#transgender man




Let’s take this day to celebrate all the transgender community and the people you might know who are trans. Take this day to inform ourself a little more the issues that still exist in our society that we need to adress in order to make this world a better and safer place to all transgender folks out there. They absolutely deserve it Today is a day to celebrate who you are, whether you are out or not, whether you haven’t started your transition or are already fully transitioned, whether what you like or wear isn’t socially or culturally related to your gender, you are extremely valid and should only feel proud of the journey you took so far to become who you truly are.

✨You can find all the other cards inside the Pride Deck HERE!✨

Lesbian Trans Man Pride Flag

Lesbian: experiencing queer attraction to women; being gay for women.

Transgender: an individual who experiences a gender identity dissilimar from the one that was assigned to them at birth.

[transcript: 5 horizontal stripes colored with blue, dark blue, ½light cyan/½white, orange, and hot pink.]


Let’s take this day to celebrate all the transgender community and the people you might know who are trans. Take this day to inform ourself a little more the issues that still exist in our society that we need to adress in order to make this world a better and safer place to all transgender folks out there. They absolutely deserve it Today is a day to celebrate who you are, whether you are out or not, whether you haven’t started your transition or are already fully transitioned, whether what you like or wear isn’t socially or culturally related to your gender, you are extremely valid and should only feel proud of the journey you took so far to become who you truly are.

✨You can find all the other cards inside the Pride Deck HERE!✨

hey and hello! hope you all are coping with the holiday seasons. i’ve grown away from tumblr and therefore never update here. i, fabian own both this blog and dedicatedtodysphoricpeople though. i have a twitter so if you wanna reach out or ask for advice or so go there instead @thetobyfrance twitter.com/thetobyfrance. i’m semi stealth, just fyi.


I went looking and this is the poster… honestly shout out for this Ontario

yeah my clinic has these in my town in Ontario

i just got my pap done, and i promise you it is worth it. it doesn’t really hurt or anything, and even if its an awkward situation, that may leave you dysphoric, it’s better than avoiding it and ending up dead

you would rather it be a waste of time or emotional energy, i promise

Gotta admit, severely tempted to get an 8-inch packer and, the next time I have to deal with a transphobic dude, say “Shut up, my dick is bigger than yours.”
