#the 100 spoilers



i know some people are disappointed but think about this: bellamy and clarke are together, arms around each other, looking at the new world they have the opportunity to explore TOGETHER. they are TOGETHER. they have this kid, their friends’ kid, that knew stories like madi did. knew to wake BOTH of them up. only them. why? because monty and harper knew the only way to figuring out the new planet situation is with both of them awake. they knew theyre stronger together. and in my opinion, they recognize bellamy and clarke as the future. its not really about romance anymore. theyre beyond that. theyre hope. theyre the future. thats way more meaningful and powerful than a kiss or “i love you”. im not saying that stuff wont happen or to give up hope for it but im saying look beyond that. theres really no better way to end the season than with bellamy and clarke in each others’ arms looking at the future fully on the same side and together. the head and the heart.

If he’s actually dead, it makes no fucking sense, narratively speaking. Good writing means giving your characters room to grow and develop, and giving them an ending that’s cathartic. Mind you, that doesn’t mean their ending is “happy,” it means that it’s somehow emotionally satisfying for their journey and doesn’t leave you feeling like their story was incomplete.

Take Theon Greyjoy vs Jaime Lannister, for instance. End of Theon’s journey? A+. Jaime? Absolute dog shit waste of character development.

Spending years crafting a character with depth and complexity just to throw all of it out at the 11th hour is not shock value—it’s just lazy.

My sleep paralysis demon

A Show: has strong female characters and characters of color and lgbt characters, has ships/potential ships based on mutual love and mutual respect and mutually beneficial partnerships, has friendships that have the potential to meaningful and long lasting despite obstacles, has people over coming their hardships and trauma, has deep and meaningful themes about the importance of love and humanity and “doing better,” has women who are unafraid to step into leadership roles, has men who defy toxic masculinity and stereotypes about “strong male characters,” and has SO MUCH POTENTIAL

J@son Rothenberg:


i am here to say one more thing, and one more thing only…



“The problem for me isn’t that there is no point to this story, it is that the point is being made so very poorly. Just as Bellamy could have died in a million better and more fulfilling in-character ways, this entire season could have just been… so much better than it is. Than I know it could have been. And there are glimpses here and there of what could have been a really, truly bittersweet but heartfelt love letter to the characters and its audience. Unfortunately though, they are being overshadowed by large clouds of poor characterization, rushed plotlines, and what feels more and more like spite.”

Hypable review of The 100 7.13


elizajaneface: “press pic me vs real me

Hope this puts a smile on your dial. Last night was rough for a lot of fans. Just know we see you, we hear you, and we love you ”


what she says: i’m fine

what she means: jaha was the first person who was niceto murphy in months and treated him like an actual human being but he ended up locking murphy in a bunker for 3 months, almost driving him to suicide and I AM UPSET. someone please give murphy a hug he deserves so much more.
