#virgo zodiac


I want to talk to someone who has a great knowledge of astrology because according to my sign (Virgo) I should not get along to well with Aries people but some of my closest people are Aries. I know it has to do with my full chart probably but idk what part of that whole thing is making me gravitate towards Aries people

the signs as shit my friends and i once said

aries: do you ever wanna angrily push all of the things off your desk and then grab a lamp or something and smash it against the wall and then stop for a second and then dramatically storm out of your house slamming the door?

taurus: i can reassure you that i’m not an old man

gemini: i meant just like glass, but if i said glass you’d think of glass

cancer: *watching a video of a monkey falling* i can’t explain the satisfaction it gave me when the fucker fell

leo: i feel like you are all studying me for identity theft purposes

virgo: *gets a tissue and wipes off sweat off of forehead* so did you or did you not click on the porn link?

libra: i would marry hera. she sounds like a bad bitch

scorpio: i’m suing the daily mail for emotional abuse

sagittarius: *talking to capricorn* i am 100% convinced you are a god, but like the gay coded kind

capricorn: i’m dropping out and stealing credit cards. this is the last you’ll hear of me

aquarius: might as well go ahead and sell feet pics. nothing matters anymore we are all going to die

pisces: passing math is for losers, i’m going to cry myself to sleep

Virgo: Escorpio, he decidido vivir solo


Virgo: Tus maletas están en la entrada.

Hay belleza en las cenizas de un corazón que ardió por lo que amaba

-Escorpio, Aries, Virgo y Piscis
