#the seven


I googled it because I wanted to know if they were referencing an actual kids book series, and I still don’t know but it turns out Babysitter Horse is an actual term that the Horse People actually use.


It’s bittersweet to think about the damage that we’d do

That’s such a teen thing to say, “I have nothing to say to you,” and then say a bunch of stuff.

from someone outside the US and two years after tower of Nero

Hazel: the corpse bride, her and Nico watched it together on the Argo II and she immediately felt sympathy for her after all the undead can’t help  that they are dead.

Piper: Elizabeth from the pirates of the Caribbean  - gives half the wlw campers gay panic. 

Frank: Victor from the corpse bride as he really wanted to do a couple outfit and the rest of the seven don’t point out to him that Victor ends up with Victoria instead. 

Annabeth: She goes as Captain Marvel because a) she’s the opposite of a dumb blonde stereotype and b) she’s queer coded which allows Annabeth to hint to her friends that she’s bi without having to come out. ahem bi Percabeth

Percy: He doesn’t normally celebrate Halloween but since Estelle was born she begged him to go with her (her as Tinkerbell and him as Peter Pan) and they are adorable. Not to mention Annabeth gets baby fever seeing Estelle and Percy interact. 

Jason: Andrew Garfield’s spider-man (no explanation needed)

Leo : Adding to the Marvel Theme he goes as Iron man (dark haired geniuses with parental issues are just >>>) with a working suit. He’s also a big nerd which Nico used to tease him about until Leo found out about his Mythomagic collection and Nico hasn’t teased him since. 

disclaimer this is just a headcanon by me ( I’m genderfluid / non-binary so I go by they/she)

  • Percy- he/him makes a dumb comment about they/them pronouns and Annabeth calls him out (as she should ) .
  • Annabeth-she/her experiments with she/they but changes her mind
  • Piper- she/they to they/she depends on the mood.
  • Frank-he/they and always has a supply of pronoun badges .
  • Hazel-she/her is a bit confused at first but with a little help from Frank and Piper fully grasps changing pronouns and non him/her pronouns.. 
  • Leo- he/him and makes a joke about liking all pronouns when he comes out as omni.
  • Jason- hes/dead besties

Percy; Dont worry. I’m fine

Annabeth; You got stabbed seaweed brain! Your not fine!

Percy; Ive been stabbed before

Annabeth; You do realise that you dont build up an immunity to stab wounds right?


I wanted to take a stab at designing a masquerade dress for Danielle Barkstock. I definitely reacted a normal amount during her entrance and didn’t cry about it.

Designs below the cut


Did some expression studies with this photo set of Izzy Roland

This was fun practice I might start doing one or two of these as warm ups, if anyone has any requests for (any season) Dimension 20 (or critical role) paint overs like this throw them to my ask or submit the image!! ☺️
