#what a guy



The return of the garden, which is flourishing, in this episode implies that Gregory has been secretly gardening for the past several months and Jacob and Barbara still have no idea. This better be a reveal in like three seasons after making it a running gag, because it’ll be comedy gold

true-king-of-monsters:0l0x: Like 20 years later i realize his name is basically Dick Ass-Eater…nic



Like 20 years later i realize his name is basically Dick Ass-Eater…nice


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“Clay complained that he was accused ‘of every crime in the Decalogue,’ and this was quite literally true, as one Democratic tract showed. A handbill called ‘The Embodiment’ formed a text collecting all the slanders into a visual image of the man surmounted by a crest featuring a pistol, a cigar, a pack of cards, and a brandy bottle— Clay’s armorial bearings.”


alina: you exploited my power for your gain!

the darkling: for ☭ us ☭

do you guys remember when everyone was talking about how hot young stalin was. that has the same energy as darklina fans and people who want ted bundy to rail them

#comrade aleksander


“Oh, Martin saw Jon be a complete mess of a human being and thought I can fix him and that was the reason his crush started”

you fools. you absolute circus clowns. you avatars of pure silliness.

Martin is EXACTLY as unhinged as Jon even before they ever meet each other, and becomes even more so after we meet him. Behold:

List of Reasons why Martin Kartin Blackwood is just as (if not more) unhinged than his avatar-of-all-evil-knowledge-boyfriend:

  1. in order to get a job, he lied on his CV. Not too bad, fuck academic elitism, etc, but this man. claimed to have a very specific degree in a very specific field. and then he got hired. because of that degree
  2. and no one noticed. for ten whole years.
  3. (except the head of the institute, which doesn’t count bc he’s an evil mind reading bastard)
  4. Also claimed to be like ten years older than he really was (him and jon share this unhinged fun fact which is fuckin wild)
  5. ALSO also didn’t have a middle name so just kinda. gave himself a middle initial. for funsies.
  6. let a dog into a building bc it tricked him with its cute face
  7. but also carried out a con for months on an avatar of an evil fear god by just. frowning and nodding.
  8. could have been an avatar of manipulation and control, instead decided to be in love. icon.
  9. actually, could have been an avatar of three different fear gods. said no thanks I will be in love instead ty
  10. boss is specifically an asshole to him. decides to fall in love anyway.
  11. had to be told to put his hands in his pockets so he would stop touching plastic explosives
  12. wanted to kill an old man bc one time that old man kind of threatened to throw him off a rollercoaster
  13. after being trapped in his flat for three weeks by a bug lady, brought a jar full of her bugs with him back to work to prove a point
  14. willing to damn an unknowable number of other realities
  15. met himself. he was an asshole. to himself.
  16. “sorry elias I can’t hear you there’s a door in the way”
  17. decided with no evidence that he was going to take his bf on a hiking trip and figure out a way to shove the fear gods back into their little box
  18. has dreams of making out with his bf over their ex-boss’s corpse
  19. “Hey, Elias! J o n a h M a g n u s !!!!! …. OI DICKHEAD”
  20. big strong rowing arms
  21. (that’s not unhinged i just wanted everyone to remember that martin has big strong arms good for rowing and giving hugs)
  22. thinks tea is cure to all emotional ills
  23. certainly has a large fun patterned jumper collection at home
  24. also advocates that he and his bf “get their murder on”
  25. stole a possibly evil tape recorder to record poetry bc lo-fi vibes
  26. spent several months talking to tape recorders more than humans
  27. wants his bf to do a murder on a hot death man bc he was jealous

Wolf in his infinite generosity and devotion in these times of risk has offered to take my temperature every day.

Rectally, with his special thermometer…

tomhollandnet: New pictures of Tom for Man About Town: 2019, Chapter 1tomhollandnet: New pictures of Tom for Man About Town: 2019, Chapter 1tomhollandnet: New pictures of Tom for Man About Town: 2019, Chapter 1


New pictures of Tom for Man About Town: 2019, Chapter 1

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ganseyphobe:he literally is my best friend for all time 


he literally is my best friend for all time 

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I hope Lil Nas X is having a good day





i love regis’s love for human food

usual, regular, normal higher vampires:



mimicry, i’d call it… <3

post updated i just realized regis is the embodiment of the “i’m not like most girls” memes but with other vampires

heartofpack: “You’re all doing very well! Show him what Bertrand Bell and his Sorcerous Swords have


“You’re all doing very well! Show him what Bertrand Bell and his Sorcerous Swords have to offer!”

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lmaoo not him beefing with his other accounts anyways sub to smii7yminus
