#vegetable garden

Japan Dog, Yuki

Japan Dog, Yuki by Toshihiro Gamo
Via Flickr:

#2013年    #summer    #yokohama    #横浜市    #aoba-ku    #青葉区    #shimoyamoto-cho    #下谷本町    #country    #田園    #yamoto-seseragi-fureai-promenade    #谷本せせらぎふれあいの道    #vegetable garden    #野菜畑    #animal    #animals    #動物    #mammal    #ほ乳類    #哺乳類    #pet-animal    #イヌ    #いぬ    
Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,Spring flowers at the allotmentSince I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot,

Spring flowers at the allotment

Since I’ve been behind, so, so behind with sharing photos of my plot, here’s a collection of spring flowers, with more to come as they couldn’t all fit in a post. 

I will be writing more specifically about some of the plants I’ve grown, but for the moment I still have some work to do as I might have entered the plot into a local gardening contest to be judged soon…stay tuned!   

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How I recruited a small army of ladybugsIn my last post, a reblog from last year, I mentioned the cuHow I recruited a small army of ladybugsIn my last post, a reblog from last year, I mentioned the cu

How I recruited a small army of ladybugs

In my last post, a reblog from last year, I mentioned the cut conifers to be sold as Christmas trees had started arriving at the garden centre where I work, but together with the trees we also received some visitors. 

As of October, ladybugs (Coccinella septempunctata) begin congregating in sheltered places to spend their winter dormancy period, a time when their mobility and activity level are strictly dependant on the temperature, and it seems a large number of them had chosen the dense, evergreen foliage of the Nordmann firs (Abies nordmanniana) to do so. Whenever I would free a tree from its net, shaking it, several ladybugs (as well as a variety of spiders) would fall to the floor, suddenly thrown out of their cosy temporary home. 

I collected and placed dozens of them around the garden centre, where they will be valuable allies in my battle against aphids next year, but I also decided to relocate some of them to my allotment. I had one of those boxes sold as “butterfly houses” installed on a south-facing portion of the fence, and I thought it could serve well for the purpose of giving them shelter, so I filled it with some bamboo sticks and placed them inside to see what they would do. 

They seem to find it suitable, the following day the box was still full and the majority had climbed up to rest under the roof. If all goes well, they will spend the winter there, and when they emerge they will find the place to be a good breeding site, which will also, inexorably, be filled with food for them.

Aphids, mites and all of you, soft-bodied insects, cower before my army now!     

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Got another garbage onion started, this time a sweet yellow onion. Looking at all the divisions in t

Got another garbage onion started, this time a sweet yellow onion. Looking at all the divisions in the center, it may send up shoots from multiple places meaning I can divide it and get more than one onion out of the deal. We’ll see!

For those who mentioned having trouble getting this to work, you do have to change the water daily. Not just add more, but pull the onion out of the dish, dump out the water, rinse out the dish, and put new water in (and obviously put back the onion). Other than that and temperature control (don’t let it bake in the sun or freeze in a draft), just leave it alone and it should sprout.

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My garbage onion (I grew it from the root end of a store bought onion, something that normally goes My garbage onion (I grew it from the root end of a store bought onion, something that normally goes

My garbage onion (I grew it from the root end of a store bought onion, something that normally goes in the garbage) finally sent up a shoot! And look at all those gorgeous roots!

I also had some sprouting store-bought garlic (you can see it on the counter behind the onion) so I decided to put those in some dirt as well. So one onion, five cloves of garlic.

I’ll probably sprout another onion bottom after dinner, since I have a couple of yellow onions that need to be eaten and my little sprouting dish is now empty.

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Finally getting my seeds started! Since I live in an apartment with no balcony or patio this will alFinally getting my seeds started! Since I live in an apartment with no balcony or patio this will alFinally getting my seeds started! Since I live in an apartment with no balcony or patio this will alFinally getting my seeds started! Since I live in an apartment with no balcony or patio this will al

Finally getting my seeds started! Since I live in an apartment with no balcony or patio this will all be a 100% indoor garden. Never done this before, so we’ll see how it goes!

I’ve got:
▪rainbow mix carrots,
▪red Russian kale
▪salad bowl lettuce
▪Bloomsdale spinach
▪Oregon spring tomatoes
▪red cherry tomatoes
▪habanero peppers
▪sweet basil
▪Greek oregano

All are heirloom seeds.

Now, this seed starter tray is really nice. I’ve seen a few different versions, but I went with this one (years ago) because the company offered refill pellets so you can reuse the plastic tray and clear greenhouse lid (not pictured).

I will say that these little pellet refills also work well when put in eggshells for those who like to use their old eggshells as seed starter containers. They have biodegradable mesh around them that allows them to more or less keep their shape in case they’re too tall for the eggshell.

To use, just soak them for about 10 minutes or until they’ve expanded, then sink a single seed in the center of each one.

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Turning these plastic creamer bottles into pots for the seeds I’m going to start soon. They fi

Turning these plastic creamer bottles into pots for the seeds I’m going to start soon. They fit perfectly on my window sills which means I can put them in every window and not have to buy shelves.

I’m not going to put drainage holes in the bottom because I don’t want to deal with water damage from overflowing saucers. Instead I’m going to put an inch or two of gravel in the bottom, top it with cardboard or newspaper, and then add my soil.

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I put the root end of a store bought white onion I ate into some water and it’s growing quite nicelyI put the root end of a store bought white onion I ate into some water and it’s growing quite nicely

I put the root end of a store bought white onion I ate into some water and it’s growing quite nicely; plenty of new roots and an obvious swelling in the center on top. Once it starts turning green I’ll put it in a pot.

Never grown onions before. This will be a fun experiment.

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Made a spaghetti squash yesterday and decided to save the seeds. Whether I decide to try and sprout

Made a spaghetti squash yesterday and decided to save the seeds. Whether I decide to try and sprout them or toast them and eat them is still up for grabs.

Maybe I’ll sprout a few and eat the rest…

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