#toa claire


You sure you wanna keep dating me?

I’d date you for a hundred lifetimes Jim Lake♥

[at a restaurant before Claire joins the gang]

Claire: Hey, are you single?

Jim: Yes, I am

Claire: *takes away the extra chair in front of him*

Claire: Thanks

Douxie: How’s the food?

Claire: Great! Send my compliments to the chef

Douxie: Okay

Douxie: *goes to the kitchen*

Douxie: You have beautiful eyes

Jim, blushing: Thank you

*watching a horror movie*

Steve: *covers eyes* Just tell me when the scary part is over!

Claire: *chewing popcorn* It’s over

Steve: *uncovers eyes*

Steve: Aaaaaaaah!!!

Jim: Caffeine no longer gives me the rush I need to study, so instead, I have Claire periodically message me “we need to talk” to give me the right amount of fear and adrenaline to keep me going.

Jim: Krel gave me a get better soon card.

Claire: That’s sweet!

Jim: I wasn’t sick, he just thinks I can do better.

Claire: What’s wrong, Douxie?

Douxie, holding a bunch of cat-dragon kittens, weeping: I don’t have enough hands.

Claire, new to the group: When’s the last time something went according to plan?

Toby: I don’t think there was a last time.

Claire: Are you this rude to everyone?

Krel: Yup.

Krel: Don’t think you’re special.

Steve: How did you do it? How did you convince the entire group to betray me?

Claire: I asked them if they wanted to embarrass you and they all instantly agreed.

Jim, Toby & Claire: *screaming*

Krel: *runs into the room* What’s wrong, Claire?!

Jim: Wait, why are you asking Claire that when Toby and I are also here?

Krel: Because Claire wouldn’t scream unless it’s an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.

Claire: The next person who says “weird flex but ok” is going to get a kick to the shin.

Douxie: Preposterous boast but alas.

Claire: What exactly are you doing?

Douxie, surrounded by 15 cat-dragons: Building a family

Claire: When I woke up this morning, my first thought was, “No one visits my grave anymore,” and I was really sad for a few minutes so I laid on my bed with my eyes shut and then all of a sudden I opened my eyes and was like, "Wait, I don’t have a grave, what the fuck?”

Jim: You were possessed?

Toby: Find the spirit that possessed you and visit their grave, you jackass

Douxie: Looking back, I have no regrets

Jim: You should

Claire: You really should

Claire: WHY. why did you give Enrique KNIFE???

Notenrique: I’m sorry! He said he felt unsafe!



Notenrique: Would you like a knife?

Douxie: Who’s the scariest-

Toby: Claire

Douxie: I didnt even finis-

Toby: Claire

When you’ve been accidentally changed into a cat by your apprentice and your partner spends 15 mins laughing at you before helping… you know it’s True Love!

(Follow up of cursed zoe comic)

Happy New Year!!!

So sorry I disappeared again for 3 months?

School was SO generous to give us homework during the holidays :’)

Anyways! I wish you all a Happy New Year! This year wasn’t really the best so here’s hoping 2022 doesn’t become a 2020 too ಥ_ಥ

Tryna catch up on MerMay (●´∀`●)

I thought why not at least one mermaid art right? ψ(`∇´)ψ
