#holy musical bman


(Holy Musical B@tman)

Alfred: Could you be sensible for once in your life?

Batman: I resent the implication that I am alive

Alfred: You are alive.

Batman: only on the outside


robert pattinson’s batman looks like he’s about to complain about never having a pony, never having pets, just a bullshit butler who builds bullshit jets (AH!)


we finally watched holy musical b@man

I had a dream that Brian Holden’s social media @’s were just @hagrid . like just that.

like cos he played hagrid in avpsy that was just what his social media was it was so wierd

Everyone talks about how Jeff Blim is an amazing actor, singer, and songwriter but let’s not forget that THE MAN CAN DANCE!!

Is there anything Jeff Blim can’t do?

Look how much fun Dylan Saunders has singing Super Friends!!!

I hope you all experience that much joy today!


not at all joking when i say that Holy Musical B@man’s cinematography and camera work is better than most actual movies these days


some of you have never had a pony, never had pets, just a bullshit butler, who builds bullshit jets OHH and it shows
