#wise quotes


The point is your hardly remember the perfect things and when perfect goes wrong those are the memories that last forever


“All humans are born with the potential to live thousands of different lives, yet we end up having lived only one. One of the central tasks of anthropology consists of giving accounts of some of the other lives we could have led.”

Clifford Geertz


“But eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart.”

syedrezaabbas: “Morning surely shines for those who have vision.” Imam Ali (as)Nehjul Balaghah


“Morning surely shines for those who have vision.”

Imam Ali (as)
Nehjul Balaghah

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As my grandma was slowly dying in the hospital, she said:

“Make sure you keep your humour till the bitter end. Because once you loose that, you’ve lost it all.”


When you think about it, all monsters were once human.


When life gives, death reclaims.


Our lives are like a simple game, one wrong move and it’s game over.


We all live on borrowed time.


Now a days you’re just forced to become someone that you’re not and live in fear.


Mental illness is like any other illness, if left untreated it costs a life.

— An Angel That Writes
