#trollhunters tales of arcadia


Anyone else find it weird to see Claire and Toby in their armour in front of human Jim since they never actually wore it in front of him in that form before?




I was hoping for this! I’ve been wondering this for weeks!!

I’m only asking now what apps this will be on once it’s released Aaron. I’m so excited to hear and see it once it’s out to listen!!

Some things I would love to see in Trollhunters ROTT:

• Flashbacks to when Jim met Toby, and Claire.

• Flashback to when Jim’s dad left.

• Jim feeling upset and weak after wizards events with the amulet being destroyed, and then given a motivational speech from his friends.

• Jim wielding Excalibur like a pro.

• See or learn even just a little more on Jim’s dad. Maybe if there’s even a possibility that there’s another reason to why he left (maybe).

• A bunch of references from the previous shows, just to make it all feel more like the end.

• Toby and Jim moments we haven’t seen since Trollhunters.

• Jim, Claire, Toby, the original trio have some scenes together we miss so much.

• The Steve and Eli, and Staja reunion.

• The original gang taking off Jim’s Vespa armour, and getting brand new armour for the battle (everyone else getting some too would be cool, but I just feel like it’d be cool to see Toby and Claire in brand new armour too).

• See if any of the underground wizards we all heard about share the same magic as Claire, or if it’s just her and Morgana that wield shadow powers.

• Maybe see Zoe, Douxie and Claire all become Wizard friends.

• The whole gang, all the kids of Arcadia taking time with each other, taking a break to relax with all they’ve been though up to now.

• Barbara and Jim reuniting, or just close times together like they always used to have.

• Jim and Claire’s wedding

• Javier calling Jim his son, meaning a lot to Jim (I know Blinky’s more of his father figure, but you can’t tell me Jim wouldn’t take that to heart).

• Jim and Claire’s kids

• The gang in the future, and what their futures individually end up looking like.

I know I already posted this, but I have a theory.

What if at the very beginning of trollhunters rise of the titans it starts off with a flashback scene. A flashback scene to when Toby moved in across the street and Jim’s Birthday. We see somewhere in this scene Jim’s dad giving him his bike kit, then later on leave. And maybe we even see Toby and Jim become friends not too long after that scene. Jim of course didn’t see his dad leave, (or did but of course didn’t know he wasn’t coming back) but maybe if Toby did and Jim’s dad hasn’t returned in days, he comes over to Jim’s to cheer him up. Not mention his dad, but just make him feel happy. After that, the background music could maybe go up as the scene lifts to the sky, and shows the title of the movie, like some movies do. After the camera angle is lowered, the screen says something like, ‘11-12 years later’ and shows them how they look after wizards (and maybe even mentions that it’s a week or two after ‘wizards’ events).

That’s just my theory on that post I wanted to share.

I REALLY hope that the soundtrack to Trollhunters Rise Of The Titans will be available on Spotify and other music apps once it’s out

I was thinking:

Wouldn’t it be so sweet if Jim and Claire had a kid in the movie, and both of them looked down at their son or daughter and said:

Jim: She/he has your eyes.

Claire: She/he has your nose.

Omg! I never realized Blinky was crying in this part of the episode! Did anyone else not notice this, please tell me it isn’t just me (btw, sorry it’s so blue)


There’s actually one thing I’m very very happy they put in the movie that I assumed would happen at some point but I like how they portrayed it. Jim in that finale battle with Bellroc. I was really hoping for a scene in the movie with Jim, basically with how low he was at the end of wizards (and most of the film), to realize that no matter what, amulet or no amulet, he’s always been a hero. He’s always been strong enough no matter what. Him getting that courage was what I was waiting most for and was most excited to see. And how they portrayed it, they literally had “none shall live” play, in a way that seemed like a huge reference to the “Claire in present danger” episode. That song was used in a few extremely important parts in Trollhunters, and Jim finally realizing he was a hero all along making the amulet come to him just made the scene even better. It was such a thrilling scene and I’m so happy with how they did it all. (I gotta give credit where credits due)


I feel like the people who were really set on seeing troll Jim in rott are now more upset about the fact that with the new timeline he doesn’t even exist

⚠️Rott Spoilers⚠️

Rott may have had a questionable ending, but here’s some jlaire that I love in it:
