#what the hell


So yeah I just saw this abomination and now I can’t sleep ‍♀️



I turned on closed captions for the Swedish Chef and I just started weeping with laughter.

modern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set umodern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set umodern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set umodern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set umodern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set umodern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set umodern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set umodern100au: Based on a prompt from anonymous:Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set u


Based on a prompt from anonymous:

Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friends. Lexa doesn’t want to go but does because Clarke is hot and Anya said she’d give her candles. Clarke is just going along so Raven will shut up but then she meets Lexa and is like wow

Submit prompts here!

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My parents: why don’t you spend more time with us?! You never do.

Me: Ok I’ll take you to dinner

Also them:

So I just discovered that not only some of the Greek books that I own are over 200 years old, they also belonged to someone famous?!

coramckart: Fanart of Joe from The Creatures #Thecreatures #thecreaturesfanart


Fanart of Joe from The Creatures #Thecreatures #thecreaturesfanart

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jesus fucking christ cc merch is expensive. who do they think their fans are?

40 dollar white tshirt…

mimi-maru: ocarina of time x evening mood by william-adolphe bouguereau


ocarina of time x evening mood by william-adolphe bouguereau

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holy shit r&m really DOES have a voltron bit.





Genuinely terrified for the safety of me and my fellow trans women

#The framing of an innocent trans woman for the mass shooting in Texas is going to get people hurt

they’re going WHATnow

Starting with 4chan and Kiwifarms, people began sharing the images of a trans teenager (who is still alive and is not a Texan) claiming it was the shooter

Now you have congressmen and Candace Owens and Infowars all parroting it as if it were fact, while trans organizations are trying to do their best to protect the girl in question and prevent the lie from being spread

If you’re trans, be safe, if you’re cis, protect your trans comrades, because a trans girl was assaulted in El Paso in direct connection to these lies.

mizgnomer:David Tennant and Catherine Tate return to Doctor Whohttps://www.doctorwho.tv/news-and-feamizgnomer:David Tennant and Catherine Tate return to Doctor Whohttps://www.doctorwho.tv/news-and-fea


David Tennant and Catherine Tate return to Doctor Who



“One of the most loved pairings in Doctor Who’s history have reunited and are filming scenes that are due to air in 2023 to coincide with the show’s 60th anniversary celebrations.“

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The creepiest hermit crab in the world!!

The creepiest hermit crab in the world!!

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Unmute !

#what the hell    #kitteh    


my skills include reading an entire page of an academic text without absorbing a single word







my ancestors seeing me shrug off a diarrhea session

People in the notes confused because they’re so accustomed to running water they don’t know how close diarrhea might have otherwise come to killing them if they’ve had it even once lol it’s killed more humans than just about anything in history

We’re the granddaughters of the bowels you couldn’t irritate

Mine would be baffled that I’ve gone 5+ years with bloody diarrhea. Inflammatory Bowel Disease has probably always existed, but they didn’t have treatment.

I do want to specifically shout out Dr Thomas Latta, who is the person who gave us IV hydration, and pretty much magically cured cholera with it in his first attempt. From his diary:

I attempted to restore the blood to its natural state, by injecting copiously into the larger intestines warm water.. trusting that the power of absorption might not be altogether lost, but by these means I produced, in no case, any permanent benefit.. I at length resolved to throw the fluid immediately into the circulation. In this, having no precedent to direct me, I proceeded with much caution. The first subject of experiment was an aged female. She had apparently reached the last moments of her earthly existence, and now nothing could injure her – indeed, so entirely was she reduced, that I feared I should be unable to get my apparatus ready ere she expired. Having inserted a tube into the basilic vein, cautiously – anxiously, I watched the effects; ounce after ounce was injected, but no visible change was produced. Still persevering, I though she began to breathe less laboriously, soon the sharpened features, and sunken eye, and fallen jaw, pale and cold, bearing the manifest impress of death’s signet, began to glow with returning animation; the pulse, which had long ceased, returned to the wrist; at first small and quick, by degrees it became more and more distinct … and in the short space of half and hour, when six pints had been injected, she expressed in a firm voice that she was free from all uneasiness, actually became jocular, and fancied all she needed was a little sleep.

Diarrhea can very easily be death by dehydration, especially when you can’t consume oral fluids (Cholera causes extreme vomiting as well). Not only did we solve part of the problem with clean water, the other half was learning how to put clean water into our bodies (with salt).

Also fun fact, Thomas Latta was active in England at the same time as John Snow, the father of epidemiology, also in response to the Cholera epidemics at the time.

Me, holding a tourniquet, easy glide 24G catheter, vein finder, 500 watt fluorescent lights at full blast over my hydrated 30 year old patient: Damn, I missed.

Dr. Thomas Latta: having NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE probably with a 16G dirty needle, rubber tubing, weak sunlight on a DEHYDRATED FRAGILE LADY: bitch

i like to watch a lot of food vlogs on youtube and youtube started recommending me like restricted eating/ed vlogs…????????????????????????????????????????????? what lol

2 hours and 30 minutes ?!!

2 hours and 30 minutes ?!!


Duffers ?!!This is the length of a full movie… No wait, it’s actually more than the length of an average film!What the hell ?


The finale is 2 hours and 30 minutes ?!! This is insane!

What the fu-



my parent is a wildfire rehabilitator and someone dropped off an orphaned baby bird earlier today and oh my god i have still not been able to get over it. you guys… it’s so ugly…… it’s so so ugly and i love it so much and it is the absolute cutest thing i have ever seen and i Would jump in front of a moving truck to protect it

my son scronge who has every disease

i am receiving reports that my parent has been dropped off more baby starlings.

Someone in the entire Universe: Hey, have you ever heard about Earth? That tiny cute planet? You can live there and be happy

Everyone: Hmmmm

Someone else: Or you can colonised it/destroy/use for food or like place for battle/play with citizens…

Everyone: Iiiiiintrestiiing

I scrolled ALL the way to the end of my blog (ow) to see what damage the Great Purge may have done,

I scrolled ALL the way to the end of my blog (ow) to see what damage the Great Purge may have done, and literally the only 3 posts flagged like this are text posts. And all of them are reply posts. What is wrong with these? Is it other people’s avatars? The number of “links”? Did anyone else get this?
*rolls eyes forever*

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If i ever space out just know that this is what’s on my mind
