
Hollywood dehumanizes people of color on screen using racist media narratives in order to justify opHollywood dehumanizes people of color on screen using racist media narratives in order to justify op

Hollywood dehumanizes people of color on screen using racist media narratives in order to justify oppression and violence against people of color in real life.

These comics touch on a lot of complicated subjects about race and gender in media, but I realized mainstream representation metrics like the Bechdel-Wallace Test, Riz Test, DuVernay Test, and Aila Test don’t fully cover the criteria to discuss those issues, so I made a test of my own.

I didn’t want to name it after myself at first, but after years of experience in both comics and Hollywood and having my work and ideas stolen and reposted online too many times to count, I know that no one will give you credit unless you claim it, so I decided to put my name on it.

These are just a few of many stereotypical roles for POC but there are others, all designed to depict POC as inferior. Overall, the purpose of Hollywood is to produce propaganda to benefit cis-het white men—by lying about how pure and good they are—at the expense of everyone else.

Basically, films are required to fail this test in order to reach the screen—even with leads of color. Let’s use Asian American films as examples: To All The Boys fails 1, 4 and 6. The Big Sick fails 2, 4 and 5. Always Be My Maybe fails 6. It’s hard to think of a film that passes.

Some say representation is a frivolous concern, but the fact is that movies and TV are not an escape from reality—they tell us what our reality should be. Media messaging is an integral part of the systems that perpetuate state violence and oppressive policies against POC.

That’s why having tests like these matter—it forces us to think deeply about the kind of content we’re creating and consuming, and to push harder to do better. It requires that the world sees POC and other marginalized people as people, and to treat us that way, both on screen and off.

Note: I didn’t include non-binary POC in the comics because they tend to not get roles at all, and if they do, are usually put into either the men or women category. I also didn’t include white women, who are dehumanized as women but differently than WOC due to white supremacy.

(Please don’t repost or edit my art. Reblogs are always appreciated.)

If you enjoy my comics, please pledge to my Patreon or donate to my Paypal. I lost my publisher for trying to publish these strips, so your support keeps me going until I can find a new publisher/lit agent

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Thinking about the moment a character realizes for the first time that they are no longer in control of their own life.

Hands being cuffed for the first time. Feeling the weight of chains, their movement restricted by shackles. An unwanted touch they can’t flinch away from. Being manhandled, grabbed and pulled and shoved. The indignity, the humiliation of their body no longer being their own.

A simple slap across the face - maybe not even a particularly hard one, but a shock to the system nonetheless, especially for a character unused to violence, one who is used to being treated with dignity and respect. The real pain may come later, this is just a signal to put them in their place, to teach them who is in control here.

Being made to kneel before someone, realizing the power that person now holds over them. Knowing there is no way to run, no way to fight, no way to escape from this. Their blood running cold, realization sinking in.

They have no choice what happens next.

Their life no longer belongs to them.


blood in whump>>>

  1. blood seeping through bandages
  2. blood trickling out of someone’s mouth
  3. coughing up blood after chest trauma
  4. bloody nosesssss
  5. split lips after being punched
  6. a pool of blood slowly spreading under someone’s body
  7. blood glistening on the blade of a knife
  8. blood from a forehead cut
  9. blood slipping through someone’s fingers as they desperately try to put pressure on a wound
  • Swap bodies with your greatest enemy
  • Swap bodies with an animal
  • Swap bodies with a god
  • The only way to return to your body is to admit to the person you swapped with your deepest darkest secret.
  • The only way to swap back is for one of them to die.
  • The only way to swap back is to convince everyone else you swapped but most people aren’t inclined to believe it
  • The only way to swap back is to kiss
  • Swap bodies with someone you’ve never met
  • Swap bodies with someone by feeding the same cat
  • The only way for the hero to live is to switch bodies
  • One person purposefully causes the body swap because they think the other person has a better life
  • One person purposefully causes the body swap because they know the other person has a worse life and needs a break
  • When you turn 18, you swap bodies with your soulmate for three days.