#witch school

It’s crazy to me to think that we are in such survival mode with finances that ‘side hustles’ are a

It’s crazy to me to think that we are in such survival mode with finances that ‘side hustles’ are a regular thing now. Don’t get me wrong, I hate hustle culture. I believe we all should be pursuing our passions but not to the level of toxic self-destruction. 

So why the side hustle? Because we all need money, and witchy side hustles can oftentimes manifest into lucrative careers. Nothing makes me happier than a witch living their best life making a career out of doing what they were born to do. 

If you have another idea you want to add to the list, or drop a comment below!

Read tarot -This one is by far the one I see the most often, and that’s not a bad thing. I have my go-to favorite tarot readers for different things because I feel like tarot readers are not all built the same. Some styles of reading work better for life paths and some for career choices. Nothing is better than an abundance of tarot readers. Plus you can create a large audience by using Instagram or TikTok and this one requires almost no start-up money. 

Spell services - I’m not always a fan of selling witchy services because some people seem kind of shady or are in it just to make money and not really having any background in witchcraft or occultism BUT I put it on here. If you genuinely care about your clientele and want to spread the magic by offering great spell casting services, then this might be the side hustle for you.

Etsy shop - I am not remarkable at selling on Etsy and have never really had a tremendous amount of luck with that site, but that’s not to say you won’t. I’m also an avid Etsy shopper and have found loads of witchy shops selling everything from blended oils to fixed candles on the platform. 

Blog- Then there’s the blog. This is the space where I find the most success, but what I often don’t find are a lot of other witchy blogs. Sure, there’s a bunch out there, but it doesn’t seem as over-saturated as say a cooking or your basic mom blog. Although I don’t, you can make money off of advertising and other ad revenues. 

Write books - If you have a knack for writing, try penning your own book. You can go the traditional route of seeking out a publishing agent, but honestly, self-publishing is so huge right now. So many books with so much great content, definitely worth taking a look at. Who knows you could be the next big thing in witch books. 

Teach classes - Is there a local witch shop nearby? Have you thought about hosting classes or teaching workshops on various witchy subjects? In my experience I have found so many people interested in learning more about the craft, it could be a noteworthy start to a rewarding career. 

Create lifestyle goods - Lifestyle goods to me are things like shirts, stuff for your house, coffee mugs. Printify and Printful are two websites to get things rolling in the merchandise world.

Cottage food - Cottage food to me are things like jellies, jams and preserves. Think kitchen witch vibes. If you’re already a gourmet cook with a penchant for magic, this could be the space for you.

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“Welcome to Advanced Potions”I’ve had this idea for a while and recently completed this as part of a

“Welcome to Advanced Potions”

I’ve had this idea for a while and recently completed this as part of a tutorial highlighting my process for an upcoming illustration magazine. I’ll share more about that as it gets closer to the publication date. In the mean time stay safe and remember the spell ‘Lavate Las Manos.’

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Hey everyone sorry I’ve been absent so long!

Between some big projects I’ve been working on and school and work and dealing with a stomach ulcer I just haven’t had the time or spoons to be on here almost at all and for that I want to apologize! I will try to fill all requests shortly!!

In the meantime, feel free to come check out my latest project, an online school where students can learn witchcraft! We are still accepting students for this term until november 1st, so sign up now if you would like to join!


