#robert manion


You thought I’d watch three Starkid musicals and stop, well you clearly were wrong: I’ve watched “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” and the first thing I thought was: that’s basically my father. He doesn’t even like musical movies with some rare exceptions (mostly Soviet). So, yes – I’m very familiar with such character. By the way, unlike the “Harry Potter” series it’s finally a good musical experience – I unironically enjoyed the songs and dance numbers. Oh my god, “Show Stopping Number” was so good! The plot was also very interesting and pretty original (I mean, it’s not based on anything, but some horror clichés – but it’s a comedy, after all). (That can be a Spoiler!) The idea of musical theatre Borg is so funny – a collective mind communicating through music and which still sometimes fails to perform in harmony… I’m very sure I failed to recognize all the theatre references: I have watched neither “Godspell”, nor “Brigadoon” (I heard about both of them though), fortunately, I have watched “Moana” and enjoyed it (and yes, it’s funny that Paul knows the lyrics by heart). I’m not sure if it was intended, but I received strong as hell “Jekyll and Hyde” vibes during “Let It Out” – when he was singing and dancing against his will, he was afraid of it and fought it as much as he could, he even fell struggling. (Definitely Spoilers!) The ending was also very funny and unexpected, I thought that they might end it unhappily, but that they’ll make us believe that the ending is as happy as it can be and then throw the horror in our faces… I didn’t think you’re capable of it, “Team Starkid Production”. P.S. Going to finally get a watch (I have some, I even have pocket-watch, but none of them work), because: “Time is a precious thread in the fabric of the universe; it deserves its own tool of measurement!”

Can anyone translate Robert’s apology video? His story jumped around so much I couldn’t even tell what he was saying

If you support or stan Robert after this please unfollow me. I don’t want you here

Anyone thinking about the future of Hatchetfield may want to check this out:

Why is it always so darn exciting when Nick responds to my tweets?!

Robert Manion really said Hi I am an attractive supportive boyfriend with curly hair and a leather jacket, perfectly designed to get attached to only to DIE AFTER 30 MINUTES ARE YOU KIDDING ME ???!!!!


My sexuality?

When Joey Richter shouts “there are only people who are alive. And people who are fucking dead!!!

I rewatched tgwdlm yesterday and HMMNNNNNGGGGG !!!!!!!1!1!1!!!1!1!1!
