of the tub.

Your boyfriend was very accident-prone and all that noise is concerning you.

“Satori?” you called out making sure he is alive.

Another ER visit was not needed.

You heard a whoop an excited scream and stomping.

What the-

The bathroom door crashed open when Satori running full speed and was unable to stop himself. The water on the floor making him slip.

Screaming in terror as the 6’1 ball of energy crashed on top of your naked body.

He laughed holding a box in the air.

“Satori! Get off what is wrong with you.” You groaned.

He smiled at you staring at your naked body crimson hair flopping into his eyes. He was sitting horizontally in your lap, legs sticking over the side. “My manga finally shipped.” Shaking the box, with a bright smile.

“Is that why you have decided to join me in the tub and your elbow went into my stomach.” You complained shuffling under him. “You shouldn’t even bring manga into the bathtub.”

Satori threw the box into the hallway smiling. “I didn’t mean to I’m sorry I slipped.”

“No shit the bathroom is a slip and slide now.” You grumbled looking at all the water on the floor.

He couldn’t hold his eyes to your face, his eyes flicking back and forth between your boobs and face.

“Did your nipples always look like that?”

“Like what?” You said looking down at them self conscious. His eyes now locked everywhere but your face.


“Satori get out!”

“But I’m already in here.” He shrugged completely laying on top of you and letting his hands travel

“You’re still in your boxers!”

“Good point.” He agreed stripping the wet shorts down his legs.

“That’s not what I meant!”
