

[Rikke texting Shivers]

Rikke: There was a fire at school today.

Shivers: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

[Rikke texting Isern]

Rikke: There was a fire at school today.

Isern: Did you start it?

Shy: My life isn’t as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look.

Scale: My little brother figured out he can put sticky notes on people’s backs

Scale: He doesn’t know they’re supposed to say stuff like “kick me” so they only have animal facts on them

Morveer: Monza, Monza, Monza, okay. I get it you’re having a bad day, you’re stressed out, three people died-

Monza: Six, actually.

Morveer: Not the point. Look, they’re dead now and really whose fault is that?


Morveer: That’s right. No one’s.

Finree: I do not “spew profanities”, I enunciate them like a fucking lady!

Orso: Prisoner or not, sometimes it’s nice being held.


Judge: Are you OK?

Leo: How was I supposed to know there would be consequences for my actions?

Grim: Don’t judge me because I am quiet.

Grim: People never plan murder out loud.

Dow: Sometimes, in the middle of the night, Dogman would make animal noises in his sleep.

Calder: Don’t worry! Any enemy coming after you will have to go through me first!

Seff: I will treasure those three extra seconds.

Dogman: I have a bad feeling about this…


Dogman: Don’t you ever get a voice in your head that says ‘this is a bad idea’?


Dogman: This. Actually explains a lot.

Leo: Come on, how many times do I have to apologize?




Ardee: You need to react when people cry, Sand.

Glokta: I did. I rolled my eyes. 

Orso: My body is a temple.

Orso: Ancient and crumbling.

Orso: Probably cursed or haunted.

Jurand: I just want you to know I’m here for you if you ever feel like talking or kissing someone.

Leo: Thank you, I appre— What?


Shivers: I know no one asked for my advice—

Calder: Yet you’re still talking.

Shivers: —but I agree with Calder.

Calder: Let’s hear him out!

[Jezal and Logen on a hike]

Logen: Man, it’s beautiful out here today. I love Mother Nature!

Jezal: [out of breath] MOTHER NATURE’S A WHORE.

Rikke: Telling the future.

Stour: Hey, if you had any superpower what would-

Stour: … Wait, what the fuck?

Cosca: We need to open this locked door. Temple, give me your credit card.


Cosca, pocketing it: Thanks. Friendly, break down the door.

Duke Rogont: [gets down on one knee]

Monza: omg it’s finally happening

Duke Rogont: [falls over]

Monza: the poison is kicking in
