#darci scott


Some things I would love to see in Trollhunters ROTT:

• Flashbacks to when Jim met Toby, and Claire.

• Flashback to when Jim’s dad left.

• Jim feeling upset and weak after wizards events with the amulet being destroyed, and then given a motivational speech from his friends.

• Jim wielding Excalibur like a pro.

• See or learn even just a little more on Jim’s dad. Maybe if there’s even a possibility that there’s another reason to why he left (maybe).

• A bunch of references from the previous shows, just to make it all feel more like the end.

• Toby and Jim moments we haven’t seen since Trollhunters.

• Jim, Claire, Toby, the original trio have some scenes together we miss so much.

• The Steve and Eli, and Staja reunion.

• The original gang taking off Jim’s Vespa armour, and getting brand new armour for the battle (everyone else getting some too would be cool, but I just feel like it’d be cool to see Toby and Claire in brand new armour too).

• See if any of the underground wizards we all heard about share the same magic as Claire, or if it’s just her and Morgana that wield shadow powers.

• Maybe see Zoe, Douxie and Claire all become Wizard friends.

• The whole gang, all the kids of Arcadia taking time with each other, taking a break to relax with all they’ve been though up to now.

• Barbara and Jim reuniting, or just close times together like they always used to have.

• Jim and Claire’s wedding

• Javier calling Jim his son, meaning a lot to Jim (I know Blinky’s more of his father figure, but you can’t tell me Jim wouldn’t take that to heart).

• Jim and Claire’s kids

• The gang in the future, and what their futures individually end up looking like.

Darci: That’s crazy!

Claire: Yeah, then before we came home, he died again.

Mary: ??? But…but once you die, don’t you…you know…stay dead?

Claire: Oh, not Jim.


Okay, another snippet from the Trollhunter!Claire AU - featuring girl talk about our favourite Jim flavoured cinnamon role with Claire and Co. 

I’m gonna grow old waiting for you two idiots to get over yourself, y’know that?“ Mary said, throwing her head back with a long and unnecessarily dramatic sigh.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,“ Claire said awkwardly, playing around with her phone. Darci scoffed from her seat beside Claire, grinning widely.

“Girl, please,“ she started. “Mary knows what she’s talking about, I know what she’s talking about - you definitelyknow what she’s talking about. So let’s cut the bull, yeah?“

Claire opted not to say anything, trying to ignore the flush of heat she felt creeping up her neck. 

“I mean, seriously,“ Mary began to wave her hands around, trying to express to the world what an idiot her friend was being. “Look at him! He would literally throw himself in front of a train for you, or throw hands with anyone who even looks at you wrong if you wanted him to. He cooksClaire! What more could you want?“ Mary was gesturing around wildly now, while her Claire looked in, somewhat concerned about her friend’s passion when it came to her love life.

“Not to mention sunshine boy isn’t exactly lacking in the looks department, C-Bomb,” Darci added helpfully.

That he is not, Claire thought to herself, though she wouldn’t condemn herself by saying it out loud. 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated, especially for stuff like dialogue which I always think that I have a hard time of making it feel natural. 

So yeah. Tell me what you think! And feel free to guess what might happen in the AU, because I’m mixing stuff up harder than cake batter xd


god i love them



darce and tobes say fuck corporate advertisement and happy pride

No cops at pride. Only the trolkhunters and their weapons. (Darci gets a gun)

Badass Darci, because why not?

Trollhunter!Claire because why not ?
