#will poulter


What Dreams are Made of

(Gally x Reader)

Heeyy, help yourselves to a little bit of spice. It’s really hard to avoid it for long with this man lol Or maybe it’s just me and I can’t help it ‍♀️ Enjoy!
Warning: NSFW themes, no actual smut though.

The sun was beating down on Gally as he headed over to the hut he shared with you, mentally cursing himself for having left his measurement journal in there earlier. At moments like this he really missed having a tool belt like he did back in the Glade - it sure used to make his job as a builder easier.

It was barely an hour past lunch time at the Safe Haven and while some of your friends would usually still be lounging around by the beach, Gally was all too eager to get back to work. Of course, he couldn’t have predicted how difficult getting back to work was about to become for him in just a few short minutes.

As Gally’s tall burly form entered the hut, the door closing behind him, he was immediately met with a sight that brought an uncontrollably soft smile to his freckle-dotted face.

It was you. On the bed, laying on your side with your arm tucked underneath your head. Your eyes were closed in peaceful slumber, form perfectly still aside from the small movement of your even breathing, your slightly parted lips almost calling out for him to come wake you up with a kiss.

Gally wasn’t planning on it, though it was tempting. You rarely took naps during the day, so he figured you must’ve been pretty exhausted. His gaze, etched with affection, trailing up and down your sleeping frame, he walked past the bed and over to the makeshift desk he kept some of his stuff in.

He began rummaging through it in search for his journal when he heard slight movement coming from behind him, followed by a breathy murmur.


His brows propped upwards as he promptly turned to the sweet sound, expecting to find you fluttering your eyes open.

To his surprise, they were still closed and you were still very much asleep, though you had shuffled to lay on your back.

Were you dreaming about him? The thought of it widened Gally’s smile, a wave of warmth engulfing his heart. Judging by the serene expression on your face, he was positive it wasn’t a nightmare. Just then, a blissful sigh escaped your delicate lips as his name tumbled from them once again, your tone even softer than the first time.


Now you definitely had his full attention. It didn’t escape his notice how your breathing seemed to gradually grow more shallow. One of your hands clutched at the pillow as your back arched ever-so-slightly off the bed, but that small movement was enough to make Gally’s pulse quicken, a fiery gleam flickering in his piercing green eyes as realization hit him.

So it was that kind of dream… fascinating.

His smile melting into an impish smirk, he carefully approached the bed, lowering himself to sit next to you as his gaze traced every detail of your smooth face, watching every little twitch like it was the most intriguing thing in the world. Something from deep within his subconscious suggested that the right thing to do was leave, and if you weren’t his girlfriend he absolutely would have done just that.

But you were. You were his, he was yours, and at this very moment you were having a sex dream about him. Gally couldn’t imagine the natural disaster that had to occur in order to make him leave right now.

His name fell from your lips once more, followed by a hushed whimper that clearly had nothing to do with pain. On the contrary, whatever was happening in your dream, you were undoubtedly enjoying it.

Gally couldn’t deny how hot this was making him either, he could already feel a building pressure beneath his lower abdomen. The smirk that played at his lips remained unfaltering as he lowered his head until his mouth was mere inches away from your ear.

“What do you want, baby…?” His whisper fanned your skin as you let out the softest of moans in your sleep.

Gally swallowed a groan at the delicious sound, a prominent heat circling his groin.

“Tell me…”

You exhaled a gust of air, his low whisper reverberating through your body as you replied as coherently as you could, considering you were still dreaming.


Gally’s lips brushed the shell of your ear “I’m right here.”

You whined almost helplessly, your head tilting backwards “You… inside me…”

Gally’s jaw clenched at the mumbled words that sent his mind into a frenzy. He almost considered waking you up so he could give you what you wanted but the better part of him decided against it.

His breath washing over your skin, he whispered “That can be arranged… but you’ll have to be awake for it, baby.”

Gally then withdrew, brushing a strand of hair out of your slightly flushed face as your laboured breathing seemed to slowly level out, your form relaxing as no further whimpers fell from your lips. He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before getting up and going to grab his journal. It was a miracle he still remembered why he had gone into the hut in the first place, but god was he glad he didn’t miss this.


Your eyes fluttered open, an afternoon sluggishness pervading your limbs as you grunted quietly, sitting up on the bed. You weren’t sure how long you’d been asleep but by the light filtering though the window you guessed it still wasn’t too late in the day. Bit by bit, the recollection of the dream your nap had brought you flooded your brain, causing blood to rush to your cheeks. It was so vivid, you could almost still hear Gally’s low voice in your ear, could still feel the warmth of his strong body hovering over you.

A little grin tugged at your lips as you attempted to shake the naughty thoughts out of your head. You would have to get back to them later, maybe even tell Gally… surely that was something he’d be most interested in.

Regardless, it would have to wait. Right now you needed to get back to your job - you sort of felt bad for leaving Gally to work on the new supply shack on his own while you were taking a nap. You knew he most likely didn’t mind, but your conscience couldn’t have that.

With a final stretch of your arms, you hopped off the bed and slipped out of the hut, making your way over to your designated working area for the next couple of days.

As soon as your eyes landed on him, a smile brightened your face along with the rays of sunlight hitting it. Though his features were relaxed, his eyes showcased nothing but concentration as he sawed through a piece of wood for what would eventually be a door.

Gally grinned as you approached him, standing up on your tippy toes to peck his cheek as he playfully pinched your hip.

“Wow, look who showed up. Enjoyed your nap, baby?”

You rolled your eyes, nudging him in the side. Despite knowing he was only messing around, his chastising tone didn’t help your case.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep, I was just…” you shrugged, guiltily “A bit tired today, I guess.”

Gally shook his head before pecking your temple “I’m kidding, Y/N. Better you do that than work yourself into oblivion.”

You chuckled, looking up at him with slightly narrowed eyes “Right, because that’s something only you can do around here.”

Your boyfriend scoffed, your smartass comment earning you another pinch as you yelped with a light laugh.

Gally glanced over your form, his mind calling back to the earlier moment in the hut as he quickly busied his hands with filing down the piece of wood in front of him. For a minute there he almost thought he could resist teasing you about it. Almost.

“Had any dreams?” He inquired, his tone as nonchalant as could be.

The mere question shot a tingly spark down your spine as your eyes fixated on his face. You couldn’t tell if he knew something or was merely asking and his casual manner gave you no clues.

“None that I remember.” You plastered a smile, still planning to keep that whole thing to yourself, at least until a bit later.

The corner of Gally’s lips twitched with a smirk “Are you sure? Need a second to think about it?”

You bit the inside of your lip, your face immediately feeling hotter as you stared at him. Oh, he knew. He definitely knew, didn’t he? He must’ve stopped by the hut while you were asleep and heard something. Though something in you couldn’t help feeling a bit embarrassed, you hurried to shut it down. You were not going to be embarrassed about that. You were thinking about telling him anyway, and if it had to happen earlier than you’d planned… oh well.

You sighed, pursing your lips as Gally’s smirk widened in spite of his clear attempts to fight it back “You were at the hut earlier, weren’t you?”

Your boyfriend glanced over to you “Maybe.”

“How much did you hear?”

“Oh, I heard enough.” Gally released a deep chuckle as he finally turned his body towards you, his hands propping up on his broad hips. “Sucks that I couldn’t really help you out but I hope it ended well. I mean, it always does when you’re awake.”

You cursed under your breath, his cheeky grin only adding fuel to the fiery specks coursing through your body at his teasing. Nonetheless, you held Gally’s gaze, refusing to falter.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“Why would I? It sounded like you were having a good time.”

You mirrored his grin, stepping closer to him as your arms snaked around his neck. If he thought he could taunt you and you wouldn’t say anything back, he thought wrong.

“I was… Not as good as when you’re actually on top of me, though.”

Now it was Gally’s turn to feel hot in the face. His hands wasted no time latching onto your hips and pulling you into him as his penetrating gaze ignited with yearning. Just like you wanted. You decided to take it further as your leaned up to his ear, feeling his fingers digging into your clothed skin.

“Not sure if I remember it right, but… I believe something was to be arranged after I woke up. That offer still good?” Your plainly seductive whisper coaxed a longing grunt from Gally’s throat as he pulled back an inch.

The builder’s heated stare flickered between your eyes and your inviting lips while his calloused fingers snuck underneath your top, tracing the skin of your lower back.

“There’s a shotgun in my desk, bottom left drawer. If I ever say Noto something like this, feel free to use it on me.”


Already Gone

(Gally x Reader)

Requested by anon. This is hurt/comfort at its finest with a sprinkle of good ole’ fluff at the end because heaven knows I can’t live without it lol Enjoy!

Silence. Nothing had ever rung louder than the blaring silence, heavy with dread and utter disbelief. All you could do was stare at the scratchy grey concrete as the loathsome sound of the doors booming to a close still echoed through the glade.

Alby. Minho. The Greenie. All three of them gone… just like that? No, it couldn’t be real, it had to be a nightmare, one you would surely wake up from at any second. There was no way the glade had just lost its leader, the Keeper of the Runners and the newbie - all in one go.

So why weren’t you waking up?

You couldn’t remember how you had managed to drag your feet away from the walls and make it to one of the benches not far from Frypan’s shack. Everything around you felt like a blur, static coursing through the air and numbing your senses.

It was already dark and still eerily quiet. Dinner time was undeniably cheerless and glum tonight, only the faint sounds of an occasional mutter or a clink of a fork just barely reaching your ears.

The glade was in shock. No one had been lost to the Maze in a very long time. In the two years that you’ve been there, you hadn’t seen it happen once, only heard stories about a dark time that haunted the memories of the ones that had been there the longest. What the hell was happening now? Just yesterday you had to say goodbye to Ben in the most gruesome circumstances imaginable. And today you were down by three more? It seemed surreal. Even though it had happened right before your very eyes, your mind couldn’t wrap around it.

Your jaw clenched, tension reverberating through your body as you shakily stood up, feeling the overpowering need to distance yourself from everything and everyone. Your limbs felt heavy, like your veins were pumping liquid iron instead of blood, as you trudged over to a desolate log, away from the others, away from the hopeless and somber whispers.

Tears were beginning to sting your eyes as your hands gripped at the rough wood beneath your palms, the scabrous ridges digging into your soft skin.

Alby was your friend, so was Minho… they both had been. You still remembered your first day in the glade, Alby’s kind gaze and comforting tone as he helped you settle in and assured you that you were safe around him, just as you were around everyone else. He had always been the one everyone knew they could turn to for support or any kind of help. He’d been the best leader anyone could have asked for. He’d been there from the start, laid foundation to making the glade into what it was now, and he’d done a great shucking job. You could hardly imagine the place without Alby, he seemed like such an integral part of it.

And Minho… though you had only ever had the chance to talk to him after work hours, his contagious smile, easy-going manner and witty sense of humor had quickly turned him into one of people you’d say you were closest to. Whenever you’d feel particularly beat after a hard day, he’d always have a joke to elevate the mood and make you believe that no matter what, tomorrow would be better.

The greenie… Thomas… though you had only known him for a couple of days, he seemed like a decent guy, even if a little too curious for his own good. What he had done, running into the maze like that, was nothing short of mad. It was practically suicide and your heart clenched at the thought of his journey ending when it had just barely begun.

A sudden weight lowering down next to you pulled you out of your spiral of anguished thoughts as you looked over to the side, attempting to blink back your misery.

Your red-rimmed eyes were met by Gally’s heavy and dreary gaze as he moved closer to you, his insides churning at the sight of his girl so utterly distraught and grief-stricken.

“How are you holding up?”

Though it did seem like a silly question to ask, all things considered, it was decidedly better than “You okay?”. Of course you weren’t okay - no one was at the moment.

Your swallowed a sob as you looked up into your boyfriend’s caring eyes, knowing he was looking for a way to bring you comfort, yet struggling to find one.

“I-I can’t believe they’re gone…” Your trembling voice uttered, another salty tear escaping the corner of your eye and rolling down your cheek. You didn’t want to break down, wanted to spare Gally the ache of watching you quake and sob without being able to help you, so you tried to keep it together as much as you could.

Gally’s gaze lowered, his muscular arm lifting to wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into the warmth of his hold as you bit the inside of your cheek, leaning into him and hiding your face in his broad chest. Quiet sniffles escaped you as he rubbed your back up and down in what he hoped was a soothing motion.

He didn’t know what to say. Truly, he didn’t. A part of him wanted to tell you that there was still a chance of Alby, Minho and the greenie making it back to the glade, but he wasn’t sure it would be right to give you false hope. No one has ever survived a night in the maze - that was the harsh reality. And there was nothing to suggest that this time would be different. Still, Gally felt like he had to say something. Even if he didn’t believe it himself.

“Maybe they’re not gone yet.” He muttered into your hair, lips pressed to your temple as you held onto him.

Your head lifted, your teary eyes meeting his once more as your chest constricted with another weak sob.

“You really think they could survive out there?”

The very implication felt impossible. The maze promised nothing but death at night, with Grievers lurking around the corners, seeking out the first chance to devour their pray. Plus, from what you had witnessed, Alby was already out and you could only guess what kind of shape Minho was in. As for Thomas… not only was he not a runner and didn’t know anything about the maze, but he had also proven himself to be on the reckless side. If he survived, it’d be a shucking miracle.

Gally exhaled a deep sigh as he looked at you, his warm thumb brushing away your tears in a gentle caress.

“I think we’ll know for sure when the doors open in the morning and not a minute sooner. So until then… there’s still hope.” He replied, trying not to let a single note of doubt falter his tone. Maybe if he said it confidently enough, he might actually attain some of that hope as well, as difficult as it was.

Despite the idea of the boys returning safe and relatively unharmed sounding more like wishful thinking, Gally’s words and deep comforting voice managed to slightly lift the massive weight of grief pushing down on you. A tiny speck of faith found its way into your heart, igniting like a lone match in a dark hallway.

You gave him a weak nod, a resemblance of a small smile touching the corner of your mouth. Gally hugged you tightly to his chest, letting you bury your face in the crook of his neck, your leftover tears dampening his skin.

No matter the awful turn of events that had led to this moment, the fear that seeped through the cracks of the maze walls, you were thankful that you at least had Gally. You had him through everything. He was your rock, your protection, your main source of happiness in this godforsaken place. If anyone had any power to make you feel better, it was him.

The tension pervading your form began fading as you allowed yourself to succumb to the warmth and safety of Gally’s arms. The builder carded his fingers through your hair, his heart thumping against yours as his closeness sheltered you from the horrors of your small and damaged world.

Whatever the next morning would bring, you believed you could handle it, so long as Gally was right there with you. Even if the the pain was only just beginning… you wouldn’t have to face it alone. You would never be alone. That much, Gally would ensure.


King Will Poulter once again never missing a beat

Will, Archie and Florence hanging out in Ibiza OOF have mercy on me

i mean he did slip acid into my tea but still…


The pics are on Twitter and I can’t find the fan information to give him credit for sharing them. I do not have a Twitter account.

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Midsommar (2019)

Directed by Ari Aster
Cinematography by Pawel Pogorzelski

“I can feel it! I feel the baby!”

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James Norton and Imogen Poots attend the Thom Browne Fall 2022 runway show – New York City, 29 April 2022.

Photographed with Thom Browne, Teyana Taylor, Iman Shumpert and Will Poulter

just saw a picture of Florence Pugh sitting next to Will Poulter and that picture just made my day.

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In this Agatha Christie adaptation, our hero Bobby Jones (Will Poulter) is caught while snooping around a mental hospital. He’s overpowered by a couple of goons and knocked out with an injection and wakes up strapped to a chair.

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