#wlw sapphic


I live for the little glimpses of beauty we see in everyday life…. a cute girl on the bus, a girl with pretty hair in the supermarket, a girl with cool boots on the street, a girl smiling at you on a walk…. just those quick little glimpses of everyday beauty always make me smile

i like the idea of holding a girl’s hand. like just holding her hand as we walk down the street, or through a field, or just anywhere to be honest

i just think that women in suits are beautiful. nothing is more powerful than a woman in a suit. if she wears a suit…. i fall in love

okay so i just want to dance in the rain with the girl i love is that so much to ask ?? like i just want to dance with her and not care about the rain because as long as I’m with her it wouldnt matter

sadly theres the small fact that i dont have a girlfriend to dance in the rain with

sometimes i forget that the word “wife” has a heterosexual meaning as well…. like i hear someone say “wife” and i think ahhh wlw so nice but…. men can have wives too how weird is that ??

i like the idea of holding a girl’s hand…. like that just seems so cute. just a little touch of affection and i bet it could make my insides melt
