#utapri cecil


Dumb stuff;

Ren: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.

Tokiya: I’ve witnessed the dumb stuff.

Natsuki: I recorded the dumb stuff.

Otoya: I heard about the dumb stuff.

Syo&Cecil:We joined you in the dumb stuff.


Getting into trouble with, Ren Jinguji;

Otoya: Who knew getting into trouble would be so easy to escape from..

Cecil: We have to give you credit, Ren! You make it look so easy!!

Ren: *Grins* Years of practice.

*He’s thinking about all the mischievous things he likes to cause.. I SUPPORT!

Dinner with Starish be like;

Masato: The food is too hot to eat right now, I just took it off the stove.

Ren: you’re too hot, and I still eat you~

Masato: *Glaring and blushing*

Ren: *Winks*

Cecil&Otoya: OwO?

Tokiya: *facepalm*

Natsuki: How Kawaii~!

Syo: *screams* One dinner. I JUST. WANT. ONE. DINNER!

Sharing Slushies;

Syo: Why are your tongues purple?

Masato: We had slushies. Jinguji actually managed to convince me to try this.. concoction. I had a blue one.

Ren:*with an eyebrow wiggle* I had a red one.

Syo: oh


Syo: OH


Cecil: You drank each other’s slushies??

Looking Sad;

[Ren, Cecil, and Syo are sitting on a bench]

Reiji: Why do you guys look so sad?

Ren: Sit down with us so we can tell you.

[Reiji sits down]

Cecil: …

Syo: The bench is freshly painted.

So uh- Monopoly with Otoya being “kidnapped” ??;

Ren: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!

Tokiya: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD

Ren: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING IKKI WITH ME

Cecil:*picking up the monopoly board* I think we’re gonna stop playing now.

Otoya: *is picked up* I want curry tonight, Ren!
