#ua teachers


aizawa: everyone shut up. if you have a question, raise a hand.


aizawa: kaminari, put kirishima’s hand down.

Dear followers, today I offer you dadzawa. Tomorrow? who knows!

1-a girls: can we braid your hair?

present mic: you see, I would say yes, but-

momo: it’s for science!

present mic: well I can’t say no to science

midnight: where the hell is eraserhead, the meeting started an hour ago.

mic: hey, cut him some slack, he works very hard!! He’s probably grading tests right now!

aizawa: [slowly opens the door]

aizawa, standing in the doorway: sorry I’m here, I didn’t want to come.

I forgot to upload the rest of the UA teachers series to tumblr OTLVlad and his cute doggo ^^First o

I forgot to upload the rest of the UA teachers series to tumblr OTL

Vlad and his cute doggo ^^

First one of the series




Post link

Aizawa: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
