#thank you

anticipatricia: For the last ever QDC theme, I lettered out the phrase ‘All’s Well’ in felt to marke


For the last ever QDC theme, I lettered out the phrase ‘All’s Well’ in felt to markedly appreciate the upswing of the year and time since joining QDC.

Thank you guys so much for hanging out with the progression we’ve all gone through as a group, and thank you @jessicaroux (Jessica Roux!) for keeping all of us together for so long!

Happy New Year!!


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After reflecting on all of the things I’m thankful for, which is a lot, I decided to design a

After reflecting on all of the things I’m thankful for, which is a lot, I decided to design a thank you card. 

It was tricky, being a silk screen novice and having to rig a makeshift studio in my kitchen, but I wanted to make a little something to show my gratitude. 

Thanks to our fearless leader @jessicaroux, my collective members and friends over the past 3 years, and our followers for sticking it out with us to the very end!


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Here’s to the end of the year and the end of an era here at the QDC! I’m really going to miss this l

Here’s to the end of the year and the end of an era here at the QDC!
I’m really going to miss this little community that banded together to keep us all drawing. I’m grateful for the support and the laughs along the way, the internet-based bonds forged, and for the group at QDC for welcoming me into their fold over a year ago. Special thanks to the one who’s kept it all going, @jessicaroux for all your effort and dedication!

I like to show my love by sharing food I’ve made, hence the pie you see above. It’s filled with the best tasting thing your imagination can conjure up, and it’s all yours, person reading this. Thanks for following! Pies for everyone! 

*fanfare and trumpets*


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sketchdragon:ALRIGHT KIDS LISTEN UP If you like PIRATES, FANTASY, and/or SIRENS you should DEFINITEL


@shantiescomic is wonderful. I love the art, I love the characters, I love the story, I JUST FREAKING LOVE IT OKAY. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND READ IT.

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nonnydraws:Another one from the other night. Kelp from @shantiescomic! My sister and I just adore he


Another one from the other night. Kelp from @shantiescomic! My sister and I just adore her~ aha <3

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202we want to say thank you for sharing the love for Scully over the last 201 days. What did you thi202we want to say thank you for sharing the love for Scully over the last 201 days. What did you thi


we want to say thank you for sharing the love for Scully over the last 201 days. What did you think of the premiere?

We’re looking forward to next week’s first MOTW, more Scully, and to a possible 11th season!


Ashleigh and Vinnie

Ashleigh owns vintage fashion store chloeheartsowls

Vinnie manages record label Chambray

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Now that I have some more free time, I was looking through all the marked-for-later fics I have saved from this year’s @d20bigbang, and I really wanted something where the fic and art could all be looked through in one place! So I decided to try to make a masterpost and share it in case anybody else wanted that too (or even just wanted a cool reading list of fics to read and art to look at)

I definitely messed up/overlooked something in trying put this all together, so if you spot something or have some author/writer ID info I don’t, please let me know! Sorted by campaign and then alphabetically:

Keep reading

Note Of GratitudeLook at him, he’s much happy… I drew my boi Ash smiling, he tries hard *pets

Note Of Gratitude

Look at him, he’s much happy… I drew my boi Ash smiling, he tries hard *pets him* :’D This is actually done as a “thank you” drawing for all my 30k followers on Twitter. I’m thankful for everyone’s support <3

Official site|YouTube|Instagram|DeviantART|ArtStation|Twitter

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For all of you who are confussed.


As an older millennial, I bless the people who created both the meme and the timeline because, YES, THIS

Hey everybody!! Today we officially hit 1,000 followers!!! Thanks for making this a big thing for us! 

Dear daddy, you weren’t there when my mom got pregnant.

Dear daddy, you weren’t there for my first kick.

Dear daddy, you weren’t there to hear my first cry.

Dear daddy, you weren’t there for my first smile.

Dear daddy, you weren’t there for my first steps.

Dear daddy, you weren’t there for my first scraped knee.

Dear daddy, you didn’t take me on my first horseride.

Dear daddy, you didn’t take me on my first holiday.

Dear daddy, you didn’t see my first drawing.

Dear daddy, you didn’t hear me read my first word.

Dear daddy, you didn’t sing me to sleep.

Dear daddy, you made funny faces at me when I was upset.

Dear daddy, you were there for my first bike ride with no training wheels.

Dear daddy, you were there for the first day of school every time.

Dear daddy, you were there on the best holidays.

Dear daddy, you took me out of school early one time so we could go to the park.

Dear daddy, you were the first one to wake up when I came into your room with tears because of a nightmare.

Dear daddy, you were the first one out in the rain when I left my books in the garden.

Dear daddy, you work 18 hours on some days so that my siblings and I can have a life you didn’t.

Dear daddy, you stopped your favorite movie on your favorite scene to drive me to the park when I was bored.

Dear daddy, you saw the empty look on my face and took my penknife before I could do something bad.

Dear daddy, you spent your free time helping me with my math homework.

Dear daddy, you stayed up late with me to watch our favorite shows and movies on school nights.

Dear daddy, you give me boy advice before I can ask.

Dear daddy, you didn’t give me life, but dear daddy, you made it worth living.

Dear daddy, happy 33rd birthday, old man.


I’m just connecting the dots….✌️


Hi all. Here’s a little thing I made, and feel a little weird about posting…I can’t afford to lay Mr. B to rest as I’d like to, and the only option besides cremation (unfortunately, based on where I am) is throwing him in the dumpster. I really, really don’t want to have to do that. But with moving costs to pay back and an unexpected issue I’ve been avoiding fixing with my car, I don’t have money to spare for “extras” and this is an “extra”…

Thank you for any help at all. I’ve never done one of these before, so I don’t know how long it will take to raise what I’ll need - or if I’ll even get there! But even part of the way there is closer than I can get doing it alone. Share, and help if you can. If you can’t, that’s ok too, kind words are also welcome. I’ll figure it out somehow <3 

Somehow this blog reached 2000+ followers. Which is pretty insane considering the size of our fandom. So thank you so much for all the support. Don’t forget gif requests are open. They don’t have to be about particular scenes. You found a song which screams watolock? Send it to me. Let’s see what I can do with them. Asks, headcanons everything is welcome. And again, thank you ❤

gu9udans:170303 Yeouido Fansign © 원고지 ❀ do not crop or edit. gu9udans:170303 Yeouido Fansign © 원고지 ❀ do not crop or edit. gu9udans:170303 Yeouido Fansign © 원고지 ❀ do not crop or edit.


170303 Yeouido Fansign
©원고지 ❀ do not crop or edit.

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Zitti e Buoni - Sanremo 2nd performance
