
 İnsan en büyük mezarlıktır, her şeyi içine gömer.   - Harun Tolga Peker

İnsan en büyük mezarlıktır, her şeyi içine gömer.

  - Harun Tolga Peker

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Aujourd’hui mon personnage Bichon de ma BD éponyme se prête au challenge Six Fanarts en incarnant les émotions du film Vice-versa de Pixar avec son amie imaginaire la Princesse Ploum!

Artist | Lambert DuchesneTitle | La tristesse (sadness), from my video n°7Tumblr | lambertduchesne.t

Artist | Lambert Duchesne
Title | La tristesse (sadness), from my video n°7
Tumblr |lambertduchesne.tumblr.com
Sites | lambertduchesne.com

7sobm-open : Submissions | Magazine

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// grau //


by Georg Nickolaus

This photo shows a corridor in the famous Bendlerblock. This was the central point where Stauffenberg and others planned to kill Hitler. Sadly they were not successful, as we all know and the war continued. Today is a gray and sad day because Russia started a war against the Ukraine. That‘s why I‘m posting this photo because war is knocking on our doors and resistance against dictatorship and warmongers is more important than ever.

Elsa Gidlow

Odd how you entered my house quietly,
Quietly left again.
While you stayed you ate at my table,
Slept in my bed.
There was much sweetness,
Yet little was done, little said.
After you left there was pain,
Now there is no more pain.

But the door of a certain room in my house
Will be always shut.
Your fork, your plate, the glass you drank from,
The music you played,
Are in that room
With the pillow where last your head was laid.
And there is one place in my garden
Where it’s best that I set no foot.

Tu as tant pleuré au cours de ta vie, que tu peux nager dans la tristesse, aucun mal ne peut te noyer.
