#tweaker babes



heart or reblog this post if you’re a drug blog (meth or heroin preferably) so i can follow you

fuck no i’m not following any fucking porn ones either



I chose drugs over life.

~I sold my soul and now theres no going back

I lost my life when I lost my daughter, I lost my love when I lost my wife, I lost myself when I died and reawoke to nothing left. The only thing that has never left me, abandoned me, or made me feel like I wasn’t good enough was drugs. And I’d be a hypocritical ass if I just up and left drugs behind. They’ll be with me until the end. And only death will separate us.


“Crystal isn’t meant for people who are happy with their lives. No one goes out to get that icy high that Tina gives you every time you get your fix. When you get to the point where you took a hit too many and you me heart is pounding out of your chest and you freak out a bit because you feel like you just might die that night. Happy people don’t look for that. The people who no longer care if they live or not are the ones who you’ll find doing anything they can to live a different life even if it’s just for a few hours.”

— Something I realized during the Late Night Talks with my coworker’s (via lightupthe-skies)


Ok? It’s actually insisted upon. After the transaction I will post me doing a hot rail spelling their names.

SoTumblr will no longer support adult content… Has anyone told Tumblrthat IT IS ADULT CONTENT??!?!!

No one comes here to look at pretty pictures if trees and waterfalls. We come here for drugs, porn, and to explore our dark side!

I feel like a part of me is dying…

But bet your ass I’m gonna create some epic TweakerSlut content before they nuke our twisted little cyber universe!

