#trollhunters tales of arcadia



I felt a bit unsatisfied with the end of ROTT, that’s why i do this comic, because i believe that Jim have the “future amulet”. Maybe a crazy theory or a possibility

This is a theory I had since the day after the movie. This is so good!

I can’t take credit for the last picture but I saw it and just, DIED laughing and thought “putting this in with the parental guidance episode would be hilarious!”.

Credit to @ina-kya515 for the meme, thx for letting me know @noehaddock

Rott Theory:

Imagine after he wields Excalibur (if he does, you never know) Jim ends up having the power to change between every form he’s ever had while in the armour?

After looking through some TOA things, I need to get something off my chest…

It’s kinda frustrating to see how divided this fandom is.

Ever since…well by yesterday three years ago, the fandom got so divided. Especially with all these opinions about Jim I found:

  • “They turned Jim into a troll?! I’m leaving the fandom”.
  • “I like just human Jim”.
  • It doesn’t matter to me what he is, he’s still Jim no matter what”.
  • “I like just troll Jim”.
  • “They turned Jim back into a human?! I’m leaving the fandom”.

Like jeeezzzzz after everything, it just frustrates me.

In my opinion, it makes me mad that some people are only gonna watch the movie to see if a different version of Jim will be in it! Tbh, that’d be so cool if there was a finale battle that all his forms were brought back for some scenes to do, but it makes me sad that some people only wanna watch it for that. I mean I know he most likely won’t turn back into a troll since it’d be just too much changing for one teen in a year or less, I mean I’d be making memes on them making up there mind, but it would be nice to see him again like that before the saga ends, but please don’t say that if that happens that’ll be the only good thing in the movie. The amazing writers and creators of this film put their hearts and souls into making this for you guys that know you love watching it as much as they loved making it. Maybe I’m just getting mad about this since I’ve watched Trollhunters since only a few weeks after season 1 was out and a lot of people didn’t know about it till a few months or years later, but that shouldn’t matter. There’s so many other things to look forward to other than the one thing some people may look at negatively. There’s somehow a new heartstone in Arcadia, Douxie’s magic looks like it’s upgraded some, they’re travelling to New York and maybe other places too, and Aja is the freaking queen of Akiridion-5 now! Those are just a few other things that sprang to my head writing this. This isn’t to offend anyone, this also isn’t about hate on any form, that’s not what this is about. I’m just saying, don’t let one thing that you didn’t like happen in a show, affect you watching something you’ve loved for years in a film that already looks like it’s going to be incredible to see. (If I misunderstood anything at all though, please let me know).

thedreamwalkinwizard: Okay everyone.  I might have found something. This is a painting that features


Okay everyone.  I might have found something. 


This is a painting that features a lake called Lake Avernus.  (There’s a great article that talks about this place.  Link)

Look at the rock pillars? 


They look like the ones in the Rise of the Titans location (but just more rounded). Both places are also surrounded by mountains, and the lakes look about to be the same shape. 

This is so cool, but apparently a lake is considered the “Earth’s eye”.  The water is the eye, while the brush/trees/whatever surrounding it are it’s eyelashes.  You know there’s been a whole lot of eye symbols in Trollhunters, and this lake kind of does look like an eyeball. 

Lake Avernus is actually part of Greek mythology, because this lake was believed to be the entrance to the underworld.  

Oh my gosh, what if this lake is an entrance to somewhere? And what if it’s an entrance to that new market we saw in the trailer?

P.S. This lake is located in Italy.  This might be where the gang are, but I’m not sure.   Either way, this place is beautiful!

I really like this theory

Post link

There’s been some theories about Rott revolving around the time map, since it finds alternate timelines.

Now, I know it probably won’t happen… but with Jim’s dad said to be mentioned or come up in the movie, what if we see an alternate reality in which James Lake Sr never left?




I love how Jim is allowed to be a classic “chosen one” hero, while also being given traits which are traditionally… feminine?

He’s emotional, he’s close with his mom, he loves to cook

He cries

All of these things are attributes associated with women and not with heroes journey characters.

And Trollhunters isn’t afraid to showcase these traits as strength, contrasted with traditional hero traits— bravery, selflessness, etc., in the character of Jim. This is such an important exmaple for viewers— especially young boys— to witness.

These tags are everything, @moderatelysociallymaladjusted!

Thank you for the support and further discussion on the post ♥️.

This is a very important post to me.

I couldn’t agree with this more. He’s been through so much, and you barely ever see hero’s dealing with such serious things at Jim’s age and show much emotion like this. With all these decisions and things he needs to do, even for someone at any age is incredibly difficult to do. I don’t even think I could do over half the things Jim does and goes through.

Your right.

It’s so traditionally feminine to show people getting emotional in some things on tv or in films and it pisses me off. It makes me so happy that the creators of trollhunters had Jim show and feel emotions this critical that make sense in every case scenario they’d include this in.

Hey guys! I figured out how long it took for Jim Claire and the trolls to get to New Jersey! (Anyone else been wondering this for a while too?)

Is there a connection between these two? A tear from someone who cared a lot about the person who passed brings them back to life? Or anything similar?

Trollhunters season 2 episode 4.

Wizards episode 10.

I mean the only difference I remember is ‘the tear of one untouched by loves first kiss’ for AAARRRGGGHHH’s coming back from death scene.
