#the small things in life



Steps to turn safari tumblr into a separate app on iOS

Wanted to put together a guide for less phone-savvy people (like me) who want to avoid this batshit tag censoring by using tumblr on safari instead of the app. Less gooooo

1) Open up tumblr.com in safari and click on the little export button at the bottom of the screen

2) Click the “Add to home screen” button

3) Click “Add” and you’ll have a new icon on your Home Screen that will open the safari version

Conveniently, the icon will have the default tumblr logo and even opens fairly seamlessly into what looks like it’s own app (one that you can now tag posts properly with again!)

Hope this helps y’all!

I really do have the best followers! ❤️
C. just sent me this post and what can I say: IT WORKS!!

iOS users, rejoice, we are back!

6 Things to Tell Yourself Today

1. I matter.

2. I’ll get through this.

3. I am a beautiful.

4. I deserve to be loved.

5. I can find peace, happiness and contentment.

6. I have the power and the will to survive.
