#eli pepperjack


I’ve already mentioned this in one of my previous posts, but I wanted to kinda touch on it a little more.

Ok, so we all remember this glorious armour we received in a certain trailer two days ago:

I still can’t get over it tbh.

The fact that this movie is the finale instalment, everyone’s included and this armour thats given to a Trollhunter is forged using Akiridion tech and magic, is just so clever. And he looks so amazing in it.


A part of me is thinking this is something shown in the trailer to throw the fandom off.

Showing this armour Jim gets in the movie has changed a lot of people’s thoughts on Jim wielding Excalibur, since this shows that he gets new armour that doesn’t come from Excalibur. And with that, I think a lot of people all of a sudden turned to the thought of “ok, that must settle it, Jim won’t wield it. But if he doesn’t who will?”.

In my own opinion, I don’t think Steve will wield Excalibur. Steve’s a great character, but being, like the comedic relief character, it just wouldn’t seem right for him to wield it. Especially since Jim’s the main character in the movie, and something that big for someone to wield sounds like he’d end up having it.

I think this is a great way to throw the fans off though, cause it either makes us just shocked since we thought he’d wield Excalibur, or just plain confused. Cause I’m pretty sure everyone remembers the whole scene in Wizards at the end with an entire scene of Jim trying to pull it out.

At that time, I don’t know if Jim was trying as hard as he was with the Daylight sword in the Trollhunters pilot. I mean, it completely makes sense though too, after everything in Wizards he was through, he’s probably lacking a lot of self confidence now and maybe even with what all just happened, doesn’t know if he’d even be able to do it either.

But then with the scene up above after he hugs Claire, he opens his eyes, stares at Excalibur, and the camera focuses the shot on the sword. I feel like this shot is just foreshadowing at its finest, especially with some confused with the info on the new armour we just got.

Which got me thinking, if Jim doesn’t wield Excalibur up to a certain point in the movie cause of the Akiridion magical armour, that it’ll be more like a buildup to get Excalibur. And with that, I mean that the armour we were shown was to show off some info, (of course) showing us what’s going on with Jim and how he’ll defend himself up to a certain point of the movie. But I’m thinking that that might be the armour he’ll be wearing for a good amount of the movie, until closer to the end where he’ll finally be able to pull Excalibur out. Because the more I watch that whole scene at the end of Wizards then look again at the armour, that’s the only thought that keeps rolling in my head to explain the confusion I had, and makes the most sense in my head.

Sorry to rant, but I was wondering too if anyone else kinda felt confused about this and thought, or theorized anything similar to this :)

Some things I would love to see in Trollhunters ROTT:

• Flashbacks to when Jim met Toby, and Claire.

• Flashback to when Jim’s dad left.

• Jim feeling upset and weak after wizards events with the amulet being destroyed, and then given a motivational speech from his friends.

• Jim wielding Excalibur like a pro.

• See or learn even just a little more on Jim’s dad. Maybe if there’s even a possibility that there’s another reason to why he left (maybe).

• A bunch of references from the previous shows, just to make it all feel more like the end.

• Toby and Jim moments we haven’t seen since Trollhunters.

• Jim, Claire, Toby, the original trio have some scenes together we miss so much.

• The Steve and Eli, and Staja reunion.

• The original gang taking off Jim’s Vespa armour, and getting brand new armour for the battle (everyone else getting some too would be cool, but I just feel like it’d be cool to see Toby and Claire in brand new armour too).

• See if any of the underground wizards we all heard about share the same magic as Claire, or if it’s just her and Morgana that wield shadow powers.

• Maybe see Zoe, Douxie and Claire all become Wizard friends.

• The whole gang, all the kids of Arcadia taking time with each other, taking a break to relax with all they’ve been though up to now.

• Barbara and Jim reuniting, or just close times together like they always used to have.

• Jim and Claire’s wedding

• Javier calling Jim his son, meaning a lot to Jim (I know Blinky’s more of his father figure, but you can’t tell me Jim wouldn’t take that to heart).

• Jim and Claire’s kids

• The gang in the future, and what their futures individually end up looking like.


Fuck it here are the trollish swears. This will be my legacy.

“lat fys fynka” = go fuck yourself
“lat fyst'il myrksta” = Banish yourself to the Darklands (aka go to hell)
“tyk-son” = son of a bitch (translates more literally to bitch’s son)
“sok fynka” = for fuck’s sake
“pysk'aad“ = damn (or damn it, interchangeably)

And, of course, we can’t leave out the canon one.
“Bushigal” = Bullshit. (I mean really. Come on.)

Take my gifts and go wild, friends.

In the meantime, in Trollhunter!Steve universe, a crazy aventure awaits our hero and his sidekicks.

Part 1 because its too big

Hmmm, I wonder if he might be referring to Eli.*

*Cole Sand is his VA


if eli got ripped he would be pepperjacked

TrollhuntersSome more character moments from RiseOftheTitans. Blinky is always so fun to draw ^^  


Some more character moments from RiseOftheTitans.Blinky is always so fun to draw ^^  

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ToA charater quotes as said by me and my friends

Aja: I’m way to beautiful to deal with this mahogany!

Blinky: *sees me fall right to my back on the concrete* Great philosopher me says that’s gonna leave a mark. 

Barbara: if a man ever approaches you ,get them in the eyes, then the balls. So they don’t see it coming

Merlin: if you’re going to commit suicide make it look like a murder to give the cops a run for their money.

Krel: sometimes I feel like I relate better to a computer than I do real people

Eli:* accidentally knocked over a Macy’s manikin* hey! This is a house of God no stop with this buffoonery.

Douxie: *you are all The shittiest people I ever met! I can’t believe I’m friends with you guys* . Fuck you we the best you got Hoe!

Toby: Urg! I did not drag my half decaying body out of bed today to deal with this shit.

Varvatos vex: I don’t understand how you can get so worked up about a boy? * sees said boy walk by* God damn he’s like a gift from the heavens.

Arrrrrrrggggg!: sometimes I get so excited that I’m eating a brownie that I just swallow it whole.

Draal:* Falls down stairs* well that’ll wake someone up better than a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning!

Claire:* sees her brother flirting with a bunch of girls at a pool*Welp* claps hands* Time to go ruin my brothers love life.

Steve:*are you going to help?* I am the son of God I do not have to help.

Strickler: how many times do I have to tell you? If you electrocute yourself I can’t afford the insurance.

Morgana: * “hey how’s your day going?”* watches as an Oreo falls to the ground and get stomped onby someone passing by* like that.

Jim: A wise man once said …you can put an owl in a toaster oven……. but it isn’t going to smell right. 

Aja, Eli, and Krel have been added into the outfit swap!if you have any suggestions, please suggest Aja, Eli, and Krel have been added into the outfit swap!if you have any suggestions, please suggest

Aja, Eli, and Krel have been added into the outfit swap!

if you have any suggestions, please suggest them on my twitter (capsulect)

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fellas is it gay to give your best bro ur letterman jacket when he gets cold on ur evening drive in

fellas is it gay to give your best bro ur letterman jacket when he gets cold on ur evening drive in the woods or???

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I might regret posting this, but…

I ship Staja. I was on board with Steli, but I knew that was never going to actually go anywhere in the actual show. I am okay with Steve and Eli just being friends because that relationship was strongly established, just as Steve and Aja’s romantic relationship was. I want to see a same-sex relationship explored in a quote unquote “family” show, and we’re lucky to live in a time where that is possible and we have options. This just clearly isn’t going to be one of them. I respect both ships, and I hope that both sides will respect my opinion. We have been a great, civil fandom up until now-let’s keep it that way :)

…Eli dressing up as Herbert West for Halloween. That’s the post everyone.

Game night! Drew this as a gift for a special someone who enjoys these two Game night! Drew this as a gift for a special someone who enjoys these two

Game night!

Drew this as a gift for a special someone who enjoys these two

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More char post series living da life vignettes!3) Krel picks up a job at Hex Tech, and gets his fillMore char post series living da life vignettes!3) Krel picks up a job at Hex Tech, and gets his fill

More char post series living da life vignettes!

3) Krel picks up a job at Hex Tech, and gets his fill of tech magic under the tutelage of Zoe! I would love to see these two interacting, I feel like they would get along super well and be an amusing duo to watch.

4) The toe kiddos (+3 old kiddos) go to Disneyland cuz they deserve it!!! Archie, Douxie and Zoe would be the “chaperones” and Nari would be the chaperone who needs chaperoning. I would love to do some more vignettes of the wonderful chaos on this trip haha.


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