#tin can brothers


Flop Stoppers: A Musical Short Film by The Tin Can Brothers

If you have not seen this yet do yourself a favour and head over to the TCB YouTube page ASAP

When I change from my PJs into my quarantine sweat pants at 10:15am instead of 10:00am:

* The making of Spies Are Forever*


joey: aha we should have a nazi character

brian: aha omg guys he should be childish so everyone knows it’s a joke and so people dont hate us

corey(barely suppressing his utter glee and laughter) : OMG YES, and guys, guys, who should play him? guys, guys, think about it! guys, guys, what else would make people realise it’s a joke? guys, guys, BRIAN should play him!!

Yall go listen to the cast recording of ‘Gone to Oregon" the part where they do the improv thing is one of the funniest things I’ve heard

high key the only thing getting me through anything at the moment is

  1. joey Richter’s “ohohohohohoho ohohohoho HA”
  2. ScRAgZ GonNA Do a SanDwiCH TriCk
  3. Darren criss’ “Theres nothing here for me nowww/ FUCK THE TIE/ I gotta get back to Hogwarts ”
  4. the prospect of being able to watch Black Friday
  5. look at me I keep glitter up my sleeves wakka wakka
  6. the bit in one more shot where they’re all singing different parts omg


Never been so proud of my boys I’m so happy for them to have that opportunity


Make sure you listen to the Wayward Guide podcast before you watch the episode! Joey said that’s how it’s meant to be enjoyed.

(You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast outlets as Wayward Guide For The Untrained Eye)


Wayward Guide is a TCB project. They’ve worked so hard on this for three years and they deserve every single bit of credit for it. If I see anyone incorrectly attributing it to Starkid, I will hunt you down. This has been a PSA

Please don’t clump TCB and Starkid into one, they are two different groups who sometimes share a few members

Don’t forget people, starting October 13th we will get to watch a new episode every Tuesday on YouTube and get to listen to the podcast every Friday on either Spotify or Apple Posdcast!

Also I love Dylan’s face in this screencap

No one:

Not a single soul:

Not even Lauren:

Dylan Saunders: I love a good farmers almanac

Lauren: So why wasn’t I cast on Flop Stoppers?

The Tin Can Bros: *start packing their bags and running away*

#Garlos is real… or as the TinCanBros have decided to put it, Gabelos

more saf cards! follow me on instagram @crackers.and.cornhusks (-:
