#witch lady

I love it when the seasons change. Each shift of warmer to cooler months feels like a fresh start, a

I love it when the seasons change. Each shift of warmer to cooler months feels like a fresh start, and the seasonal magic is really where it’s at. In the summer I like to focus on cleansing, doing things outside and lots of gatherings. But in the winter things change to a more personal perspective and I want to work on inner growth and spending time with myself. 

I’ve put together a list to give witches some ideas on what they can do this winter. Feel free to add to it in the comments and write your own take on things. Happy winter witches!

1 Winter spell jar - Sometimes I like to create a fresh spell jar for the season. I view this jar as me, my psychic energy, and I place it in things I want to cultivate during the season. Maybe it’s an image of the High Prestress from tarot, because I want to learn to connect more to my higher self. Or maybe it’s a rose quartz because I need to work on self-love. Place it in whatever feels right for you and leave it out to remind yourself of where you’re going this season. 

2 Melt away the stress snow spell - Collect snow from outside and bring it in. Pace it in the center of a circle of white candles. Say your intention over the snow and let it melt away whatever you were stressing over. Modify this spell in any way you want as a release spell. 

3 Collect snow for other spells - Snow melts. But you can use it otherwise in place of water during the winter. You can use it to cleanse crystals or wash ritual items. If you’re feeling very witchy you can collect snow from graveyards. Just be mindful of ‘who’ you’re collecting the snow from if it’s from the tops of graves. 

4 Cinnamon ornaments - Make cinnamon ornaments with cookie cutters, glue and powdered cinnamon. Mix together and make a dough, cut out with cookie cutters and tie up with string. Not only does cinnamon smell good, it brings in prosperity energy.

5 Winter wish fire spell - If you have a fire going, use it to write a wish on a bay leaf and toss it in the fire. 

6 Winter graveyard walk - Nothing is prettier than an old graveyard covered in snow. Walk around and take it in. Leave pennies as offerings to anything guarding the cemetery.

7 Winter offering - Don’t forget your ancestors this winter. Leave them out their favorite holiday treats, drinks, or light candles in memory of them. 

8 Yule ornaments - Collect pine cones, sticks, or berries from outside and make yule ornaments to hang on your Christmas tree. 

9 Pine cone candle holders - Pine cones also make great candle holders. Cut them in half and hollow out a space for a candle on the inside. Perfect if you want to add a little winter decor to your magical working space. 

10 Charm your soup for a winter healing spell - The winter blues is real, and this spell helps with feeling blah during the cold months. Make a soup (any soup, really) and say your intention over it. Mix your spoon clockwise and imagine a white light mixing into your soup, while you eat it imagine it going into your body and warming you up from the inside. 

11 Herb jar candles - Evergreen is a nice winter herb to burn and looks great in candles. Make your own jar candles with melted wax and jars you might already have. Add evergreen herbs and even white quartz crystals to the tops of your candles.

12 Lavender sachets - If you’re having trouble sleeping, make a lavender sachet. Use purple felt and sew up three sides. Flip inside out and fill with lavender herb. Sew up the remaining side. 

13 Bird feeders - Love making these during the winter. Only because I feel like birds need a break too and there’s less food for them during the winter months. Take a toilet paper roll and smear peanut butter on them, then roll them in bird seed. (Kind of preschool project, I know.) Hang them outside on your trees. 

14 Read read read! - Since most people are spending more time inside during the winter, it’s the perfect time to catch up on any witchy reading. Try your local library and see what they have on witch books, cook books and more. 

15 Orange slices - Make orange slices for citrus cleansing baths by slicing fresh oranges very thin and baking them on low 175 degrees for 3-4 hours or until they are dry. String them along for a garland for another variety. 

16 Winter blessing - Do a winter blessing spell for you and your loved ones. 

17 Baked breads and cakes - Lavender bread is my favorite but make sure you purchase edible lavender herb first. Try cinnamon cakes or anise for a winter theme. Look up the meanings of the herbal properties before adding them into your dough. 

18 Tea leaf reading - The colder months are a great time to brush up on your tea-leaf reading. You’ll need loose tea leaves and a keen eye to pick out the shapes in the cup. 

19 Tarot meditation - Brush up on your tarot by doing tarot meditations. Choose a tarot card that you would like to connect with more closely. Light a candle and place the card in front of you. Close your eyes and meditate with the card taking in any messages, feelings or visuals you receive. 

20 Write your grimoire - Get creative and start your own grimoire with your favorite spells and rituals. 

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It’s crazy to me to think that we are in such survival mode with finances that ‘side hustles’ are a

It’s crazy to me to think that we are in such survival mode with finances that ‘side hustles’ are a regular thing now. Don’t get me wrong, I hate hustle culture. I believe we all should be pursuing our passions but not to the level of toxic self-destruction. 

So why the side hustle? Because we all need money, and witchy side hustles can oftentimes manifest into lucrative careers. Nothing makes me happier than a witch living their best life making a career out of doing what they were born to do. 

If you have another idea you want to add to the list, or drop a comment below!

Read tarot -This one is by far the one I see the most often, and that’s not a bad thing. I have my go-to favorite tarot readers for different things because I feel like tarot readers are not all built the same. Some styles of reading work better for life paths and some for career choices. Nothing is better than an abundance of tarot readers. Plus you can create a large audience by using Instagram or TikTok and this one requires almost no start-up money. 

Spell services - I’m not always a fan of selling witchy services because some people seem kind of shady or are in it just to make money and not really having any background in witchcraft or occultism BUT I put it on here. If you genuinely care about your clientele and want to spread the magic by offering great spell casting services, then this might be the side hustle for you.

Etsy shop - I am not remarkable at selling on Etsy and have never really had a tremendous amount of luck with that site, but that’s not to say you won’t. I’m also an avid Etsy shopper and have found loads of witchy shops selling everything from blended oils to fixed candles on the platform. 

Blog- Then there’s the blog. This is the space where I find the most success, but what I often don’t find are a lot of other witchy blogs. Sure, there’s a bunch out there, but it doesn’t seem as over-saturated as say a cooking or your basic mom blog. Although I don’t, you can make money off of advertising and other ad revenues. 

Write books - If you have a knack for writing, try penning your own book. You can go the traditional route of seeking out a publishing agent, but honestly, self-publishing is so huge right now. So many books with so much great content, definitely worth taking a look at. Who knows you could be the next big thing in witch books. 

Teach classes - Is there a local witch shop nearby? Have you thought about hosting classes or teaching workshops on various witchy subjects? In my experience I have found so many people interested in learning more about the craft, it could be a noteworthy start to a rewarding career. 

Create lifestyle goods - Lifestyle goods to me are things like shirts, stuff for your house, coffee mugs. Printify and Printful are two websites to get things rolling in the merchandise world.

Cottage food - Cottage food to me are things like jellies, jams and preserves. Think kitchen witch vibes. If you’re already a gourmet cook with a penchant for magic, this could be the space for you.

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Now that we’ve discussed how to cleanse your Oracles or Tarot cards deck, let’s move on to charging/blessing and storing it correctly. I will also teach you a small ritual to help you PASSIVELY manifest your goals with Tarot.

RELATED POSTS: What to Do with a New Tarot Deck? How to Cleanse, Charge & Store Your Tarot Deck? Beginner’s Guide.


How to Charge or Bless a New Tarot Deck?

You can charge your new Tarot deck once or you can charge it after every time you cleanse the cards to give it an energy boost.

Alternatively, people also wonder how to bless their new Tarot deck?

My favourite way to bless a Tarot deck is by chanting a beautiful Mantra or an affirmation.

Charging Tarot Cards Deck with Moonlight or Sunlight.


Full Moon is the perfect time to charge your new Tarot cards deck.

You can simply place the deck on the area of your home that is usually hit with Moon light.

You can also surround your deck with crystals. Not only you will also charge your crystals with powerful energy, you will also give some of that energy to your Tarot deck.


What I do NOT recommend:

I do not recommend charging your Tarot cards deck with direct Sunlight. Depending on the material used for your Tarot deck, this can result in images fading.

INSTEAD, you can wrap your Tarot cards in a cloth and only then put them under the Sunlight to charge.

Final Tip: I advise that if you use this method, you charge your deck with BOTH Moon and Sun lights to balance the feminine energy on the Moon and the masculine energy of the Sun.

Charging Tarot Cards Deck with Music

Sound is an excellent choice for charging objects.

Choose one from the following suggestions:

  • Sound Bowls. You can use regular metal singing bowls or a crystal bowl if you have it. Those vibrations are very powerful.
  • Mantra. If you are using Sanskrit Mantra, make sure you know the meaning and also try to choose something neutral and not dedicated to a deity, unless you are working closely with a specific God or Goddess. For example, Mantra “Aham Prema” (I am Love) is a better choice than “Om, Krishna”. Also, check out 108 Mantras, they are the most powerful. These are  essentially Mantras chanted 108 times, which is considered to be the sacred number.
  • Meditation music with affirmations. There are many to choose from on YouTube. Good example is “I am the light of my soul” by Snatam Kaur.

Charging Tarot Cards Deck with Elements - Simple New Tarot Deck Ritual

This method is incredibly powerful and great to give your Tarot cards or an oracle day the ultimate energy boost. It is also the longest one in a sense that it requires the most prep time.

Just like with Sun/Moonlight method, you’ve got to keep balance when it comes to elements.

You can’t turn to the power of Fire and Earth elements and leave out Water and Air.

So, if you are choosing this method, here are the instructions:

  • Place your elements according to the four directions: East - Air, South - Fire, West - Water, North - Earth.
  • Place Tarot cards or oracle cards deck in the middle.
  • Starting with East - Air, ask the element to charge your Tarot deck. Activate each element. For example, light a candle, ring the bell or pour water in the cup.
  • So a short meditation. Just imagine how the power of the elements is charging your Tarot cards.
  • When you are done, express gratitude to the Elements and the Source.

Choose from the following to represent each Element:

Air: incense, bell, feather, smudge stick

Fire: candle, burn paper or herbs in a cauldron

Water: fill a cup or chalice with water, place sea shells, collect rain water

Earth: place salt or soil on a plate, use crystals, plants or flowers


How to Store Your Tarot Cards Deck?

There are three options for you:

1. Store it in the original box. This is perfectly acceptable.

2. Store it in a nice pouch. Preferably, this should be made from a material that is not see through.

3. Store it in a scarf. No, not in your winter cashmere infinity scarf. For divination or Tarot deck storage, use a scarf that is beautiful, it can be bright in colours and it should have flowers. This is an old practice and there is a reason behind these specifics.

Why you should store your Tarot deck using these suggestions?

Well, you probably already know the answer. Tarot absorbs energy. Tarot gives energy. Tarot exchanges energy.

To prevent all this from happening in unnecessary times, it is better to keep your deck stored in a closed environment.



Final Bonus Tip!!

How to PASSIVELY Manifest Your Goals Using Tarot Cards!

What you need to do is take your Tarot cards deck and choose a card that will represent your desired goal. For example, you are seeking abundance, so you choose 10 of Pentacles.

Now, take the Court card that REPRESENTS YOU in the tarot deck.

This card will be the last one at the bottom of your deck, image facing you.

For the purposes of this exercise, stick to the astrological correspondence of the ELEMENTS. For example, if you are a female who is LEO, your Element is FIRE and your Tarot Court card is Queen of Wands.

(If you have no clue what your card is, leave a comment below and I will help you out.)

Place that “Manifestation” card, which is 10 of Pentacles in this example, on top of your court card, image facing INside of the deck.

So, your Queen of Wands image faces 10 of Pentacles.

This will create a closed energy loop and will work on passively manifesting your goal, while you are not using your cards.

If this description is confusing, check out my Instagram for video instructions.


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September 22nd is a special and magical day for Pagan communities. On this day a Fall Equinox takes place. It is the time when the length of day is equal to the length of night, and so are the forces of Light and Darkness. After this day we will continue to descent into shadows until the Darkness peaks on October 31st on Samhain - Witch’s New Year.

Mabon is a Pagan holiday celebrated on September 22nd. It has been celebrated for thousands of years. The name Mabon was given by Celts.

The name Mabon comes from a figure in Welsh mythology Mabon ap Modron and symbolizes male fertility in the cycle of myths about King Arthur. Witches  did not originally celebrate this Sabbat, just as the did not celebrate  Ostara, until the Scandinavian influence took over England. But  although the name came later, the holiday was recognized by people well  before Christianity.

On Mabon witches make new staffs and wands and carve Runes from elm wood. This tradition came from the Druids.

Mabon  symbolizes the end of fruit, vegetable and grain harvest. The Fall  Equinox reminds us about the fact that winter is near. For this reason,  traditionally on this day the Magick performed involves rituals that  would guaranty abundance and plenty over winter season.

While  many of us are privileged in this accord, we can use this energy  towards working on any matters that are related to abundance. This would  also be the last chance until the end of the year to work on these  Rituals during a Sabbat, as Samhain and Yule do not carry a necessary  energy.

And today I want to remind you about the simple things that are still so close to the heart to our true pagan nature within.

We all know of this unconscious desire to fill up our storages and pantries, wash the windows before the cold days, throw out things we no longer need.

Just as the Mother Nature, we are getting ready to slow down. We draw conclusions and get together with our friends and love ones.

Even though it seems like we didn’t want to let the summer go, suddenly something inside of you shifts and you can’t wait to put on that warm sweater, enjoy the cool air and a nice cup of tea (or pumpkin spice latte and no, I’m not ashamed to throw in here my love for pls).

Mabon Elements, Tools & Correspondences

Mabon Colours: Yellow, Gold, Red Brown, OrangeCandles: Yellow, Gold, Red, Brown or plain beeswaxFlowers & Plants: Asters, Chrysanthemum, Сarnations, Sunflowers, Chamomile, NutsFood: Apples, Pears, Wheat & GrainsMabon Gods & Goddesses: Mabon, Cernunnos, MorriganCrystals: Citrine, Amber, Tiger Eye Mabon Animals: Owl, Wolf, Dog, Eagle, HawkIncense: Myrrh, Pine, Cedar, Frankincense

So, what to do on this day? As always, let’s remember that this ancestral pagan holiday did not necessarily contain many sophisticated rituals and tools. Just like the Mother Nature is herself, it was pure and simple and yet filled with gratitude and joy. And this is what we will strive for too!

First of all, are three main components of Mabon: letting go, being grateful and sharing successes. Let’s break them all down.

Mabon Traditions: Letting Go

First and foremost, let’s say farewell! Let go of everything that NEEDS to go.

While I will offer you a Letting Go ritual below, I want to also remind you that on Mabon it is customary to literally get rid of things. So, roll up your sleeves and get through that Fall time cleaning, ridding yourself of unnecessary things and junk. It will also be a good idea to perform a throughout cleaning of your home.

There are many ways to perform letting go and banishing rituals but here are a few quick ways you can incorporate in your complete Mabon ritual routine.

Mabon Letting Go Ritual: Burn It!

Letting Go With Fire Ritual Tools:



 -Black or Neutral Colour Candle 


-Cauldron or any plate that can take on heat

The simplest way to let go is with fire. There are two benefits to this ritual. First of all, it allows you to concentrate and release everything you’ve been holding inside on a piece of paper. You will re-live some of the moments, you may cry, you may be feeling anxious. Know that all of these emotions are NORMAL and it is a necessary part of the process.

Second benefit to this is that you are working using the cleansing energy of the Fire Element and it is an incredibly powerful tool.

Begin by lighting a candle. It can be a black or neutral colour candle. For Christian Witches, as always you can go with a Church beeswax candle.

Start this ritual with a meditation. Relax and concentrate your mind. Pick and paper and pen. Write down everything you want to let go of, starting with your name: “I, Susan Smith, on this day of Mabon release the following:…..”

You can either make a bullet point list of things or just write down a story of everything you’ve been through that you no longer wish to carry with you into the Fall Season.

Once you are done, light your piece of paper on fire from your candle. Throw it into the cauldron or a plate and watch the Fire destroying your pain, past mistakes, people that hurt you and situations that brought you down.

You may conclude by saying: “And so it is done.”

Mabon Letting Go Ritual: Cut It Off!

This is a quicker version of “Letting Go Ritual” that, as a matter of fact, you can perform at ANY TIME when you feel you need to cleanse yourself or you have built up to much negativity or stress.

All you need for this Ritual is Athame, or any ritual knife.

If you don’t have one and have no time to order one for Mabon, you can use any knife BUT the moment you use it for ritual work, you can no longer use it in cooking. The handle of the knife should ideally be black and made of natural material.

* Disclaimer: Athame often tends to b blunt while the regular knife can be quite a sharp object, so be careful making your magick! For this reason, it is best if you perform this ritual in nature.

Stand tall holding your knife in your dominant hand. Concentrate you mind. Take 7 deep breaths.

Imagine your knife being a vessel. With the tip of the athame pointing towards you, take the knife on the journey around your body, starting from the top. Imagine how the knife sucks out and collects all the negative energy, illnesses or worries. It is similar to when you are cleaning yourself with herbal stick.

Work your way towards your feet. When you are done stand tall or sit down on your knees. Imagine everything you have extracted being inside of your athame. Now take a deep breath in. As you breath out fast and with force stick your knife into the ground. This will help to empty the vessel. As you are doing this, imagine the energy going back to the Source.

Mabon Traditions: Show Off, Admire and Recognize

On Mabon it is customary to…show off and brag!

Of course, it comes from a tradition of showing off the results of your harvest and the hard work you’ve put in. People would decorate beautiful tables and create tasty dishes to impress their neighbours.

But we can definitely adapt this tradition to our modern life.

First of all, invite people over and repeat the old tradition! Stores and craft shops are now filled with beautiful fall decorations but you can certainly make your own.

You can also put some fall flowers, such as chrysanthemum and asters.

Tell your friends or family that is coming over that you would like to share all your accomplishments in the past year (from the time of last Mabon) and want to certainly hear theirs! Begin with the most important events but try not to forget anything and be as detailed as you want.

If you feel like people will not be interested to hear your stories, then find those who are genuinely interested in your life but don’t forget that the interest should be mutually shared. Learn to also listen to others and recognize their victories with the same passions as you speak of yours.

You have no idea how inspiring it is! And if you are unsure, know that it’s most important to just begin :)

Also, it is a great day to recognize your children and their accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem to you.

Mabon Traditions: Feasts and Treats

As I mentioned before, it as customary on Mabon to show off the products of your harvest.

But of course, those were shared and guests were treated with tasty food. As you let your guests taste the food, accept acknowledge good comments and praises (hopefully your cooking skills are on point though ha-ha!).

You can exchange gifts, or even have your guests bring over the food too, so that you can share and praise each other. Recognition of the hard work your loved ones do is a very important part of Mabon.

Mabon Rituals: Invitations and Elemental Work

Mabon offers you the last chance to perform an invitation type of magick on a Sabbat for the year.

While you are doing the invite, try to incorporate Elements into your Ritual.

This is important, as you may want to balance the elements before Winter season comes. The Air Element will be dormant for the next 6 months and balancing the Elements beforehand will prevent the feelings of tiredness and sleepiness that are so prevalent in Winter months. Don’t mix those with a desire to sit quietly with a cup of hot tea watching the flames in your fireplace. This is perfectly acceptable and much needed.

How to easily incorporate Elements into your Ritual?

Choose materials that correspond to each element and place them on your Altar. Place them according to the hour directions:

East - Air

South - Fire

West - Water

North - Earth

What can you choose to represent each Element? Here’s a quick list to choose from:

Air: Burning incense, ringing a bell

Fire: Burning herbs, lighting candle

Water: Pour water in chalice or simply a cup

Earth: Place some soil, salt or a plant on your altar

This will help to bring the energies of elements in balance in your ritual and your life. Address each element and express gratitude for their help in your work.

What Is a Ritual Invitation?

Ritual Invitation simply means any work you do to manifest or “invite” something into your life.

It can include making a Spell or Manifestation Jar, doing Tarot or Rune magick or simply writing your wish on a piece of paper and setting it on fire.

Mabon is a great chance to work on Earthly matters, such and career or finance or perform abundance types of Rituals.

Whatever you choose, you may want to call upon the Gods or Ancestors to aid you in your working. Don’t forget to express gratitude to the Gods or Goddesses of choice by making an appropriate offering.

I hope this Blog post helps you to plan your Mabon this year. Happy celebration!

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Lammas/Lughnasadh Pagan Holiday

Lammas or Lughnasadh is a Pagan holiday celebrated on August 1st. It symbolizes the end of the summer period (yes, even though you may not want to hear that we are on our way to the end) and the beginning of magical fall.

The Lammas holiday is also closely connected to the harvest season.

It is traditionally believed that the period of Lammas celebration was very important in the religious communities, not only from the perspective of Pagan or Christian traditions  but also due to its agricultural significance.

Lammas versus Lughnasadh. What Is The Difference?

First of all, let’s talk about terminology a bit.

Lammas comes from Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, “loaf-mass”, therefore also known as Loaf Mass Day and it is a Christian holiday.

The celebration of this holiday by the Christian community is in part similar to what we will be discussing later. The holiday signifies a period of being blessed by the first gifts of the harvest season. The wheat collected is often used to make the Lammas bread that would later be brought to church for a blessing.

Lughnasadh or Lughnasa is the name used by the “Neopagan” community and just as Lammas, marks the beginning of the harvest period. It is the time when we are grateful for the abundance of the Mother Earth.

How to pronounce Lughnasadh?

The term Lughnasadh comes from the Irish spelling of the word. The Modern way of Irish  pronunciation is Lúnasa and pronounced Loo-nuh-suh. The Classical pronunciation is /’luɣ.nə.səð/ like LUGH-nuh-sudh (where “gh” is pronounced as i a word “give” and the “dh” is like the “th” in “that”.) It is probably the most correct pronunciation of Lughnasadh, as Lugh or Lug is the God from Irish mythology and the one this holiday is dedicated to at the first place.

How Lammas Originated?

Lammas came from a desire of people to thank and celebrate the “father” Sun and the Mother Earth for the fruits of their “love” - the harvest.

To bless the marriage of God and Goddess and ask for a buy dance and prosperity in the upcoming months.

It was considered that August 1st marks the first day of fall. And on August 2nd it was already the time to pick up the harvest and so the days of hunger and need would we over.

The holiday was widely celebrated in:

  • Ireland: the name Lughnasadh comes from the Irish God Lugh and is translated at “the marriage of Lugh.
  • Scotland
  • Isle of Man
  • In Slavic countries (called “medovyi spas”)

Let’s Talk More About The Harvest.

When we hear “Lammas”, we often think about the period of harvest right away. It is the most talked about moment of Lammas or Lughnasadh but we need to truly understand what stands behind the concept of harvest.

If you are a careful reader, you have noticed I specifically say the beginning of harvest. I also want to explain more what I mean by the time of being grateful.

You see, Lammas is the day of the beginning of the harvest period and NOT the time when we are assessing the outcome and are drawing conclusions of how successful we’ve been (there will be another holiday dedicated to this, called Mabon).

But the first day of harvest is the time when the quality of life changes. It is the time when it becomes predictable what expectations we can have and taste the first ripe fruits.

Simply put, it is the moment when something you worked so hard on, finally becomes tangible and it also becomes YOURS.

A skill you were developing is almost acquired but not to the point when it becomes a reflex. The investments you’ve made are starting to produce some cash flow but still need your attention.

You also need to understand that it is not possible to continuously perfect something or wait for an opportune moment.  At some point, you need to release into the world what you have the way it is and improve things on the go.

Where am I going with this philosophical deviation, you probably are wondering…

This is what Lammas period really is about. It is the time when we transition from preparation to action.

What does it mean for you in real life situation?

Lammas gives you are opportunity of the perfect time to do something you were afraid of doing.

It may be that you were working on a website for your very own blog but we’re too afraid to press that “publish” button, thinking it is not perfect yet.

Or you may have been writing a book but haven’t started to search for a publisher, changing and tweaking things in an attempt for it to be perfect.

You may have been doing research for a new job you always wanted or university program you wanted to apply for but haven’t felt ready to finally made the move and submit an application.

Do you see the pattern?

Lammas is the time when you were ALREADY in the process of doing something but haven’t had the energy for the final step. And this period of the first week of August is for you to pull yourself together and make the move.

And when Mabon comes, we will be assessing the results of our actions.

“Can I celebrate Lughnasadh if I’m not pagan?”

First of all, like I mentioned in my other Blog posts related to the Wheel of the Year, you don’t need to be Pagan to celebrate or acknowledge Wheel of the Year holidays.

RELATED:What Is Pagan Wheel of the Year and How to Celebrate It? Beginner Pagan’s Guide

You need to be aware of the existence of the energy of the Mother Earth, it’s changes and shifts and how this affects our lives.

So, What Can You Do To Celebrate Lughnasadh/Lammas?

Lammas/Lughnasadh Traditions and Rituals

Do Some Lammas Divination Work

The period from July 31st to August 6th is the perfect time for divination work. Tarot, Runes and oracles will provide with great messages, especially in career/money (material) and love questions (especially compatibility related).

Don’t forget to show gratitude to the Universe and Mother Earth. It is important to maintain the energy exchange, at the very least with the well known gratitude and love practices.

Show gratitude towards others too, don’t forget to show acknowledgment and say “thank you”.

Make Lammas Bread

During this period, it is the great time to infuse your food and drinks with the energy of love and gratitude, as well as thank the Source and the Planet for its generosity. Of course, the best way to celebrate this holidays is to make Lammas bread. I am giving you this quick bread recipe that does not require a lot of products or special skills

Lammas Abundance Bread Recipe

For this little Ritual you will need to make (not buy!) corn bread.

Lammas Bread Ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cup of corn flour
  • 1 ½ cup wheat flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ cup of sugar 2 tbs of cooled down melted butter
  • 4 cups of milk
  • 2 tsp of baking powder


Mix flour and salt together in a deep bowl.In a separate bowl with milk add baking powder;  then add sugar and butter.Mix all the ingredients together in one bowl until the consistency is that of a sour cream. It will not be similar to regular bread dough you may be making at home.

*While you are mixing, talk into the bowl anything you want to accomplish that is related to the abundance. Whatever the abundance means to YOU. It does not have to be financial. Maybe you will feel abundant and complete when you have a large family. Then go for it.

Pour the Lammas bread dough into a baking dish (don’t forget to butter the dish). Bake for about 40-50 minutes at 360 degrees F.When the colour is nice and golden, take the bread out and let it cool.

When you sit down for a meal, break off (not cut) a large piece of Lammas bread and say: “Large piece of bread in my hand will bring me abundance and plenty.” Don’t forget to share your food with the Gods (leave some bread in nature, the way you see fit and depending on the type of deity you are working with.)

Lughnasadh Home Blessing and Abundance Ritual

This ritual can be done during the same time as you are making your Lammas bread.

It is done to invite luck and abundance into your home. BUT. You can change your intent to protection, if you’d like.

All you need to do is to set aside some dough when you are making it for your break and create a figure of an animal. My personal suggestion is to select a farm animal due to the nature of the energy of this holiday.

When you are done, you will need to follow basic figure talisman activation steps. I have adapted the suggestions of Vadim Zeland for this.

*If you are interested in who Vadim Zeland is, click here to read more about him. His book Reality Transurfing has changed my life forever.

Animal activation steps:

  1. Come up with a name for your animal
  2. Take a deep breath. Now breathe into the animal, imagining giving it energy and life.
  3. Tell the animal its name. Tell it that you love and care for it and, in exchange, it’s helping you with (whatever you want to ask for).
  4. Place the animal anywhere in the house, depending on the task you give it.
  5. Don’t forget to revisit daily and remind the animal of your love and the important task it is doing for you.

Don’t forget to check out complete Blog Post on my website for more information on Lammas traditions, as well as my other Blog posts on Pagan holidays, Rune Meanings and more.

#lammas    #lughnasadh    #wheel of the year    #paganism    #baby wiccan    #baby witch    #witches    #witchlife    #witch lady    #witchy    #wiccapedia    #beginner wiccan    #pagan wicca    

Drew a fake artwork of Backer B :)

#a hat in time    #backer b    #witch lady    #habiart    
That axe tho

That axe tho

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