


The 3 Main Types of Personal Spirit Guides:

These are the four main types of personal spirit guides which split spirit guides up into 3 categories based on the relationship of when, and how you came in contact with them.

Soul Guide:

A soul guide is a guide that has been your guide in another or multiple incarnations. They probably met up with you in a different life, or in between lives, and are now a more constant part of your soul group, spirit council, or spirit family. These entities are usually very connected to you, because of the past that you share, even if you do not remember it. Soul guides are also a lot more connected to your higher self.

Lifetime Guides:

Lifetime guides are guides that are going to be an entity that sticks with you throughout your entire life. These guides are assigned at birth, and will connect with you during this lifetime. They may choose to leave once the life is done, or may continue on with you depending upon many different factors.

Short-term Guides, and Temporary Guides:

Short-term guides also sometimes referred to as temporary guides are guides that will show up from time to time in your life. These guides usually come into your life in order to teach you a lesson and then will leave once the lesson is learned. They will usually come in the form of animals, or mythical creatures, so that you can receive your message from whatever form they take. They will come to you in times of great need, dire situations, or when you must learn a life lesson, and will last with you and tell that time is complete.

The roles of the guides:

These are the main roles that guides usually fit into. A guide can take up one of these roles, or they can take up multiple of them, or multiple guides can take up the same roles.

Main Spirit Guide, and Primary Spirit Guide:

The main spirit guide also sometimes referred to as the primary spirit guide is the entity that watches over the rest of your soul group, spirit council, or spirit family, and will make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to. these guides will communicate and even manage, or coordinate the rest of your soul group, spirit council, or spirit family in order to keep everything going smoothly, and in line with your higher self’s plan. Main Spirit guides are usually going to be lifetime guides, or soul guides.

Teacher Guides, and Philosopher Guides:

Teacher guides also sometimes referred to as philosopher guides is a guy that teaches you lessons that you need to learn, and will help you figure out things in your personal life. They will try to teach you everything they think you need to know, and will try to do it in the best manner for you, and when you are ready to learn it. These types of guides are very intuitive, intelligent, reasonable, wise, and logical. They will usually focus on specific teachings that they are assigned to teach you by your higher self. These guides will help you problem solve and help you work through certain situations in order to better yourself. Teacher guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Helper Guides:

Helper guides are guides that will try to help you with anything that you need to accomplish. They are a lot like good friends that you can always count on for assistance, and will help you achieve a certain desire, or outcome. These guides will usually be called on by the practitioner in order to ask for their help in certain situations, but the guide can always help without being asked. Helper guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Healing Guides, and Doctor Guides:

Healing guides sometimes referred to as doctor guides our guides that are skilled in the act of healing. These guides are usually called upon when you need healing, or will help you heal when you are injured. These guides may even be short-term guides that pop in just to heal you when you are injured. A lot of the time these guides also take the form of animals in order to heal you using the energy of that animal. These guides may also help you in healing others, if you ask them to and can be powerful allies of channeling healing energies. Healing guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Joy guides, and Child Guides:

Joy guides sometimes referred to as child guides (not to be confused with guides that take the form of children) are guides that try to make you happy when you are feeling down, or need a pick-me-up. They usually will have a great childlike wonder which is why they are referred to sometimes as child guides. A lot of the time these guides are also very energetic, and optimistic allowing them always to make you feel good even in the darkest of times. Joy Guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Spirit Guardian, Protector Guides, Gatekeeper Guides, or Guardian Angel:

Spirit guardian also referred to as protector guides, gatekeeper guides, or guardian angel are guides that will watch out for your well-being. These guides will usually defend you from threats, and keep you out of harm’s way. This entity will also protect you when you open yourself up energetically, and will also keep away other entities that you do not want to interact with. They will also protect the connection of entities that you’re communicating with during spiritual communication. These guides may also tell you how to defend yourself, and will keep watch over you. Spirit guardians are usually going to be soul guides, or long-term guides, but can still sometimes be short-term guides in certain situations.

Journey Guide, and Message Bearer Guides:

Journey guides also referred to as messenger bearing guides are going to be usually short-term guides that show up with a message for you, and then leave after you receive the message, or after you complete a certain task. These guides will usually come out of nowhere to help you on your journey by giving you a certain wisdom, or understanding that you need. These Guides also usually take animal form in order to deliver their message through the animal symbolism they possess. These guides can be incredibly helpful when they make their presence known to you. A lot of the time they may give you a message in meditation, or in your dreams. Journey guide are most definitely going to be short-term guides.

Shadow Spirit Guides:

Shadow spirit guides are guides that challenge you to face the hidden parts of yourself that you don’t usually deal with. This usually makes you deal with such things as fears, insecurities, and hidden parts of your sub conscience, That you may have locked away. These guides may also take forms that you fear, or are uncomfortable around in order to show that they are indeed the shadow guide. They will do all of this in order to allow you to better yourself, and we’ll still have your common good at heart. Shadow guides are usually going to be soul guides, or lifetime guides.

Creative Guides:

Creative guides are guides that inspire, and motivate practitioners to create, and will try to get you to make, and create new things. They will try to be your muse, and can inspire arts, and can help clear artist block. Creative guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.


Hey everyone! I get SO many questions on how to begin deity-work that I went out of my way to create a comprehensive guide on how to get started with it!

This is a guide documenting literally everything I know about spirit and deity work to date. Topics includes definitions, developing discernment skills, magic basics, identifying impostors, oathing, patrons, and basically anything else I could think of.

You can find the guide linked in the pinned post on my tumblr. Look for “Deity and Spirit Work 101.”

Happy reading!

Ostara, spring equinox spell

Soon I will be selling spells on etsy‍♀️ merry meet and merry part‍♀️
