#warhammer world


 I finally made the pilgrimage to Warhammer World, and what a day I had! I don’t often get giddy with excitement, but getting to meet the likes of Andy Smillie, Mark Chambers, Wade Pryce, and Aiden Daly and being able to pick their brains about minute and elusive parts of the lore, while wandering the halls of the exhibition centre was a dream come true.

Some of you may not know what Warhammer is, and i urge you to take a look. If you live in the UK definitely go to Warhammer World. The artistry involved and the synergy between miniature designs that are so enormously diverse, is extraordinary. The brilliance of the artistry is rather wonderfully matched, by the sense of community and also the passion that is shown by both the people who work there and the people who visit. I don’t often feel at home, but I did that day.

Actual footage of someone who may or may not own too many orks and tries to use them all at once in

Actual footage of someone who may or may not own too many orks and tries to use them all at once in completely ridiculous games.

I teleported a gargantuan squiggoth. GG.

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After failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I decAfter failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I decAfter failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I dec

After failing fairly spectacularly at Warhammer World’s Grand Clash (137th out of 164 players) I decided to rest Spiteclaw’s Swarm for a little while and try something different. I’ve liked the idea of The Farstriders since they were released as they all have ranged weapons which brings something different to the way they play. 

I’m not a big fan of the Stormcast Eternal deathmasks. I like faces on my characters so that you can see their expressions which often tell a story. I was therefore thrilled when Forgeworld released the two packs of Stormcast Eternal heads (one pack of male and one female). In my experience, Forgeworld sculptors haven’t always been the best when it comes to faces, but this time they have really knocked it out of the park. I just bought the male heads to begin with, but I will definitely pick up the female heads too for when I convert the other Warhammer Underworlds Stormcast warbands.

These are just some work in progress shots. I’m working on these models in-between other projects, but I hope to have them finished in time for a tournament on 17th March.

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Spiteclaw’s SwarmI’ve just finished painting Spiteclaw’s Swarm in time for the Warhammer UnderworldsSpiteclaw’s SwarmI’ve just finished painting Spiteclaw’s Swarm in time for the Warhammer UnderworldsSpiteclaw’s SwarmI’ve just finished painting Spiteclaw’s Swarm in time for the Warhammer UnderworldsSpiteclaw’s SwarmI’ve just finished painting Spiteclaw’s Swarm in time for the Warhammer UnderworldsSpiteclaw’s SwarmI’ve just finished painting Spiteclaw’s Swarm in time for the Warhammer UnderworldsSpiteclaw’s SwarmI’ve just finished painting Spiteclaw’s Swarm in time for the Warhammer Underworlds

Spiteclaw’s Swarm

I’ve just finished painting Spiteclaw’s Swarm in time for the Warhammer Underworlds Grand Clash at Warhammer World next Saturday. I used Garrek’s Reavers all of the last year, so I decided a new season required a new warband.

These Skaven models are probably my favourite released in the Warhammer Underworlds line so far and are definitely the most detailed. I’ve always wanted to play using Skaven because I love their lore and character, but I never wanted to collect an army of them - imagine painting all those minis!

I really enjoyed painting this warband and I hope to get a bit more success in tournaments this year than in 2018. 

Miniatures completed in 2019: 5

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Warhammer World Success!Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40KWarhammer World Success!Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40KWarhammer World Success!Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40K

Warhammer World Success!

Me and my mates went to Warhammer World at the weekend for the Warhammer 40K Doubles Tournament. Our games didn’t go too well (1 win, 5 losses) but I did get an amazing result in the painting competition. I won in both the Hero and Company competitions. I was really hoping to win the Icon competition with my Knight Magaera, but it was a very tough competition and I can’t believe that I won the other two categories.

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Mechanicum Indentured Knight Magaera - AstrapisIt has taken five months worth of my spare time, but Mechanicum Indentured Knight Magaera - AstrapisIt has taken five months worth of my spare time, but Mechanicum Indentured Knight Magaera - AstrapisIt has taken five months worth of my spare time, but Mechanicum Indentured Knight Magaera - AstrapisIt has taken five months worth of my spare time, but

Mechanicum Indentured Knight Magaera - Astrapis

It has taken five months worth of my spare time, but I have finally finished my Knight Magaera! I bought this as the Lord of War for my Horus Heresy Mechanicum Taghmata army at Christmas. I’m now taking it to the 40K Doubles Tournament at Warhammer World next month - it was a perfect excuse to get me to finish it.

It was a mammoth project compared to any miniatures I have ever painted before and there were times when it seemed like it would never end. It was magical when it all started coming together though and I really enjoyed trying out some new techniques. I’m more pleased with it then I expected I would be.

With the Knight out of the way my next project is to paint my small Skitarii detachment - which means I will finally be starting the tutorial I promised.

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