#the terror amc

Lieutenant Thomas Jopson, RNfor @theterrorbingo​, fill: “Lieutenant”

Lieutenant Thomas Jopson, RN

for@theterrorbingo​, fill: “Lieutenant”

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#the terror    #the terror amc    #im dying    

Writing Prompts

Thinking about doing some short The Terror fics based on some prompts that you guys can send me! I love all the other ones I’ve seen so far, so I thought I might try my own. c:

Feel free to send me a word, theme, or quote and a character, and I’ll do my best to write something with it!

bacchanalium:‘It’s worse than nothing’


‘It’s worse than nothing’

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hickeywiththegoodhair: obscuravalentini:I had to do this with the French boys and one pretentious hickeywiththegoodhair: obscuravalentini:I had to do this with the French boys and one pretentious hickeywiththegoodhair: obscuravalentini:I had to do this with the French boys and one pretentious



I had to do this with the French boys and one pretentious french speaking englishman 


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The Terror guide to surviving office meetings

[Source: AMC Asia on Twitter]

I’ve rewatched the Terror so many times now, and made other people watch it. But my top two favorite things are still:

1. Explaining to my friend what everyone’s names were, and her immediately deciding that Sir John was “Sir Jackass”.

2. My mom realizing that yes, his name is actually Goodsir. And I agree, he is the best sir.


The Terror Crack!Vid #4


you know what it is :)))


Special thanks to @graduatedpillowmonster <3

Part 1

Henry Le Vesconte: you probably should fight him, but don’t because it means fighting Fitzjames and his cheetah. You might survive the cheetah but you won’t survive Fitzjames.

Lt. Hodgson: fight him if you really have nothing better to do. He might try to distract you with another lengthy story from his childhood and it will probably work. So it’s your call.

CharlesDesVoeux: will probably run away before you can land a punch. Fight him if you catch him.

Dr. McDonald: now why would you want to fight this nice and cheerful gentleman who can - and will - fight back, unless trapped in a tent with a frenzied mob behind him? Don’t.

Dr. Peddie: first of all, good luck finding him. Also there is so little known about him that it’s hard to make an educated guess. Seems chill though, so don’t fight.

Sgt. Tozer: a really bad idea. He is a Royal Marine, now what the bloody hell do you think that means? Exactly, he’ll shoot you on the spot. Even if you manage to corner him, watch out for Armitage sneaking up on you with a gun. And if you somehow manage to deck Tozer, you’ll have to deal with the rest of the Marines. Fight with extreme caution, better yet – don’t fight at all.

PrivateHeather: the dude is in a coma?? Why would you fight him??? Also if you try anything, the Marines are after you. Good luck with that.

Mr.Diggle: if you’re a cook, it is mandatory for you to fight him, and he will fight back (watch out for knives, pans and rock-hard biscuits). Otherwise don’t fight him, or your next supper might contain something worse than lead. That is, if you get a supper at all.

Mr. Wall:seeMr. Diggle.

Thomas Armitage: fight him unless he has a gun. Watch out for Tozer, just in case.

ThomasHartnell:no. He’ll be confused and distressed and will probably just let you punch him. You’re better than this. Don’t fight.

John Morfin: end his suffering by getting him some quality painkillers, not by fighting him.

Magnus Manson:seeDavid Young.

Thomas Evans:seeDavid Young.

Sir John Ross: this man survived Blanky. Let that sink in and stay away.

Sir James Ross: first of all, why? Also fighting him means fighting Sir John Ross, the whole Admiralty and Crozier. Stay away.

Neptune, JackoandFagin the cat:I will find you and you will rue the day you were born.


Sir John Franklin: lbr, at least 90% of us want to fight him. If you are in those 90%, you have a pretty good chance of winning – just make sure Lady Jane isn’t around. And look out for the Rosses, just in case. All in all, do fight.

Lady Jane: DON’T. She will beat you up with her umbrella and then turn the whole London against you and Charles Dickens will mock you in his new novel and you will have to flee the country and even that will not be enough. Do you really want to get in that much trouble? Also don’t let her catch you fighting Sir John – all hell will break loose and Tuunbaq will shiver. Do not fight.

Sophia Cracroft: DON’T either. She will talk you out of fighting her and then Lady Jane will catch you. Plus, why would you do that? She’s nice. Do not fight.

James Fitzjames: he fought off the Chinese, survived a bullet the size of a cherry, survived malaria (twice), walked 500 miles (and 500 more)… This dude will kick your ass like he kicked that ceiling and look fabulous while doing it. Also he has a cheetah. And Le Vesconte. Do not fight.

Francis Crozier: give the poor man a break, will ya? He has enough on his plate as it is. Though if you do fight, he will probably win unless he is too drunk. In which case you will have either Blanky or Jopson (or both of them) to deal with, and you Do Not. Want. That. Do not fight.

Thomas Blanky: sure, go ahead and try to fight him. Just don’t forget to write your will beforehand because you will not be getting out of this alive. Do not fight.

Thomas Jopson: do not let his appearance fool you. He might look and smile like an angel but if you dare to insult his captain or his family hewill fight youandwin. Do not fight.

Lt. Gore: he will probably think you want to spar, so he’ll play along but you have no chances of winning. Might accidentally kick your ass but will apologize afterwards and you will feel like a fool. Seriously though, why would you fight him? Don’t.

Lt. Little: I’d say you have pretty good chances of winning but then again, why would you fight him? He’s just doing his best. Don’t fight.

Lt. Irving: you’ll win, especially if you catch him unawares, and I get why you might want to fight him, but… maybe don’t? In all honesty, the guy isn’t that bad. Leave him to his watercolors and fight someone else.

Henry Collins: is that you, Dr. Stanley? Leave the man be, he’s suffered enough. Do not fight.

Harry Goodsir: YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER, HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK OF FIGHTING HIM??? But if it comes to that, he will win with the power of science and feel really bad about it. DO NOT FIGHT.

Cornelius Hickey: do not fight Cornelius Hickey. I repeat: do not fight Cornelius Hickey. You might win one battle (especially if he doesn’t have a knife on him), but he will win the war. He will strike when you’re least expecting it and no one will find your body afterwards. Again: do not fight him.

William Gibson: depends on his relationship status. If he and Hickey are still together, see Cornelius Hickey and stay away. If they’ve already broken up, however, you have all the chances of winning and tbh he deserves that. If the breakup happened recently, you might be able to get Hickey to help you. Probe the background, establish the situation, then make your move.

Silna: HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRUEL… and stupid? She will kick your ass without breaking a sweat and Tuunbaq will finish you. Do not fight.

Tuunbaq: you don’t have a chance. Stand still and pray.

Dr. Stanley: watch out for scalpels, torches and toe-cutting things, but apart from that – DO IT. FIGHT HIM.

John Bridgens: the man is a walking library, he will predict your moves and will always be at least one step ahead. Also: wtf? He’s literally done nothing wrong and you will upset Peglar. Do not fight.



to be continued

This blog is gonna go on hiatus for a little while. My love for the show and all things related to it hasn’t changed! But recently I’ve lost the enthusiasm to keep it running.

When it comes to my sideblogs, I put a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect and up-to-date all the time. Which is silly, I know because it’s only Tumblr. But in the past it’s really overwhelmed me. I think fanblogs on here used to be run more like actual fan sites and I still have some of that mentality when running my own. 

But I’ve realised now that I don’t want to let something that’s supposed to be fun start to feel like a chore. So after 4 years, I think it’s time to have a bit of a break. I won’t be posting, reblogging or taking any requests but you can still send me an ask or drop a message if you like! You can also follow me on my personal twitter where I still sometimes post Terror stuff.

Thanks for all your kind words and follows these past few years. This is still one of the best fandoms I’ve ever been in.

In the meantime, stay safe and have a happy new year!

terrortarot: Today is the LAST DAY to order a copy of The Terror Tarotgo get yours NOW terrortarot: Today is the LAST DAY to order a copy of The Terror Tarotgo get yours NOW terrortarot: Today is the LAST DAY to order a copy of The Terror Tarotgo get yours NOW


Today is the LAST DAY to order a copy of The Terror Tarot

go get yours NOW

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