

good luck figuring out who my favorite demon slayer character is

good news! I finally have a bit of motivation

bad news! I have no clue what to write

anyone have tips on sketching with pens/pencils  ?

my parents: so when are you gonna let us read your writing?

me: *sweating nervously and denying everything because now all I write is fanfiction*

Hey, everyone!

Thank you so much for everyone who participated in November (and all the notes on the prompt list).

Of course, I didn’t get as many entries as I originally hoped for, but I think it went well. And as much as I wanted to post along, unfortunately, I was extremely unmotivated to write lately (terrible timing, I know).

But this is something I would have learned sooner or later that I should have posted an interest check first but it was already too late since when I had the idea it was already mid-late September.

I really don’t know if I’ll have one of these next year since there really is a lack of content creators and rarepair shippers but if anyone is interested, I’ll definitely try to come up with something :D

Again, thanks everyone so much for the reblogs, likes, entries and questions sent to my ask box or comment section.

(And for those of you who are interested in a writing/art week/month dedicated to a character/ship, let me know!)

I was a fool for thinking I could handle posting drabbles and one shots everyday of the month of November based off of one word prompts, much less host an entire month-long celebration of it because I don’t have confidence in my writing nor do I ever feel like finishing and making creative projects.

Hi, I’m a little clown with high expectations of myself.

getting pampered is so therapeutic

black women are so fucking amazing

my new era is still defrosting

social media cleanse but without tumblr and pinterest cause those are the only apps that keep me sane

I think it’s pretty weird how “doing what you love for a living” is considered a luxury, and not like… a basic right.
