#the falcon and the winter solider


I don’t like our ‘New Cap’ but he did the same thing that Tony did in Civil War when he found out about his parents. The difference is Steve stopped him from killing Bucky and that’s it.

The public accidentally spotting the Winter solider like

Morganthau: I didn’t mean to kill your friend. I don’t want to hurt people that don’t matter.

Walker: You don’t think Lemars life mattered…

The audience, to Morganthau:

Yes, I have risen and will be posting memes again for the two loves of my life .You’re all welcome .

I’ve really come full circle with my Loki obsession. Y’all should of seen my love for him back in 2012.

The first episode of tfatws is watching Sam do cool action hero stuff while simultaneously cutting to Bucky doing Things while the camera zooms in real close while R.E.M.’s “Everybody Hurts” just keeps playing in the background. Cut back to Sam getting casually hate crimed.


Episode 1 of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier made me cry. And here is why. Because I saw this coming. I knew we would finally get to see Bucky dealing with his PTSD and I knew it would be painful to watch him trying to figure out life, with and/or without friends. I tried to prepare for that but obviously I didn’t prepare enough. But what really broke me, what really did it for me, was seeing the racism slowly unfold. I gave myself a pep-talk and I knew what Sam would face but it doesn’t hurt any less. It was both low-key and blatant at times, and this is an important conversation to have, especially because of the times that we live in right now, and it just hurts. So much. But like a friend said, I don’t trust Disney to have this conversation properly. I’ll be hopeful though.

Sam Wilson is The Falcon AND Captain America. Period.

Spoiler Thought Below:

I stg if that Dollar General version Cap stays as Cap longer than 10 mins in the next episode I will revolt

Ok let’s do this.


Do I have to back this up?


It starts with them fighting over Bucky, then Sam begrudgingly accepting Zemo’s fashion advice, and then a candlelit dinner to German classical music, until Bucky finds them on the sofa, and Sam’s all “Yeah I’m kissing the Baron, let’s not make a big deal out of it.”


“There’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes,” “I’ve studied you,”

But why, Zemo? Of all the Avengers you could have amazing chemistry with. Like….


Mostly because of their incredible actors. I’ll die mad they never shared a screen together in the MCU. The angst would be marvelous. Two sugar daddies competing for dominence while mourning their families and hating Steve Rogers.


The vengeful power couple. Zemo doesn’t seduce Sharon though; she just straight up joins him, cuz she’s that fed up with the Avengers and the government.


Zemo gets more than he bargained for when he tries to fuck with Asgard the way he did the Avengers. The Trickster God might give this manipulative Sokovian a taste of his own medicine.


Two manipulative Sokovians who blame Tony Stark for their dead families. Maybe the Baron takes Wanda off the streets, and makes her his bride or mistress….not expecting her to end up overpowering him in every way. The Scarlet Baroness may take over her husband’s empire.

(We’ll presume Wanda’s an adult for all this. Unless you want to get deliberately creepy.)


john walker: don’t you know who i am?!

me:take off the suit and what are you?

Well to answer that question….
