#trollhunters tales of arcadia


Anyone else think that Jim’s Armor would’ve weakened at least a little after helping Claire with the portal? I mean you can clearly see the blue magic of the Armour go into the air after he starts helping her.

This boy deserves every proud person to love him with all their heart, cause no one deserves to be more proud of than him ❤️❤️


Destiny… is a gift.

This was one of my finals for my Digital Art class at school. We had to make a small, 8 panel Zine that we could make into anything. So, naturally, I chose my favourite thing in the world. This is supposed to follow Jim’s physical and emotional journey throughout the Tales of Arcadia franchise, with each of his armours and forms, and I even included his armour from the upcoming movie, Rise of Titans! (The skies in the backgrounds are symbolic as well.)


Gnome Chompsky willingly returned to the Darklands TWICE after being tortured there for weeks, and you guys still want to question who the bravest character in this franchise is?

So much hate.

I had a dream that in the movie, there’s a scene at the end where the final line is:

Jim: “Claire…I know I don’t say it enough, but I lo-”

Then the credits roll.

It being mentioned that there’s gonna be people that have barely interacted or never interacted at all actually interacting in rott that never did in the trilogy makes me that much more excited for the film

I feel like they made so many characters die in the movie cause they already had Jim die so many times and they would want it to feel even just a little more emotional for the movie if they could.

Ok, I know people keep saying that everyone deserved a much happier ending instead of what they got in rott, and I fully agree…but I feel like one of the ones who deserved such a better and happy ending was Claire.

Think about it:

This girl, ever since she joined Jim Trollhunting, has never left his side. She’s done life risking things to save others and him (especially when Wizards rolled around), she’d be the only one to save Jim when it gets too dangerous for anyone else to even help, and…where were her parents in rott? Enrique too? I feel like she spends much more time in Camelot than her own home nowadays. So she’s basically now living there, leaving her parents most of the time to be there for Jim and help him and others in battle. She’s given up and risked so much to be with him and has never looked happier…then she realizes it’s all maybe never going to happen. All that development to get where they are now. Tbh though, I do really envy her on how good she is to him. She knows how much Jim cares for Toby since it’s especially been them since the start and knows and is ok with him doing whatever it takes to get him back if there’s any way to do so. Like damn, I strive to be as amazing and understanding as her. And that only adds onto the fact that this girl deserved so much more. After all that, everything she’s risked, given up, worked so hard to keep alive (*cough* Jim *cough*) is now all for nothing. And the only thing she asks of him, knowing everything that won’t happen because of his choice is to not give up on her. That’s it. My god, she deserved so much more happiness than we know

I don’t know how hard it must’ve been for Toby to say this to Jim. He must’ve just thought: “ok, so Strickler just died, who’s been such a big part of his and Dr. L’s lives in the past few years. And now on top of that, I have to tell him that his girlfriend he’s scared of losing has lost contact with us”. Like seriously, I know it even shows Toby struggling just a bit to tell him with that little pause, but it must’ve been just so hard to say to him.

squabasaurus: I absolutely fell in love with @tenyai gorgeous design of Jim and Claire’s wedding daysquabasaurus: I absolutely fell in love with @tenyai gorgeous design of Jim and Claire’s wedding day


I absolutely fell in love with @tenyai gorgeous design of Jim and Claire’s wedding day, so I had to do some fanart. I had so much fun with Claire’s braids and the folds of the dress. I imagined this as just a quick peck during their first dance or something.

Absolutely in love with this!!

Post link


You know what else really bothers me? Jim’s relationships will never be the same, as he is withholding the truth.

It goes beyond taking away the characters bonds which were forged through their shared experiences and trials throughout the series m, which in itself is a huge issue. Trauma bonding is a real thing, and there’s a reason we can sometimes fantasize about it as consumers of media. With only Jim having these bonds, secrecy will get in the way of all his relationships with his loved ones, and said relationships will be remarkably unbalanced. In both knowledge and history. You can’t just have one half of a pairing remember years of going through life- threatening, traumatic events together while the other half is starting fresh and expect it to work out or ever be the same.

EXACTLY. Jim going through those life threatening or really emotionally traumatizing moments in his life made his relationships stronger. Him and his loved ones worked through it together. And each situation no matter how big they got, it only made them closer. In the new timeline, that can’t work. I know Jim, you promised Claire you’d make sure this isn’t goodbye. And that’ll definitely happen, Jim’s went to great extents to keep his promises. But it’s never going to be the same.


Imagine that instead of the time stone sending Jim all the way back to the past on the day where he first became the Trollhunter, it sent him back to the beginning of the movie where he stood near Excalibur. Jim gathers the right number of his friends that he needs to pull Excalibur out. Then on the subway, Jim’s friends uses that ray to deprive Bellroc and Skrael of their powers and he kills both of them with Excalibur. Which prevents; the titans from rising and causing destruction, saving the four of Jim’s friends from dying, having a happier ending that includes a Stricklake wedding and a future Jlaire wedding.
