#transgender guy


As a transgender guy, your feelings are just as important as your appearance. So, not only do you want to be masculine but you want to feel comfortable. When it comes to the feelings of FTM transgender men as a man, often they ask questions. Given that they have neither the looks of men nor the feelings of men, true masculinity may pose some challenges for them. Fortunately, these can be done through packaging. As a matter of fact, the packaging is very important for people who haven’t had sex reassignment surgery. Especially if you want to have a tranny  date, the packaging is essential.

hey and hello! hope you all are coping with the holiday seasons. i’ve grown away from tumblr and therefore never update here. i, fabian own both this blog and dedicatedtodysphoricpeople though. i have a twitter so if you wanna reach out or ask for advice or so go there instead @thetobyfrance twitter.com/thetobyfrance. i’m semi stealth, just fyi.
