#love your life


6 Things to Tell Yourself Today

1. I matter.

2. I’ll get through this.

3. I am a beautiful.

4. I deserve to be loved.

5. I can find peace, happiness and contentment.

6. I have the power and the will to survive.















  • if you think her skirt is cute, tell her
  • the guy that you have a crush on probably doesn’t take enough showers
  • liking 1D or taylor swift isn’t embarrassing. dont hide it
  • draw draw draw! you’ll be happy to have the skill later on
  • do your homework it’ll help with stress
  • when you’re overwhelmed you should run. it makes you feel better
  • don’t start cutting no matter how afraid you are
  • if that shirt doesn’t fit you it doesn’t matter
  • hug the people you love
  • know that your life is weird right now and it will get better

reblogging because I wish someone told me this when I was 13

- don’t talk shit about people
- if you wanna experiment with your hair/makeup go for it, find what suits you.
- if you start to feel sad alot, tell your parents/friends talk about it
- be the best you can be
- learn to love yourself 

-don’t be embarrassed of anything you like.
-clothes from Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch only fit a certain type of body. Don’t let their narrow-mindedness make you cry in the dressing room
-don’t starve yourself. Please don’t.
-there’s a reason you don’t look like people in magazines and on TV. You look like you and that’s wonderful.

-Be yourself, no matter what other people say
-Don’t start smoking or drinking alcohol, IT’S NOT COOL
-Don’t waste time on judging others

Thats not only for the 13 years old!

- don’t stay friends with someone who makes you feel shitty inside

- don’t be afraid to be friends with people in different grades

- your worth is not defined by what you can afford

- do what you love as often as you can, because that’s how you get better

- forgive yourself


- your body is yours and only you can decide who’s allowed to touch you

- if you dont fit in with others that totally fine and no one should shame you for being you 

-  You don’t have to stop being happy and bubbly to be worth taking seriously.

to all my small beans

-Friends often leave, that’s okay and you will find someone that’s better for you -Don’t be embarrassed of wearing pink or doing feminine things, it doesn’t make you weak -If you like something and it makes you feel good, don’t make other’s people’s judgments influence you

-if a guy is a dick to you, don’t brush it off as just ‘guys being guys’. you deserve better.

-you dont need to be in a relationship. you can be happy without a s/o.

-sometimes your parents will be wrong, and that’s okay

-if someone creeps on you, it’s not your fault. it just isn’t.

-food is not your enemy

-you aren’t doing anything wrong bc you aren’t stick-thin. your stomach is there to protect your internal organs, not to be ‘attractive’.

-if your friends make you feel bad about yourself, drop them. it’s not worth it, and it isn’t the end of the world- better people will be out there waiting to befriend you.

-there is no ‘the one’. you’ll find several important people in your life. you’ll love again.

- Do what you love

- Don’t do something because someone else wants you to. Only do it if you want to

- You’re beautiful in your own way even if you haven’t discovered it yet keep experimenting

- Don’t push away friends and family if it gets hard they just want to help

- Try not to damage your hair by straightening or curling it everyday. You were made beautiful and normally people want the opposite hair type they have so flaunt what you got.

- If you see someone suffering help them you can make a difference

-Dont worry what others say they’re normally jealous

-Be You!

it took me so long to realize my toxic friendships so here are some of the signs from my experience:

-bailing on your plans last minute;

we made plans all the time but when the day came i would always be the one left in the dust with a half-assed excuse as to why they couldn’t come… i was always expecting to be canceled on and was surprised when they didn’t

-running to you during hard times but not being there for you

i was always the first one she would go to when she was sad, but when i needed someone she wasn’t there

-making you feel guilty about things you shouldn’t feel guilty about

got in a fight because i finally spoke up about how i’ve felt for years, and then once i started to distance myself for my own good i got the “i deserve better than this” speech…

- always wiping away their tears when they cause yours

was i always making her feel better and helping her? yes. was she the cause of my tears most of the time? also yes. <<and that’s not okay!

-getting dropped the second something “better” came along

we were inseparable, right? well, right until she met a new friend and then there was never time for me anymore.and once that friend was gone she was running back to me with the “we haven’t talked in so long !!”

so, i stepped away. i did what i’ve needed to do for so long. and if you have these toxic friendships i strongly encourage you to step away too. you realize how much other people care. you realize that doing all the work to keep someone happy isn’t a friendship. you realize that a friendship is building eachother up and there’s effort from both people. and i know it can be hard because sometimes your toxic friendships are with the people you consider your best friends. but if they really want you in their lives they will start to make an effort once you’ve left. if they dont make an effort to build a real friendship again then you aren’t losing anything important and you’re much better off without them.
