#the price of salt

BOOK REVIEW: The Price of Salt (1952) by Patricia HighsmithBefore the 2015 movie Carol started rakin

BOOK REVIEW: The Price of Salt (1952) by Patricia Highsmith

Before the 2015 movie Carolstarted raking in the Oscar nominations, the general public mostly knew Patricia Highsmith for her psychological thrillers Strangers On A Train (1950) and The Talented Mr Ripley (1955), two stories about mystery and murder. In fact, The Price of Salt is the only one of Highsmith’s novels that does not feature a violent crime – but it is still incredibly suspenseful. Yes, Highsmith introduces a gun in the third act, but there is more to it than that; this story about two lesbians falling in love in 1950′s New York City is set up like a detective. The protagonist, Therese, sets out to solve a very specific puzzle: does Carol love me back? Is there a chance we can be together? Do I dare to put everything on the line for her?

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An indefinite longing, that she had only been vaguely conscious of at times before, became now a rec

An indefinite longing, that she had only been vaguely conscious of at times before, became now a recognizable wish.
Carol (2015) dir. Todd Haynes

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“It would be Carol, in a thousand cities, a thousand houses, in foreign lands where they would go together, in heaven and in hell”



“Then Carol slipped her arm under her neck, and all the length of their bodies touched fitting as if something had prearranged it. Happiness was like a green vine spreading through her, stretching fine tendrils, bearing flowers through her flesh. She had a vision of a pale white flower, shimmering as if seen in darkness, or through water. Why did people talk of heaven, she wondered.”

carol, (2015)


She thought of people she had seen holding hands in movies, and why shouldn’t she and Carol?

hattersarts:based off my so-far favorite post from the price of Salt thread on the L chat about the hattersarts:based off my so-far favorite post from the price of Salt thread on the L chat about the hattersarts:based off my so-far favorite post from the price of Salt thread on the L chat about the hattersarts:based off my so-far favorite post from the price of Salt thread on the L chat about the hattersarts:based off my so-far favorite post from the price of Salt thread on the L chat about the


based off my so-far favorite post from the price of Salt thread on the L chat about the infamous milk scene in the book :’)

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