#viral images


OH MY- i ship them and Dylan and I are very jealous

Inhale…….exhale….Oh hell are you seeing that hair!? It looks so smooth, so shiny, I just want to put my hand there

 Together, alone with the sky, when during the night, it shows up its real self.When the blinding bl

Together, alone with the sky, when during the night, it shows up its real self.
When the blinding blue mantle of the day shatters together with our comfort, to expose the enigmas we’ll never solve.
Night’s friends love questions, rather than answers.

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Want my husband to be those type of billionaire business men that get Awards ,Me as the wife wearing the sexiest glam dresses having a team a glam team having a successful interior business and fashion business,Him Getting features on magazines like Forbes,Featuring his family (Me and His children)And us being private family ahh just the simple low-key life

I hope we get to experience Love like no-other in this lifetime
