#thats the tea



I’m the type of sub that punishes myself so much harder than my partner could ever punish me.

Because apparently this needs to be said:

  • This is not a challenge to the Doms of tumblr. I do not care how you think you could out punish me or my partner.
  • My partner is as close to perfect for me as I will ever experience. So, this is also not a negative statement on him.
  • This is commentary on my emotional and mental responses to situations as a submissive. I’m explaining that my drive to please L is so intense that any time I feel like I’ve failed him, I eat myself up alive. I am infinitely harder on myself than he is on me, and I usually don’t forgive myself until long after he forgives me.
  • In fact, sometimes I punish myself even when L says I did nothing wrong. I hold myself to the highest standard for him. Sometimes impossibly high.
  • Please don’t message me asking how I want to be punished “properly” or imply that L doesn’t give me what I need. He’s everything I need, and I’m in a happy relationship.
  • It’d be cool if I could share my submissive experiences without you guys weirdly inserting yourselves hypothetically as my Dom. Like… do you guys message girls on Facebook pretending to be their boyfriend?
  • Be normal 2K20.

gen z culture saying something ironically and then saying it completely serious because you can’t bump the habit. 

So a couple of days ago I was just wondering what I would do if I get to shoot a photoshoot at the studio my brother’s ex wife’s alleged boyfriend owns.

And guess what guys.

Two days ago my thoughts came true.

The shoot was today.

I was dreading seeing my ex-sister-in-law because it’s kinda freshly awkward and she wasn’t there so I was like fine but then she appeared and I lowkey panicked. Later my coworker said that she saw that my ex sis in law’s eyes widened when she saw me and that she was talking with the photographer while staring at me…presumably talking about me.

So there’s the tea for you lmao Everyone in my family was walking on eggshells today ffs


There is nothing in this world that can change my mind that Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker is the biggest simp in the whole galaxy.

Nothing defines simp-etry more than becoming a sith lord and starting an ENTIRE WAR because you wanted to protect your wife.

The movies and comics prove it! IT’S CANON!



Allow bisexual women to have complicated relationships with their sexuality. Understand that bisexual women have strong ties to lesbian history and that their attraction to women impacts their lives in very large and significant ways. 

Stop acting as if bisexual women’s attraction to men takes away from their ability to be LGBT. Stop defining bi women by their attraction to men.

For many bisexual women, their attraction to women is what defines their sexuality.


if we do get mortal malec some how I will actually commit self deletus because we only stan immortal malec in this house


Is it just me, or are chocolate commercials intentionally sexy?

Like seriously.

Watch as the slowly cascading chocolate is emphasized by someone with a deep, sexy voice, who uses words like “thick,” “rich,” “decadent,” and a mantra of “choose pleasure.”

It’s literally a fucking erotica about goddamn chocolate.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
