#third age


On this day in T.A. 3019, Gandalf the Grey is separated from the Fellowship of the Ring and confronts the Balrog Durin’s Bane alone on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm.

Artwork by Gonzalo Kenny

 The Likeness of the Ruling Stewards: A History of Private Portraiture in the Late Third Age This co

The Likeness of the Ruling Stewards: A History of Private Portraiture in the Late Third Age

This concept is rather convoluted but the basic premise is that Ruling Stewards had to cultivate a culture of projected modesty and an insistence on never elevating themselves to the role of ‘King’ by rejecting such self adulation as, for example, official portraiture. Hence, most if not all of the images Gondor has of Stewards passed comes from the intimate studies or sketches of them from their family and friends. In the Fourth Age a scholar of Pelargir named Amlugniben requested the House of Hurin’s permission to copy, research and compile the best of these images into a book and they were (eventually) granted that allowance. And so I… am making an effort to… make that… myself… SO HERE’S PART ONE

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these are so old but I forgot to post them here????

Grandpa maglor in Rivendell



these are so old but I forgot to post them here????

Grandpa maglor in Rivendell

runwayandcouture:“Amor” Molly Bair photographed by Nick Knight for V MagazineMINAS MORGUL: She had o



Molly Bair photographed by Nick Knight for V Magazine

MINAS MORGUL: She had once been weak, then she was granted power beyond imagining.

(She had once been human, too. She didn’t regret either transformation.)

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pamelapenelope:| For Fashion Click | Here |MITHLOND: Alhiniath’s son would sail tomorrow, and th


| For Fashion Click | Here|

MITHLOND: Alhiniath’s son would sail tomorrow, and there would be tears. But today was a celebration.

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MINAS TIRITH: She worked in the Houses of Healing as an assistant for three years before, finally, t

MINAS TIRITH: She worked in the Houses of Healing as an assistant for three years before, finally, they began to teach her what healing was truly about.

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