#the elements



The Elements are the forces of Nature and life, and are incorporated into ritual and magick. Every aspect of existence is bound up in Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And the fifth element which is Spirit (or also deemed Aether), which is present in each of the other four. Each of the four classical Elements is associated with one of the four cardinal directions; North, East, South and West.

There are also energetic associations, that add great depth to interpretations of how people with different zodiac signs interact with each other, for each sign is associated with an Element, and each Element is different.


Direction: north

Energy: ♀

Rules: grounding, strength, healing, nature, stability, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, and wisdom.

Season/time: winter/midnight

Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Ruling Planets: Venus, and Saturn.

Colours: green, brown, black, white, and gold.

Plants: cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, magnolia, grains, primrose, oak, sage, and nuts.

Crystals: emerald, tourmaline, quartz, granite, dedrock, peridot, onyx, jasper, and amethyst.

Tools: pentacle, salt, crystals, dirt, herbs, wood, plants, and flowers.

Virtues: patience, truth, dependable, thorough, focused.


Direction: east

Energy: ♂

Rules: mind, clarity, knowledge, logic, abstract, wind, consciousness, intuition, and memory.

Season/time: spring/dawn

Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus.

Colours: yellow, gold, white, and light blue.

Plants: acacia, anis, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, pine, and vervain.

Crystals: topaz, amber, citrine, jasper, and agate.

Tools: feather, wand, staff, incense, pen, broom, and bell.

Virtues: intelligent, practical, optimistic.


Direction: south

Energy: ♂

Rules: energy, will, destruction, courage, strength, self-knowledge, power, passion, sexuality, self-healing, divinity, light, and flame.

Season/time: summer/noon

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Ruling planets: Sun, and Mars.

Colours: red, orange, gold, and white.

Plants: allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, juniper, hibiscus, nettle, onion, poppies, peppers, and thistles.

Crystals: ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, quartz, tiger’s eye, and agate.

Tools: candle, lamp, athame, dagger, and burned herbs.

Virtues: courage, enthusiasm, willpower.


Direction: west

Energy: ♀

Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, reflection, lunar energy, and healing.

Season/time: autumn/twilight

Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, and Pluto.

Colours: blue, aqua, silver, and green.

Plants: aloe, apple, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lily, lotus, moss, seaweed, rose, thyme, and willow.

Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, and sodalite.

Tools: seashells, ocean water, seaweed, moss, stones, chalice, and cauldron.

Virtues: love, compassion, receptivity, and flexibility.



If you cannot find representations for a given element, remember…

You are supported by a rigid skeleton made of minerals. You are earth.

Your body is over 70% fluid. You are water.

Your lungs take in and expel breath. You are air.

Your blood is warm and your brain runs on electrical impulses. You are fire.

Your essence, however you describe it, resides within you. You are spirit.

You are composed of gifts from every element, and every element is given marvelous life in you.

Never feel that you are insufficiently magical for lack of icons or accoutrements or accessories.

You are ALWAYS magic. You are ALWAYS enough.

Bringing this back, because you never know who needs to see it.

“You are ALWAYS magic. You are ALWAYS enough” should be stitched on a pillow.

The ElementsThe ElementsThe ElementsThe Elements

The Elements

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Invoking & Banishing The Elements

Invoking & Banishing The Elements

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The Elements

The Elements

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Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Earth, Air, Fire, Water

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blackash:Elementals completed, I went hunting through my old deviantart page and found the original blackash:Elementals completed, I went hunting through my old deviantart page and found the original blackash:Elementals completed, I went hunting through my old deviantart page and found the original


Elementals completed, I went hunting through my old deviantart page and found the original set I made so have a 7-8 year progress comparison

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The Elements and their correspondences



Earth represents strength, grounding, prosperity, the material, wealth, success, foundations, death and rebirth. Focus on this element if the goal of your spell is about fertility, prosperity, business or stability. Earth spells may take longer to work, but they’re also more firm and are good if you’re looking for long-term solutions.


COLOURS: Green, Brown, Black
ANIMALS: Bears, Deers, Wolves, Badgers
HERBS/PLANTS: Ivy, Ash, Vetiver, Wheats, Oats
INSTRUMENTS: Drums (Percussion instruments)

STAR SIGNS: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
STONES/GEMS: Jade, Onyx, Emerald, Salt
RITUAL TOOLS: Stones, Dirt, Bones, Pentacle, Salt, Crystals 
RITUAL FORMS: Burying, Planting, Imprinting to soil or sand
TAROT SUIT:Pentacles



Air represents intellect and the mind, wisdom, knowledge; logic as well as abstract thought, intuition and higher consciousness. If you’re seeking freedom, travels, or to enhance your memory and focus - focus on Air spells! Air is whimsical and amiable, personally I haven’t found it useful for more serious spells, but it does wonders for my studies. 

GENDER: Masculine
SEASON: Spring
HOUR: Dawn

COLOURS: Yellow, White, Sky Blue, Pastels
ANIMALS: Birds, Spiders, Butterflies
HERBS/PLANTS: Lavender, Birch, Vervain, Dill, Aspen
INSTRUMENTS: Flute (Wind instruments)

STAR SIGNS: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
STONES/GEMS: Amethyst, Opal, Alexandrite, Beryl
RITUAL TOOLS: Incense, Wand
RITUAL FORMS: Fanning, Tossing into air, Suspending in a high place 



Fire represents energy, passion, purification, love, inspiration, desire, will, courage, power, leadership, sexuality. In spellcraft, focusing on Fire is good for purification, healing and love spells; it’s the best element for quick, strong spells. Although, Fire is fierce in essence, and Fire spells are susceptible - they should be well thought out.


COLOURS: Red, Orange, Gold
ANIMALS: Snakes, Lions, Horses
HERBS/PLANTS: Cacti, Cinnamon, Pepper, Basil
INSTRUMENTS: Guitar (Stringed instruments)

STAR SIGNS: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
STONES/GEMS:Amber, Citrine, Ruby, Tiger’s Eye
RITUAL TOOLS: Athame, Candles
RITUAL FORMS: Burning, Smouldering, Heating



Water represents purification as well; though it’s focused more on the soul and the subconscious rather than the physical, material world. Water stands for emotion, intuition, wisdom, eternal movement, reflection, lunar energy. Focusing on the Water element is good for psychic abilities, getting in tune with your inner self, mysteries, friendships, love, dreams and sleep.

GENDER: Feminine
SEASON: Autumn
HOUR: Dusk

COLOURS: Blue, Indigo, Silver
ANIMALS: Otters, Fish, Sea Mammals, Frogs
HERBS/PLANTS: Lotus, Water Lilies, Aloe, Gardenia
INSTRUMENTS: Cymbal, Bell (Resonant instruments)

STAR SIGNS: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
STONES/GEMS: Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearl
RITUAL TOOLS: Cauldrons, Chalices, Seashells
RITUAL FORMS: Diluting, Placing into water, washing away, bathing

The Elemental Triangles

Someone coming to witchcraft and Paganism for the first time will quickly encounter the most common representations of the material elements, the elemental triangles.


These symbols are representative of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, the four elements of manifestation which Greek philosophers posited were the underlying components of all creation. Combined, these four elements then create…

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liaamari17: The Elements: Renaissance - Lia—-been a hot minute since I did anything anything….at all


The Elements: Renaissance - Lia


been a hot minute since I did anything anything….at all.  Ive been working on and off of this picture for the past year and finally got some time and motivation to work on it.  Enjoy.

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The Elements: Renaissance - Lia—-been a hot minute since I did anything anything….at al

The Elements: Renaissance - Lia


been a hot minute since I did anything anything….at all.  Ive been working on and off of this picture for the past year and finally got some time and motivation to work on it.  Enjoy.

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Just thought of a sickie who feels feverish and hot so they open their window to get some cold air in, it’s soothing enough that they fall asleep but later in the night wake up to find they’re absolutely freezing and it’s started to snow - right through the window and onto their bed.
